Глава 2

Упражнение 1

Образуйте утвердительные предложения с помощью

глаголов, которые даны в скобках. Добавьте окончание, где


1) I go to the office every day.

2) They speak Italian.

3) Anna understands me.

4) Mary and John always go to the office by bus.

5) My sister reads English books.

6) Bob likes fruits and vegetables.

7) We often watch television in the evenings.

8) Alina seldom gets up at 6.

9) My friends work every Monday.

10) The grandma loves to cook.

11) This dog sometimes barks.

12) This man drives a green car.

13) The girls know 2 poems.

14) Marina often goes to the theatre.

15) The students do homework every day.

Упражнение 2

Для каждого утверждения напишите отрицание

1) My parents live in Russia. – My parents don’t live in Russia.

2) Her brother likes fast food. – Her brother doesn’t like fast


3) The dog never barks. – The dog doesn’t bark (= The dog

doesn’t ever bark)

4) I get up at 8 every day. – I don’t get up at 8 every day.

5) She watches love stories at the weekend. – She doesn’t

watch love stories at the weekend.

6) We know English. – We don’t know English.

7) Linda seldom smokes. – Linda doesn’t smoke.

8) Peter sometimes does homework. – Peter sometimes doesn’t

do homework.

9) You work every day. – You don’t work every day.

10) Your mother often cooks. – Your mother doesn’t cook often.

Упражнение 3

Для каждого утверждения напишите вопрос

с вопросительными словами, приведёнными ниже

What – что? Какой?

Where – где? Куда?

How – как?

How much \ many – сколько?

How often – как часто?

Why – почему? Зачем?

1) I live in Turkey. – Where do you live?

2) They read a lot of books. – How many books do they read?

3) These friends meet every day. – How often do these friends


4) I go to bed early on Sundays. – Why do you go to bed early

on Sundays?

5) Liza drinks 2 cups of coffee a day. – How much coffee does

Linda drink a day?

6) He seldom cooks. – How often does he cook?

7) The woman loves milk very much. – What does the woman

love very much?

8) The children rarely play in the street. – Where do the

children play rarely?

9) Your father works in the office. – Where does your father


10) The managers finish two projects a day. – How do the

managers work?

Упражнение 4

Используя картинки и подсказки, расскажите о своей

ежедневной рутине

I get up at 7 o’clock every day.

Then I drink a cup of coffee.

I read a newspaper in the morning.

If I have time, I watch television.

Or I talk to my friend on the phone.

Then I walk my pet in the street or in the park.

After this I go to work.

I usually start work at 9 o’clock in the morning.

I normally have lunch at about 1 o’clock.

I finish work at 5 o’clock in the evening.

I come home at 6 o’clock if I don’t go to the shop or to a friend.

I cook dinner when I come home or I sometimes eat in a café.

In the evening I like to relax and forget about work.

Упражнение 5

Расскажите о ежедневной рутине своего друга \ подруги,

используя материалы из предыдущего упражнения

и дополнительные слова, которые уже вам встречались ранее

My friend never gets up early. She starts work at 10 o’clock, so she usually gets up at 8 in the morning. She drinks a cup of black tea and eats a sandwich. Then she watches news on television and feeds her cat. She works in the office near her house and usually goes there at 9.30. Helen likes her work very much. She plans her day in the morning and has lunch in the afternoon. Helen never cooks at home because she doesn’t have time for this. She usually eats with friends in a café or restaurant. In the evening the girl reads books, chats on Facebook and relaxes. She also plays with her dog and goes for a walk with it.

(!) В упражнениях №4—5 у вас должны быть свои варианты. Те, которые даны в ключах, рекомендуется использовать лишь для примера и вдохновения ☺

Глава 3

Упражнение 1

Вставьте в пропуски соответствующую форму глагола to be

1) The house is nice.

2) The people are in the room.

3) My mother is in the kitchen.

4) The man is in the office.

5) I am a director.

6) We are clever.

7) The chair is comfortable.

8) The children are happy.

9) The project is simple.

10) You are beautiful.

