1 Black, Sandy. The Sustainable Fashion Handbook. London: Thames & Hudson, 2012, p. 15.
2 “Urbane stammer” // D2, 21.11.2008.
3 The Beales of Grey Gardens (Maysles Films, 2006), реж. Альберт и Дэвид Мэйслесы.
4 «Серые сады» (HBO, 2009), реж. Майкл Сакси.
5 “Shakira and Pink Wear Same Dress to VMAs: Who Wore it Better?”, www.huffingtonpost.com, 14.11.2009.
6 “– Noen vil få sparken for dette”, www.kjendis.no, 19.05.2011.
7 «Одинокая белая женщина» (1992), реж. Барбе Шрёдер.
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9 Turney, Joanne. “As Seen on CCTV – anti social knitting and the horror of the ‘hoodie’”. Bath Spa University, 2009.
10 Sommer, Anne-Louise et al. (eds.) FLUX: Research at the Danish Design School. Copenhagen: The Danish Design School Press, 2009, p. 100.
11 “Designens DNA” // Personae, I/1, 2008, s. 14.
12 Mckinney-Valentin, Maria. “On the Nature of Trends: A Study of Trend Mechanisms in Contemporary Fashion”. Copenhagen: Danmarks Designskole, 2010.
13 “Roten til alt flott” // Personae, II/2, 2009, s. 12.
14 “Forsteder i flammer”, www.morgenbladet.no, 04.11.2005.
15 “Snurpete mote” // A-magasinet, 09.06.2006, s. 47.
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17 Ibid.
18 Ibid.
19 Ibid.
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21 Sommer, Anne-Louise et al. (eds.) FLUX: Research at the Danish Design School. Copenhagen: The Danish Design School Press, 2009, pp. 104–105.
22 “Roten til alt flott” // Personae, II/2, 2009, s. 14.
23 Von Teese, Dita. Burlesque and the Art of the Teese. New York: Regan Books, 2006, p. xxi.
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25 Свендсен, Ларс. Философия моды / пер. А. Шипунова. Москва: Прогресс-Традиция, 2007, с. 114.
26 Personae, I/1, 2008, s. 3.
27 “Rebel de jour”, www.guardian.co.uk, 15.08.2004.
28 “The Not So Mad Hatter”, www.telegraph.co.uk, 15.01.2006.
29 Woodward, Sophie. Why Woman Wear What They Wear. Oxford: Berg Publishers, 2007, pp. 1–2.
30 Ibid., pp. 85–88.
31 Ibid., p. 2.
32 Ibid., p. 83.
33 Boultwood, Anne; Jerrard, Robert. “Ambivalence, and its Relation to Fashion and the Body” // Fashion Theory, IV/3, 2000, p. 310.
34 Woodward, Sophie. Why Woman Wear What They Wear. Oxford: Berg Publishers, 2007, pp. 96–97.
35 “Raske skift” // A-magasinet, 13.04.2007, s. 46.
36 Ibid., ss. 47–48.
37 www.dagenshandel.se, 08.02.2006.
38 www.ginatricot.com.
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41 Worldwatch Institute, www.worldwatch.org.
42 www.hm.com.
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44 Свендсен, Ларс. Философия моды / пер. А. Шипунова. Москва: Прогресс-Традиция, 2007, сс. 51–52.
45 English, Bonnie. A Cultural History of Fashion in the 20th Century. From the Catwalk to the Sidewalk. Oxford: Berg Publishers, 2007, pp. 8–10.
46 Ibid., p. 31.
47 Ibid., p. 34.
48 Ibid., p. 42.
49 “British Style Genius” (BBC, 2008).
50 English, Bonnie. A Cultural History of Fashion in the 20th Century. From the Catwalk to the Sidewalk. Oxford: Berg Publishers, 2007, p. 82.
51 “British Style Genius” (BBC, 2008).
52 www.style.com.
