Принятие посвящения Калачакры

Берзин Александр




Основные тибетские и санскритские источники

Ashvaghosha II. Gurupancashatika (Bla-ma lnga-bcu-pa; Fifty Stanzas on the Spiritual Teacher).

Buton (Bu-ston Rin-chen grub). dBang-gi le'u'i 'grel-bshad dri-ma med-pa'i 'od mchan-bcas (An Explanation of the "Empowerment" Chapter of Stainless Light, Together with a Line-by-Line Correlation [with the Root Text]).

_______. 'Jig-rten khams-kyi le'u'i 'grel-bshad dri-ma med-pa'i 'od mchan-bcas (An Explanation of the "World Sphere" Chapter of Stainless Light, Together with a Line-by-Line Correlation [with the Root Text]).

_______. Nang-gi le'u'i 'grel-bshad dri-ma med-pa'i 'od mchan-bcas (An Explanation of the "Internal [Kalachakra]" Chapter of Stainless Light, Together with a Line-by-Line Correlation [with the Root Text]).

_______. dPal dus-kyi 'khor-lo'i dkyil-chog-gi zin-bris (Notes on the Mandala Ritual of Glorious Kalachakra).

_______. dPal dus-kyi 'khor-lo'i dkyil-chog yon-tan kun-'byung (The Mandala Ritual of Glorious Kalachakra: The Source of All Good Qualities).

Seventh Dalai Lama (rGyal-dbang bsKal-bzang rgya-mtsho). bCom-ldan'das dpal dus-kyi 'khor-lo'i sku-gsung-thugs yongs-su rdzogs-pa'i dkyil-'khor-gyi dbang-chen cho-ga (The Ritual for the Grand Empowerment into the Complete Mandala of the Enlightening Body, Speech and Mind of Lordly, Glorious Kalachakra).

_______. dPal gsang-ba 'dus-pa mi-bskyod rdo-rje'i dkyil-'khor-gyi cho-ga'i rnam-par bshad-pa dbang-don de-nyid yang-gsal snang-ba rdo-rje sems-dpa'i zhal-lung (An Explanation of the Mandala Ritual of Glorious Guhyasamaja, Illumination Clarifying the Actual Meaning of Empowerment: The Oral Tradition of Vajrasattva).

Fourteenth Dalai Lama (rGyal-dbang bsTan-'dzin rgya-mtsho) and Yongdzin Ling Rinpochey (Yongs-'dzin gLing Thub-bstan lung-rtogs rnam-rgyal 'phrin-las). Thun-drug-dang 'brel-ba'i dus-'khor bla-ma'i rnal-'byor dpag-bsam yongs-'du'i snye-ma (Kalachakra Guru-Yoga in Conjunction with Six-Session Practice: A Cluster of Fruit from an All-Embracing Wish-Granting Tree).

Detri (sDe-khri 'Jam-dbyangs thub-bstan nyi-ma). dPal dus-kyi 'khor-lo'i bskyed-rim-gyi rnam-bzhag 'jam-dpal zhal-lung (A Presentation of the Generation Stage of Glorious Kalachakra: The Oral Tradition of Manjushri).

Desi Sanggyay-gyatso (sDe-srid Sangs-rgyas rgya-mtsho). Vai-durya sngon-po (Blue Aquamarine).

Dharmakirti. Pramanavarttika (Tshad-ma rnam-'grel; A Commentary on (Dignaga's "Compendium of) Validly Cognizing Minds").

Drongtsey Yongdzin ('Brong-rtse Yongs-'dzin Blo-bzang tshul-khrims). dPal dus-kyi 'khor-lo'i rim-gnyis-kyi lam zung-mjug bgrod-pa'i them-skas-pa (The Path of the Two Stages of Glorious Kalachakra: Steps Leading to Unity).

Gyeltsabjey (rGyal-tshab rJe Dar-ma rin-chen). dPal dus-kyi 'khor-lo'i rim-pa gnyis ji-ltar nyams-su len-pa'i tshul bde-ba chen-po'i lam-du myur-du 'jug-pa (The Way to Practice the Two Stages of Glorious Kalachakra: Quickly Entering the Path of Great Bliss).

Third Karmapa (Kar-ma-pa Rang-byung rdo-rje). rNal-'byor bla-na med-pa'i rgyud-sde rgya-mtsho'i snying-po bsdus-pa zab-mo nang-gi don (The Meaning of the Profound "Internal (Kalachakra" Chapter of Stainless Light) that Gathers Together the Essence of Oceans of Anuttarayoga Tantras).

Kaydrub Norzang-gyatso (mKhas-grub Nor-bzang rgya-mtsho). Dam-tshig gsal-ba'i sgron-me (A Lamp to Illuminate the Closely Bonding Practices).

_______. Phyi-nang-gzhan-gsum gsal-bar byed-pa dri-med 'od-kyi rgyan (An Adornment for the Stainless Light, Clarifying the External, Internal and Alternative [Kalachakras]).

Kaydrubjey (mKhas-grub rJe dGe-legs dpal-bzang-po). dPal dus-kyi 'khor-lo'i cho-ga dgongs-pa rab-gsal (The Mandala Ritual of Glorious Kalachakra: Clarifying the Intended Meaning).