Упражнение 2

Образуйте отрицания для предложений из предыдущего


1) The house isn’t nice.

2) The people aren’t in the room.

3) My mother isn’t in the kitchen.

4) The man isn’t in the office.

5) I am not a director.

6) We aren’t clever.

7) The chair isn’t comfortable.

8) The children aren’t happy.

9) The project isn’t simple.

10) You aren’t beautiful.

Упражнение 3

Образуйте вопросы для предложений из упражнения №1,

используя подсказки

What house is nice?

Where are the people?

Whose mother is in the kitchen?

Where is the man?

Who are you?

Who is clever?

What chair is comfortable?

Whose children are happy?

Why is the project simple?

Who is beautiful?

Упражнение 4

Образуйте вопросы к следующим предложениям. Будьте

внимательны, так как в некоторых случаях потребуется

использование вспомогательного глагола DO \ DOES

1) This man is tired. – Why is the man tired?

2) John goes to bed very late every day. – What time does

John go to bed every day?

3) They know English. – What do they know?

4) Her brother smokes. – Does her brother smoke?

5) The book is on the bookshelf. – Where is the book?

6) My aunt is very rich. – Whose aunt is very rich?

7) Children go to school every day. – Do children go to school

every day?

8) She is an actress. – Is she an actress?

9) Liza is tall and slim. – Is Linda tall and slim?

10) The children often play in the garden. – Do the children

often play in the garden?

Упражнение 5

Сформулируйте предложения, используя следующие слова

1) this / question / important – This question is important.

2) the / people / the / in / street – The people are in the street.

3) Mike / not / have / for / coffee / breakfast – Mike doesn’t

have coffee for breakfast.

4) children / the / have / a shower / supper / before – The

children have a shower before supper.

5) parents / his / old / very – His parents are very old.

6) work / he / office / in / the? – Does he work in the office?

7) where / she / work? – Where does she work?

8) footballer / brother / her / a – Her brother is a footballer.

9) baby / hungry / the – The baby is hungry.

10) Bob / a / walk / pet / morning / the / in? – Does Bob walk

a pet in the morning?

11) they / listen / not / the radio / to – They don’t listen to the


12) your / wear / glasses / grandma – Your grandma wears


Упражнение 6

Придумайте несколько предложений о себе или о своём друге,

используя простое настоящее время с глаголом TO BE и без

него. Расскажите о:




I am a journalist. I work for a business newspaper. It is very

interesting because I learn a lot of facts every day. I live and

work in Moscow. This city is big and popular. I am happy to live


Глава 4

Упражнение 1

Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в нужной форме.

1) This baby cries every night.

2) The woman has five children – 2 sons and 3 daughters.

3) The trees are green in summer.

4) Her friend doesn’t live in America.

5) The computer is new.

6) The children have a lot of questions.

7) He doesn’t do homework every day.

8) The sun shines brightly here.

9) The table is dirty.

10) Miranda has three cats.

11) We are happy together.

12) She speaks very quickly.

13) Bob has a good car.

14) They don’t know French.

15) The books are interesting.

Упражнение 2

Образуйте вопросительные предложения

1) Our house is big and comfortable. – Whose house is big and


2) Your daughter is beautiful. – Is your daughter beautiful?

3) I am a good constructor. – Are you a good constructor?

4) We have a good family. – What family do you have?

5) They understand the idea. – What do they understand?

6) Your English is good. – Is my English good?

7) She has an expensive mobile. – What mobile does she have?

8) My friends don’t like detectives. – What books don’t your

friends like?

9) Linda has a good job. – Does Linda have a good job?

10) The rooms are light. – Are the rooms light?

11) My parents rest in the country house. – Where do my

parents rest?

12) The student has a mistake here. – Where does the student

have a mistake?

13) Her name is very difficult. – Whose name is very difficult?

14) The television doesn’t work. – Does the television work?

15) This man has a long nose. – What nose does the man


Упражнение 3

Сформулируйте предложения из слов, которые даны ниже.