53 “An Interview With Alber Elbaz”, www.video.nytimes.com, 09.11.2010.
54 British Vogue, November 2009, p. 160.
55 «Сентябрьский номер» (2009), реж. Р. Дж. Катлер.
56 Ibid.
57 Beskow, Elsa. Blomsterfesten. N.W.Damm & Søn.A.S, 1947, s. 10.
58 Ibid., s. 17.
59 “Den demokratiske mode?”, семинар в Датской королевской академии изящных искусств, 05.10.2009.
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61 “I kø for å føle seg rike” // A-magasinet, 17.11.2006, s. 46.
62 Ibid., s. 49.
63 Boultwood, Anne; Jerrard, Robert. “Ambivalence, and its Relation to Fashion and the Body” // Fashion Theory, IV/3, 2000, p. 301.
64 Johnson, Kim K. P.; Lennon, Sharron J. Appearance and Power. Oxford: Berg Publishers, 1999, p. 59.
65 Ibid., p. 63.
66 Ibid., p. 61.
67 Ibid., p. 62.
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69 S. K. Johnson et al. “Physical Attractiveness Biases in Ratings Of Employment Suitability: Tracking Down the ‘Beauty is Beastly’ Effect”. University of Colorado Denver, 2010.
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71 «Любовь зла» (2001), реж. Питер и Бобби Фаррелли.
72 www.tv2nyhetene.no.
73 www.dagbladet.no, 28.08.2009.
74 “Pent ansikt sanker stemmer”, www.forskning.no, 03.11.2008.
75 Pavitt, Jane. Fear and Fashion in the Cold War. London: V&A Publishing, 2008.
76 Paulicelli, Eugenia. Fashion under Fascism. Beyond the Black Shirt. Oxford: Berg Publisher, 2004, p. 21.
77 Свендсен, Ларс. Философия моды / пер. А. Шипунова. Москва: Прогресс-Традиция, 2007, с. 52.
78 Personae, III/4, 2009, s. 36.
79 Personae, I, 2009, s. 134.
80 Johnson, Kim K. P.; Lennon, Sharron J. Appearance and Power. Oxford: Berg Publishers, 1999, pp. 173–192.
81 Boultwood, Anne; Jerrard, Robert. “Ambivalence, and its Relation to Fashion and the Body” // Fashion Theory, IV/3, 2000, p. 301.
82 Ibid., p. 306.
83 “Størrelsen teller” // A-magasinet, 09.11.2007, s. 49.
84 “Fashion Victims: On the Individualizing and De-individualizing Powers of Fashion” // Fashion Theory, XIV/1, 2010, p. 97.
85 “The Not So Mad Hatter”, www.telegraph.co.uk, 15.01.2006.
86 “Rebel de jour”, www.guardian.co.uk, 15.08.2004.
87 Бытие, 3:7.
88 “Final Blow” // Vanity Fair, 09.2007, p. 230.
89 “Så vakker har vi aldri sett Mette-Marit”, www.minmote.no, 22.01.2011.
90 “VM-kveld”, www.nrk.no/nett-tv, 05.03.2011.
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92 “Du digger pene mennesker”, www.forskning.no, 15.08.2008.
93 “Pent ansikt sanker stemmer”, www.forskning.no, 03.11.2008.
94 “Forveksler skjønnhet og sannhet”, www.forskning.no, 08.11.2008.
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96 “Skjønnhet og helse – det ytre og indre” // SIFO, отчет № 1–2011, s. 8.
97 Ibid.
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99 www.vg.no, 08.03.2010.
100 Уэлдон, Фэй. Жизнь и любовь дьяволицы / пер. Н. Роговской. СПб: Амфора, 2005.
101 «Дьяволица» (1989), www.imdb.com.
102 The Literature, Arts, & Medicine Database, http://medhum.med.nyu.edu.
103 “Why Beauty Matters” (BBC, 2009).
