1. Периодика
A.P.R.O. Aerial Phenomena Research Organization, 3910 E. Kleindale Rd. Tucson (Arizona).
Aust. F.S.R. P.O. Box E170, St. James, Sydney 2001 (Australia).
B.U.F.O.R.A. British U.F.O. Research Association, M. Holt, Claremont Rd, Claygate (Surrey).
C.O.D.O.V.N.I. Comision Observadora de Objetos Volantes no Indentificados, Casilla de Correo 1560, Buenos Aires (Argentina).
F.S. Flying Saucers. Ray Palmer, Amherst (Wisconsin).
F.S.R. Flying Saucer Review, 21 Cecil Court, Charing Cross Road, London WC2.
G.E.P.A. Groupement d'etude des phenomenes aeriens, 69, rue de la Tombe-lssoire, Paris 14-e.
Invest. U.F.O. Investigator, publication of N.I.C.A.P.
L.D.L.N. Lumieres dans la Nuit, Les Pins 43 Le-Chambon– sur-Lignon (France).
N.I.C.A.P. National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena, 1536 Connecticut Ave NW Washington D.C. 20036.
Gribble. The N.I.C.A.P. Reporter. Robert Gribble 5108 South Findlay, St. Seattle 18 (State of Washington).
O.U.R.A.N.O.S. M. Marc Thirouin 51, rue des Alpes 26 – Valence (France). Saucer News P.O. Box 163 Fort Lee (New Jersey).
S.B.E.S.D.V. Sociade Brasileira de Estudos Sobre Discos Voladores, Dr Walter Buhler Rua Sen. Pedro Velho 50, АР. 201 Rio de Janeiro (Bresil).
Spaceview. New Zealand Scientific Space Research, P.O. Box 21.007 Henderson N.Z.
S.S. et S. Saucers, Space and Science, M. Duplantier 17 Shetland Street, Willowdale (Ontario, Canada).
Nachrichten U.F.O. Nachrichten, 62 Wiesbaden Schierstein. Milanstrasse 5 (Germany).
2. Книги
Fort, The Book of Charles Fort (Ho}t 1941).
Round-up, The F.S.R. World Round-up of U.F.O. sightings (Citadel 1958).
Anatomy, Vallee: Anatomy of a Phenomenon (Regnery 1965).
Challenge, Vallee: Challenge to Science (Regnery 1966).
Guieu, Guieu, Les S.V. viennent d'un autre monde (Fleuve Noir 1954).
Evidence, Hall: U.F.O. Evidence (N.I.C.A.P. 1964).
Lor. I, Lorenzen: The Great F.S. Hoax (private 1962).
Lor. II, Lorenzen: F.S. Occupants (Signet paperback, 1968).
Lor III, Lorenzen: U.F.O. over the Americas (Signet paperback, 1968).
Humanoids, Special issue of F.S.R. for October 1966.
Keyhoe S., Keyhoe: The F.S. Conspiracy (Holt 1955).
Keyhoe SД Keyhoe: F.S. top Secret (Holt 1959).
Wilkins A., Wilkins: F.S. on the Attack (Citadel 1954).
Wilkins U., Wilkins: F.S. Uncensored (Pyramid paperback 1967).
Edwards, F.S. Serious Business (Bantam paperback 1966).
Barker, They Knew too much about F.S. (University, 1956).
Binder, What we really know about F.S. (Faweett paperback 1968).
Constance, The inexplicable sky (Citadel 1956).
Michel, F.S. and the Straight-line mystery (Criterion 1958).
Carrouges, Les Apparitions de Martiens (Fayard 1964).
Plantier, La production des S.V. (Mame 1954).
Sanderson, Uninvited visitors (Cowles, 1967).
Perego, Sono Extraterrestri, etc. (1958).
Condon, Scientific Study of U.F.O.'s, Bantam paperback (1969).
Ruppelt, Report on U.F.O.'s (Ace paperback, 1969).
Stuart, U.F.O. Warning.