Используйте вспомогательные глаголы в случае


1) know \ man \ this \ not \ I – I don’t know this man.

2) you \ live \ where \ Moscow \ in – Where do you live

in Moscow?

3) have \ children \ you \ many \ how – How many children do

you have?

4) be \ they \ home \ at – They are at home.

5) like \ she \ pictures \ not \ modern – She doesn’t like

modern pictures.

6) weather \ the \ nice \ today \ be – The weather is nice today.

7) questions \ not \ we \ have – We don’t have questions.

8) she \ Italian \ speak – She speaks Italian.

9) cakes \ what \ like \ you – What cakes do you like?

10) the \ why \ man \ happy \ be – Why is the man happy?

Упражнение 4

Составьте рассказ о себе, используя простое настоящее

время. У вас должно получиться минимум 12 предложений.

4 предложения со словами, выражающими действие

I like to walk in summer. I usually take my dog with me. I eat ice-cream and drink juice. We sometimes go to the park near the house.

4 предложения с глаголом to be

My dog is big and nice. I am happy that I have it. I am tall and my dog is short. We are at home now.

4 предложения с глаголом to have

I have a big house. I have a car. I have coffee for breakfast. My dog

has a long tail.

Глава 5

Упражнение 1

Опишите комнату, используя конструкцию THERE IS \ ARE

и предложенные слова

There is a big window in this room. There is a bed. There is a bedside table to the left of the bed. I think there are two bedside tables. There is one bedside table to the right side of the bed too. There are curtains on the window. There is a wardrobe in the room. There are lamps on the bedside tables. There are two vases with white and yellow flowers in the room. There are two pillows and one blanket on the bed. There is white door to the right of the bed. There is a mirror in the room.

Упражнение 3

Используя подсказки, расскажите, что собирается делать

Линда завтра, а что нет


get up early (+) – Linda is going to get up early tomorrow.

phone her mum (+) – She is going to phone her mum.

have a shower (-) – She isn’t going to have a shower.

drink a cup of coffee (-) – The girl isn’t going to drink a cup

of coffee.

go to university (+) – She is going to go to university.

drive to the shopping centre (-) – Linda isn’t going to drive

to the shopping centre.

meet a friend (+) – The girl is going to meet a friend.

go to the cinema (-) – She isn’t going to go to the cinema.

do exercises in the gym (+) – She is going to do exercises

in the gym.

clean her flat (-) – Linda isn’t going to clean her flat.

read a book (+) – Linda is going to read a book.

cook dinner (-) – She isn’t going to cook dinner.

eat in the café (+) – The girl is going to eat in the café.

cut her hair (-) – Linda isn’t going to cut her hair.

surf the internet (+) – She is going to surf the internet.

Глава 6

Упражнение 1

Перепишите предложения так, чтобы получилось простое

прошедшее время

1) I speak Italian very well. – I spoke Italian very well.

2) Their children do not live in Madrid. – Their children did not

live in Madrid.

3) Her name is interesting. – Her name was interesting.

4) These boys break the window at school. – These boys broke

the window at school.

5) My colleagues have pizza for lunch. – My colleagues had

pizza for lunch.

6) The dog is angry. – The dog was angry.

7) Martha sells dresses every day. – Martha sold dresses

every day.

8) We often forget to walk the dog. – We often forget to walk

the dog.

9) You have too many questions. – You had too many


10) My relatives are not in Paris. – My relatives were not

in Paris.

Упражнение 2

Образуйте вопросы к предложениям, которые даны ниже

1) I tried to come home at 6 p.m. – What time did you try

to come home?

2) My aunt gave me an expensive gift. – What gift did your

aunt give to you?

3) They were very busy yesterday. – Why were they very busy


4) The child knew that man very well. – What man did the

child know very well?

5) Bob went to the shop three hours ago. – When did Bob go

to the shop?

6) His friend flew to New York last weekend. – What city did

your friend fly to?

7) We thought about this yesterday. – Why did you think about

this yesterday?

8) When I came, the telephone rang. – Did the telephone ring

when I came?