104 Ibid.
105 “The Cult of Beauty: The Peacock Artists who Ruffled Feathers”, www.independent.co.uk, 20.03.2011.
106 “Final Blow” // Vanity Fair, 09.2007, p. 238.
107 Boultwood, Anne; Jerrard, Robert. “Ambivalence, and its Relation to Fashion and the Body” // Fashion Theory, IV/3, 2000, p. 314.
108 Bailly, Lionel. Lacan. Oxford: Oneworld Publications, 2009, p. 29.
109 “Final Blow” // Vanity Fair, 09.2007, p. 236.
110 “The Saturday Interview: Vivienne Westwood”, www.guardian.co.uk, 03.12.2011.
111 Ibid.
112 Black, Sandy. The Sustainable Fashion Handbook. London: Thames & Hudson, 2012, p. 9.
113 “Neppe en lønn å leve av” // FIVH, 03.2009.
114 Ibid.
115 www.etiskforbruk.no.
116 Ibid.
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118 Ibid., s. 35.
119 “Bruker tre år av livet på shopping”, www.minmote.no, 13.04.2010.
120 Laitala, Kirsi; Boks, Casper; Klepp, Ingun Grimstad. “Changing Laundry Habits in Norway” // International Journal of Consumer Studies, xxxvi/2, 2012, www.sifo.no.
121 www.ssb.no, Avfallsregnskapet 2011.
122 “Brukte klær til besvær” // FIVH, отчет № 1–2007, s. 10.
123 Ibid. s. 3.
124 Ibid., s. 10.
125 Ibid., s. 3.
126 «Заговор вокруг лампочки» (2010), реж. Косима Даннорицер.
127 Онлайн-журнал Familia, 02/2007, www.regjeringen.no.
128 www.350.org.
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132 “Climate Change a Threat to Security, Food and Humankind – PICC Report”, www.guardian.co.uk, 31.03.2014.
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134 “Faktaark om forbruk” // FIVH, 09.2009.
135 “Enjoy Life While You Can”, www.guardian.co.uk, 01.03.2008.
136 “The Saturday Interview: Vivienne Westwood”, www.guardian.co.uk, 03.12.2011.
137 «Заговор вокруг лампочки» (2010), реж. Косима Даннорицер.
138 “The Dalai Lama Blames ‘Greed’ for Financial Crisis”, www.neurope.eu, 08.12.2008.
139 Слоган шведской сети интерьерных магазинов Granit.
140 “Theory of Planned Behaviour” // Psychlopedia, www.psych-it.com.au.
141 Daniel Miller. A Theory of Shopping. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Polity Press, 1998, p. 138.
142 “The Place of Desire”, www.colinbeavan.com/the-place-of-desire/.
143 “Designspiren” // D2, 13.05.2011, s. 63.
144 Ibid., s. 64.
145 “British Style Genius” (BBC, 2008).
146 “Mary Portas: From Fast Fashion to a More Considered Consumerism”, www.fashion.telegraph.co.uk, 31.10.2010.
147 “British Style Genius” (BBC, 2008).
148 “H&M ber om mer lønn til arbeidere” // Klassekampen, 08.09.2012, s. 30.
149 Bergström, Bo. Bild & Budskap. Carlssons Bokförlag, 2001, ss. 84, 88.
150 Bergström, Bo. Essentials of Visual Communication. Laurence King Publishing, 2008, p. 66.
151 “Det langsomme liv i London” // Dagbladet Søndag, 23.08.2009, s. 41.
152 “Gjenbruksprinsessen”, www.minmote.no, 06.04.2011.
153 “Why Isn’t the Brain Green?” // The New York Times Magazine, www.nytimes.com, 16.04.2009.
154 Ibid.
155 «Человек в белом костюме» (1951), реж. Александр Маккендрик.
156 «Заговор вокруг лампочки» (2010), реж. Косима Даннорицер.
157 Quinn, Bradley. Design Futures. London: Merrell Publishers, 2011, p. 215.