Cover - Painting by Burt Silverman, background photograph by Otto Lang from Photophile. 8 - Harald Sund. 12,13 - Drawings by Robert McKee, after photographs by E. Muybridgecourtesy Dover Publications, Inc. 16, 17 - Ken Kay. 20, 21 - Nina Leen for LIFE, drawings by Adolph E. Brotman. 24 to 47 - Painting by Don Punchatz. 49 - Fritz Goro, Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University. 50 - Fritz Goro, courtesy Dr. T. Delevoryas - Dr. Frank M. Carpenter. - Fritz Goro, Princeton University Museum of Natural History. - Henry B. Beville, Smithsonian Institution. 53 - Fritz Goro, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University - Dr. Frank M. Carpenter. 54, 55-Henry B. Beville, Smithsonian Institution. - Fritz Goro courtesy of The American Museum of Natural History. - Fritz Goro, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University - Fritz Goro, Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University. 58 - Fritz Goro, specimen in the British Museum (Natural History) - Fritz Goro, Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University. 59 - Henry B. Beville, Smithsonian Institution - Fritz Goro, Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University. 60 - Fritz Goro, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University. 61 - Fritz Goro, Botanical Museum, Harvard University. 62 - Willard Starks, Princeton University Museum of Natural History. 64 - Drawings by Adolph E. Brotman, based upon book Men and Dinosaurs by Edwin H. Colbert. Copyright © 1968 by Edwin H. Colbert. Published by E. Dutton and Co., and used with their permission. 66 to 71 - Paper sculpture by Nicholas Fasciano, photographed by Ken Key. 74 - John R. Freeman courtesy The Royal Society, London; Culver Pictures. 75, 76, 77 - The Mansell Collection, London. 78 - Courtesy of The American Museum of Natural History. 79 - Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University. 81 - Water-colours by Arthur Lakes, photographed by Fritz Goro; Paulus Leeser (2), Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University. 82 - Watercolours by Arthur Lakes, photographed by Fritz Goro - Paulus Leeser (2), Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University.83 - Watercolours by Arthur Lakes, photographed by Ben-schneider courtesy of the Arthur Lakes Library of the Colorado School of Mines, Golden.86 87 - The Palaeozoological Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, courtesy of Dr. Zofia Kielan -Jawo-rowska, photograph by W. Skarzynski.89 to 97 - Paintings by Burt Silverman. 98 - Lennart Nilsson. 102 to 111 - Drawings by Nicholas Fasciano. 117 to 121 - Drawings by Nicholas Fasciano.120, 121 - Oppos-sum. Rhesus, Chimpanzee musculature based on figures in Huber, 1930 (Quart.Rev.Biol., 5:147,404,408), and redrawn with the permission of the editors of The Quarterly Review of Biology. 122 - John Dominis for LIFE. 126 - Dr. Roman Vishniac. 134 - David Hughes from Bruce Coleman, Inc. 135 - Shelly Grossman; Niall Rankin - Akhtar Hussein 139 -Carlo Bavagnoli for LIFE. 140, 141 - Dr. Edward S. Ross. 142 - Arthur Rickerby for LIFE. 143 - Leonard Lee Rue HI from FPG.144.145 - Nina Leen for LIFE. 146,147 - Dr. Phyllis Dolhinow courtesy Gombe Stream Reserve Research Centre. 148,149 - Painting by Burt Silverman, background photograph by Dean Brown.