9) Her boyfriend became an artist last year. – When did her

boyfriend become an artist?

10) My neighbors had a party last Friday. – What did your

neighbors do last Friday?

Упражнение 3

Используя фразы и подсказки в виде смайлов, расскажите, что

автор списка сделал или не сделал на прошлых выходных

phone parents (+) – He phoned his parents

go for a walk (+) – He went for a walk

clean the flat (-) – He didn’t clean the flat

read a book (+) – He read a book

cook dinner (-) – He didn’t cook dinner

do homework (-) – He didn’t do homework

go to the shop (+) – He went to the shop

meet Lucy (+) – He met Lucy

go to the gym (-) – He didn’t go to the gym

iron the clothes (+) – He ironed the clothes

Упражнение 5

Раскройте скобки, используя глаголы в прошедшем времени

1) Mark kept his dog in the garden when he was small.

2) His parents were at home when he phoned.

3) I had only a piece of pizza for supper.

4) We went to the cinema with my friends yesterday.

5) The family liked this idea very much.

6) It was a difficult day.

7) The students understood everything what Mr. Johnson


8) Bob brought three pencils.

9) They left their shoes outside.

10) The director told her to check the email.

Глава 7

Упражнение 1

Переделайте предложения из present simple в present

continuous, как в примере

My parents watch TV on Sundays. – My parents are watching

TV now.

Her friend reads detective stories. – Her friend is reading

a detective story now.

We often have a picnic at the weekend. – We are having

a picnic now.

The child watches a cartoon. – The child is watching a cartoon.

They clean the floor regularly. – They are cleaning the floor at

the moment.

Barbara washes the dishes every evening. – Barbara is washing

the dishes now.

My colleagues work very hard. – My colleagues are working

very hard at the moment.

Mr Black types emails every morning. – Mr Black is typing

emails now.

These people wear suits. – These people are wearing suits at

the moment.

Упражнение 2

Ответьте на следующие вопросы, как в примере

1) Are you reading a book at the moment? – Yes, I am. I’m

reading at the moment. (No, I’m not. I’m not reading at the


2) Are you watching TV now? – No, I’m not. I’m not watching

TV now.

3) Are you listening to the music at the moment? – Yes, I am.

I’m listening to the music now.

4) Are you sleeping now? – No, I’m not. I’m not sleeping now.

5) Are you playing tennis at the moment? – No, I’m not. I’m not

playing tennis at the moment.

6) Are you working hard this week? – Yes, I am. I’m working

hard this week.

7) Are you cooking? – No, I’m not. I’m not cooking.

8) Are you doing an exercise now? – Yes, I am. I’m doing an

exercise now.

9) Are you using your computer at the moment? – Yes, I am. I’m

using my computer at the moment.

10) Are you eating now? – No, I’m not. I’m not eating now.

Упражнение 3

Расскажите, чем занимаются Симпсоны на картинке,

используя предложенные слова

These people are walking in the picture. They are near the river. The son is playing with the dog. The daughter is picking flowers. A little daughter is eating a gingerbread. Mr. Simpson is looking at his wife. Mrs. Simpson is looking at her husband too. She is carrying a basket with her daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Simpson are happy. They are having a nice time together. Mr. and Mrs. Simpson are smiling. The children are relaxing together with the parents.

Упражнение 4

Раскройте скобки, используя подходящее время – present

simple или present continuous

1) They’re waiting for me at home now.

2) I wait for your arrival every time.

3) This girl is wearing a red dress and black scarf at the


4) The man always wears suits to the office.

5) Please, be quiet. The children are sleeping now.

6) Linda is driving to the city right now.

7) He normally drives to work.

8) My colleague is working hard in his cabinet now.

9) My colleague seldom works hard.

10) I’m going to my country house today.

Упражнение 5

Задайте вопросы к следующим предложениям, используя


1) I’m having a party tonight. – What time are you having

a party tonight?

2) Liza is playing tennis now. – What game is Liza

playing now?

3) Bob is washing his car at the moment. – Whose car is Bob

washing at the moment?