_______. dPal dus-kyi 'khor-lo'i 'grel-chen dri-med 'od-kyi rgya-cher bshad-pa de-kho-na-nyid snang-bar byed-pa (An Extensive Explanation of the Stainless Light Grand Commentary to Glorious Kalachakra: Illuminating the Actual State).

Kongtrul ('Jam-mgon Kong-sprul Blo-gros mtha'-yas). rNal-'byor bla-na med-pa'i rgyud-sde rgya-mtsho'i snying-po bsdus-pa zab-mo nang-gi don nyung-ngu'i tshig-gis rnam-par 'grel-ba zab-don snang-byed (Illuminating the Profound Meaning: A Commentary in Few Words on [the Third Karmapa's] The Meaning of the Profound "Internal [Kalachakra" Chapter of Stainless Light] that Gathers Together the Essence of Oceans of Anuttarayoga Tantras).

_______. dPal dus-kyi 'khor-lo sku-gsung-thugs yongs-rdzogs-kyi dkyil-'khor-du byis-pa 'jug-pa'i dbang-bskur bklags-chog-tu bkod-pa ye-shes rgya-mtsho'i bcud-'dren (Conferring the Empowerments of Entering Like a Child into the Complete Body, Speech and Mind Mandala of Glorious Kalachakra, Arranged for Study: Extracting the Essence from the Ocean of Deep Awareness).

_______. Shes-bya kun-khyab (An Encyclopedia of All That Can Be Known).

Kyenrab-norbu (mKhyen-rab nor-bu). Rigs-ldan snying-thig (The Essential Drop [Teachings] of the Kalki [Rulers of Shambhala]).

Mipam ('Ju Mi-pham 'Jam-dbyangs rnam-rgyal rgya-mtsho). dPal dus-kyi 'khor-lo'i rgyud-kyi tshig-don rab-tu gsal-byed rdo-rje nyi-ma'i snang-ba (The Illumination of the Diamond-strong Sun Clarifying the Literal Meaning of the Glorious Kalachakra Tantra).

Naropa. Sekoddeshatika (dBang-dor bstan-pa'i 'grel-pa; A Commentary Explaining the "Initiation" (Chapter of the Root Kalachakra Tantra)).

Ngari Panchen (mNga'-ris Pan-chen Padma dbang-rgyal). Rang-bzhin rdzogs-pa chen-po'i lam-gyi cha-lag sdom-gsum rnam-nges (Ascertaining the Three Levels of Vowed Restraints that are Branches of the Natural Path of Dzogchen).

Ngulchu Darma-badra (dNgul-chu Dharmabhadra). Thun-drug-gi rnal-'byor mdor-bsdus-pa (An Extremely Abbreviated Six-Session Yoga).

Ngulchu Jedrung Lozang-tendzin (dNgul-chu rJe-drung Blo-bzang bstan-'dzin). Thun-drug-gi rnal-'byor bsdus-pa (An Abbreviated Six-Session Yoga).

Pabongka (Pha-bong-kha Byams-pa bstan-'dzin 'phrin-las rgya-mtsho). Thun-drug-gi rnal-'byor rgyas-pa (An Extensive Six-Session Yoga).

First Panchen Lama (Pa-chen Blo-bzang chos-kyi rgyal-mtshan). dPal dus-kyi 'khor-lo'i 'grel-chen dri-ma med-pa'i 'od-kyi rgya-cher bshad-pa de-kho-na-nyid snang-bar byed-pa'i snying-po yid-bzhin-gyi nor-bu (Wish-granting Gem: The Essence of [Kaydrubjey's] An Extensive Explanation of the Stainless Light Grand Commentary to Glorious Kalachakra: Illuminating the Actual State).

_______. Thun-drug rnal-sbyor (Six-Session Yoga).

Pundarika. Vimalaprabha-nama-laghu-kalacakra-tantra-raja-tika (bsDus-pa'i rgyud-kyi rgyal-po dus-kyi 'khor-lo'i 'grel-bshad dri-ma med-pa'i 'od; Stainless Light: A Commentary Explaining The Regal Abbreviated Kalachakra Tantra).

Tagtsang Lotsawa (sTag-tshang Lo-tsa-ba Shes-rab rin-chen). Dus-'khor spyi-don bstan-pa'i rgya-mtsho (An Ocean of Teachings on the General Meaning of Kalachakra).

Tsongkhapa (Tsong-kha-pa Blo-bzang grags-pa). Byang-chub sems-dpa'i tshul-khrims-kyi rnam-bshad byang-chub gzhung-lam (An Explanation of Bodhisattvas' Ethical Discipline: The Main Path to Enlightenment).

_______. gSang-sngags-kyi rim-pa chen-mo (A Grand Presentation of the Stages of Secret Mantra).

_______. gSang-sngags-kyi tshul-khrims-kyi rnam-bshad dngos-grub-kyi snye-ma (An Explanation of Secret Mantra Ethical Discipline: A Cluster of Fruit of Actual Attainments).


Избранная литература на западных языках

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