4) They are speaking Italian now. – Why are they speaking

Italian now?

5) Tamara is wearing a long evening dress. – What kind

of dress is Tamara wearing?

6) We are watching an interesting film. – What film are we


7) I am not working today. – Why aren’t you working today?

8) It is not functioning. – What isn’t functioning?

Глава 8

Упражнение 1

Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степени

следующих прилагательных

1) hard (тяжёлый) – harder – the hardest

2) shallow (мелкий) – shallower – the shallowest

3) terrible (ужасный) – more terrible – the most terrible

4) soft (мягкий) – softer – the softest

5) cheerful (радостный) – more cheerful – the most cheerful

6) polite (вежливый) – politer – the politest

7) brilliant (блестящий) – more brilliant – the most brilliant

8) rude (грубый) – ruder – the rudest

9) ugly (уродливый) – uglier – the ugliest

10) unusual (необычный) – more unusual – the most unusual

Упражнение 2

Раскройте скобки, образуя ту степень сравнения, которая

подходит по смыслу предложения

1) February is the shortest month of the year.

2) July is hotter than May.

3) Today’s exercise is more difficult than the one we did


4) Her father is older than I thought.

5) This news is the worst I heard in my life.

6) Helen’s hair is longer than my hair.

7) John is the most brilliant student in our class.

8) The red blouse is more fashionable than the blue one.

9) This woman is the most beautiful in the room.

10) I want to get further instructions.

Упражнение 4

Сравните Тома и Боба, используя картинку и подсказки

1) Tom is fatter than Bob

2) Bob’s hair is longer than Tom’s hair.

3) Tom is uglier than Bob.

4) Bob is thinner than Tom.

5) Tom’s clothes are more accurate than Bob’s.

6) Bob’s hair is darker than Tom’s.

7) Bob is a more interesting man than Tom.

8) Tom’s clothes are more expensive than Bob’s clothes.

9) Bob’s health is better than Tom’s.

10) Girls like Bob more than Tom.

11) Bob is happier than Tom.

12) Tom is cleverer than Bob.

13) Bob is younger than Tom.

14) Tom is politer than Bob.

Глава 9

Упражнение 1

Ответьте на следующие вопросы таким образом, чтобы

в вашем предложении прозвучала фраза с предлогом времени

или места

Пример: What do you usually do at lunchtime? – I usually go

to the café with my colleagues at lunchtime.

1) Do you usually sleep at midnight? – Yes, I do. I usually sleep

at midnight.

2) What presents did you get on your last birthday? – On my

last birthday I got a car.

3) Do you start work at 8 a.m.? – No, I don’t. I don’t start work

at 8 p.m.

4) What is there above the table in your room? – There is

a bookshelf above the table in my room.

5) How often do you go to the cinema? – I go to the cinema

two times a month.

6) What do you keep under your bed? – I keep empty boxes

under my bed.

7) Did you have a good time at the weekend? – Yes, I do. I have

a good time at the weekend.

8) Do you often eat at night? – No, I don’t. I never eat at night.

9) What do you usually do on Saturdays? – I usually go to the

park on Saturdays.

10) What kind of sport do you play in summer? – I play

football in summer.

Упражнение 2

Вставьте подходящий предлог в следующие фразы

1) at home

2) on his birthday

3) at Christmas

4) in winter

5) at the weekend

6) at midnight

7) – next week

8) – last Sunday

9) on Monday evening

10) on October, the 10th

11) a bottle of water

12) at work

13) in the office

14) on our wedding day

15) at university

16) in May

17) at a bus stop

18) on my first day at school

19) in the garden

20) on the wall

21) a glass of milk

22) at bedtime

23) at noon

24) in 2017

Упражнение 3

Назовите местонахождение предметов на картинке,

используя предлоги места и конструкцию THERE IS \ ARE

There are pillows on the bed. There is a picture above it. There is a book under the table. There is a carpet on the floor in the middle of the room. There is one more room behind the girl. There is a wardrobe in the corner near the girl. There is a vase on the bedside table. There are lamps above the bed.

Упражнение 4

Вставьте в пропуски подходящий предлог времени или места

1) The children are playing in the swimming pool.

2) Look! It’s already – 11 o’clock!

3) I usually have lunch at 1 p.m.

4) Where is your brother? – In the park.

5) What is this cat doing in the kitchen?

6) We met on May, the 7th.

7) There was a carpet on the floor.

8) Their names are on the cover.

9) Do you want to go there in the morning?

10) We always go on vacation in spring.

11) She is busy on Friday afternoon.

12) There is some rubbish under \ on the chair.

13) Her husband is teaching at university now.

14) Let’s go to party together!

15) This policeman always watches news at dinnertime.

Глава 10

Упражнение 1

Употребите глаголы, которые даны в скобках, в настоящем

совершенно времени

1) Tomas has changed his job this month

2) Where are the Smiths? We have not seen them since last


3) The children have already heard this story a lot of times.

4) Have you ever been to Montenegro?

5) Martha has done this project twice.

6) Where is the book I have bought today?

7) We have surfed the Internet to get more information.

8) I have known this couple for ages.

9) Anna hasn’t played tennis since Monday.

10) These people have come to the party.

11) It is the best story I have ever read!

12) I have not visited New York yet.

Упражнение 3

Употребите past simple или present perfect в следующих


1) They didn’t watch this program last Monday.

2) They haven’t watched this program since last Monday.

3) My aunt was in England in 1995.

4) My aunt has been to England.

5) I think I have lost my keys.

6) I lost my keys three days ago.

7) I have already lost my keys four times.

8) Anna visited her relatives in Spain last February.

9) Anna has never visited her relatives in Spain.

10) Where is Mark? – He has gone to the shop just now.

11) Mark went to the shop three hours ago.

Упражнение 5

Раскройте скобки, используя времена и конструкции, которые

мы изучали раньше (present simple, present continuous, past

simple, present perfect, to be going to, there is\are)

1) Listen! Mr. Black is playing guitar upstairs.

2) I haven’t read in English for several weeks.

3) We cooked barbecue last weekend.

4) There are three books on the shelve.

5) Are there any pictures in the book?

6) The teacher is going to give him one more task.

7) My parents usually leave home at 7 a.m.

8) Julia talked to John two weeks ago.

9) These managers are very hard-working.

10) My friend is having a rest in Bali now.

11) Where were you yesterday?

12) They have not done this task yet.

13) Where is Mathew? – I think he is washing his car in the


14) What time does she get up on Mondays?

15) Have you seen Bob today?

16) What are you going to do next summer?

Упражнение 6

Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык

Линда фотографирует своих детей каждый день. Линда сейчас фотографирует своих детей. Линда вчера фотографировала своих детей. Линда собирается завтра фотографировать детей. Линда уже сфотографировала своих детей.

Linda takes pictures of her children every day. Linda is taking pictures of her children now. Linda took pictures of her children yesterday. Linda is going to take pictures of her children tomorrow. Linda has already taken pictures of her children.

Джон читает газету по утрам. Сейчас Джон читает газету. Вчера утром Джон читал газету. Джон собирается читать газету завтра утром? Джон еще не читал сегодня газету.

John reads a newspaper in the mornings. Now John is reading a newspaper. John read a newspaper yesterday in the morning. Is John going to read a newspaper tomorrow in the morning? John has not read a newspaper today.

Наши друзья регулярно плавают в бассейне. Сейчас наши друзья плавают в бассейне. Они плавали в бассейне на прошлой неделе? Когда ваши друзья собираются поплавать в бассейне? Ваши друзья никогда раньше не плавали в таком бассейне.

Our friends regularly swim in the pool. Now our friends are swimming in the pool. Did they swim in the pool last week? When are your friends going to swim in the pool? Your friends have never swum in such pool before.

Менеджер печатает письма в обед. Сейчас менеджер печатает письмо. Менеджер напечатал письмо три часа назад. Когда он собирается печатать письма? Менеджер напечатал письмо?

The manager is typing the emails at lunchtime. Now the manager is typing an email. The manager typed an email three hours ago. When is he going to type emails? Has the manager typed an email?

Глава 11

Упражнение 1

Переделайте предложения во множественное число.

Не забудьте преобразовать не только указательные

местоимения, но и глаголы

Пример: This person is old. – These people are old.

1) This flower is in a big vase. – These flowers are in big vases.

2) That dog plays outside the country house. – Those dogs play

outside the country houses.

3) This task was very difficult to do. – These tasks are very

difficult to do.

4) This book is in her bag. – These books are in her begs.

5) That stadium is far from the university. – Those stadiums are

far from the universities.

6) This building in Moscow is high and beautiful. – These

buildings in Moscow are high and beautiful.

7) That skirt was long and ugly. – Those skirts are long and


8) That garden was full of fruit trees. – Those gardens were full

of fruit trees.

9) This cat is black and white. – These cats are black and


10) That relative comes to me every day. – Those relatives

come to me every day.

Упражнение 2

Замените выделенные слова на местоимения

Пример: Mary talked to Bob yesterday. – Mary talked to him.

1) We don’t have enough ingredients for the salad. Buy

tomatoes. – Buy them.

2) Linda loves John but he doesn’t love Linda. – he doesn’t

love her.

3) The birds are singing. Do you hear the birds? – Do you hear


4) The window is open. Close the window. – Close it.

5) I think you need to talk to the manager. – You need to talk

to him.

6) She didn’t see these papers. – She didn’t see them.

7) I cannot find Jim. – I cannot find him.

8) Yesterday Tom waited for Alice. – Tom waited for her.

Упражнение 3

Выберите правильный вариант ответа

1) The workers saw her yesterday.

2) I think it’s important to ask them.

3) Jimmy doesn’t want any help. He tries to do everything


4) We can help you. Listen to us!

5) The car is dirty. Wash it!

6) My friends came to me late at night.

7) His house is bigger than I thought.

8) Did you see anybody in the office?

9) I remember you and all your words!

10) She doesn’t have any ideas.

Упражнение 4

Вставьте в пропуски some или any

1) I haven’t found any chair in that room.

2) Some people like coffee, but I prefer tea.

3) Do you know any good hairdresser?

4) Anna is always ready to do some good things for her


5) This man is reading some magazine at the moment.

6) Have you brought any cake?

7) There is some sugar in the cupboard.

8) We know some qualified HR managers.

9) Mark has not received any letter yet.

10) She isn’t going to buy any dress.

Упражнение 5

Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык.

Проследите, чтобы в каждом из них был использован какой-

то вид местоимений

1) Я не собираюсь никому рассказывать твои секреты.

I’m not going to tell anybody your secrets.

2) В комнате никого не было.

There was nobody in the room.

3) Они всё всегда делают сами.

They always do everything themselves.

4) Марина приготовила завтрак для своей семьи в 7 утра.

Marina cooked breakfast for her family at 7 in the morning.

5) Хочешь что-нибудь выпить? – Нет, я ничего не хочу.

Do you want anything to drink? – No, I want nothing.

6) Родители не хотели с ней разговаривать.

The parents didn’t want to talk to her.

7) У тебя неудобные туфли. Смени их.

You have uncomfortable shoes. Change them.

8) Мария всегда занята какими-то интересными делами.

Mary is always busy with some interesting things.

9) Мне не нравится этот стол. Продай его.

I don’t like this table. Sell it.

10) Почему ты никогда не звонишь мне?

Why do you never phone me?

Глава 12

Упражнение 2

Посмотрите на картинки и скажите, что эти люди умеют

делать. Используйте модальный глагол can

1) The girl can swim.

2) The children can jump.

3) These people can dance under the rain.

4) The woman can cook.

5) The girl can paint.

Упражнение 3

Сформулируйте вопросы, используя модальный глагол can

и подсказки

Пример: credit card \ pay – Can I pay by credit card?

1) my keys \ have – Can I have my keys?

2) glass of juice \ drink – Can I drink a glass of juice?

3) question \ you \ ask – Can I ask you a question?

4) introduce \ people \ me \ to these – Can you introduce me

to these people?

5) go \ now \ home – Can I go home now?

6) open \ door – Can I open the door?

7) do \ myself \ the project – Can I do the project myself?

8) use \ mobile phone \ your – Can I use your mobile phone?

9) book \ the room – Can I book the room?

10) show \ my pictures \ you – Can I show my pictures to you?

Упражнение 4

Используя глагол must, опишите свои обязанности на работе

I must be in the office at 9 a.m.

I must answer the phone.

I must talk to the clients.

I must check email.

I must prepare reports.

I must control managers’ work.

I must not be lazy.

I must organize my boss’s day.

Упражнение 5

Преобразуйте следующие предложения в вопросы

1) Bob could play chess when he was a student. – When could

Bob play chess?

2) I think they may come in three hours. – What time do you

think they may come?

3) You can come to see me any time you wish. – Can you come

to see me?

4) The children should eat less chocolate. – Why should the

children eat less chocolate?

5) Helen must prepare a report every day. – How often must

Helen prepare a report?

6) He had to go home on foot. – Why did he have to go home

on foot?

7) These people may know you. – May these people know you?

8) We have to sell this bicycle. – What bicycle do we have

to sell?

9) My best friend must go on a business trip next week. – Must

my best friend go on a business trip next week?

10) Linda has to study hard if she wants to succeed. – Why

does Linda have to study hard?

11) They should do more sport. – Should they do more sport?

12) His brother should be politer. – Whose brother should be


Упражнение 6

Образуйте отрицательные предложения из суждений,

которые даны в предыдущем упражнении

1) Bob couldn’t play chess when he was a student.

2) I think they may not come in three hours.

3) You cannot come to see me any time you wish.

4) The children shouldn’t eat less chocolate.

5) Helen mustn’t prepare a report every day.

6) He didn’t have to go home on foot.

7) These people may not know you.

8) We don’t have to sell this bicycle.

9) My best friend mustn’t go on a business trip next week.

10) Linda doesn’t have to study hard if she doesn’t want

to succeed.

11) They shouldn’t do more sport.

12) His brother shouldn’t be politer.

Упражнение 7

Расскажите о своих планах на вечер, завтра, предстоящие

выходные, используя модальный глагол may

Tonight I may go for a walk and visit my relatives. I may watch

a film.

Tomorrow I may have a rest and go to the country.

This weekend I may go to the beach.

Упражнение 8

Вставьте подходящий модальный глагол в пропуски – must

или have to

1) They must receive a visa if they want to have a holiday

in China.

2) There was no bus. So I had to go by taxi.

3) You have to do all the tasks if you are dreaming about


4) Must I print these documents today?

5) She must polite if she doesn’t want to lose a job.

6) Children must listen to their parents.

7) Where is your scarf? – I had to give it to Melanie. It was very


8) All teachers must get proper education to work at school.

9) He didn’t want to help me. I had to go to the police myself.

10) Nobody told her the news. We had to do it ourselves.

Упражнение 9

Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык.

Будьте внимательны, используя времена


Моя сестра всегда готовит ужин в 6 часов вечера.

My sister always cooks dinner at 6 o’clock in the evening.

Вчера моя сестра приготовила ужин сама.

Yesterday my sister cooked dinner herself.

Моя сестра готовит сейчас ужин.

My sister is cooking dinner now.

Моя сестра никогда не готовила ужин раньше.

My sister has never cooked dinner before.

Моя сестра собирается готовить ужин через час.

My sister is going to cook dinner in an hour.

Где сейчас моя сестра?

Where is my sister now?

Возможно, моя сестра сегодня приготовит ужин.

My sister may cook dinner today.


Их дети каждое лето отдыхают в лагере.

Their children rest in the camp every summer.

Вчера их дети уехали отдыхать в лагерь.

Yesterday their children went to the camp for rest.

Твои дети когда-нибудь отдыхали в летнем лагере?

Have your children ever rested in a camp?

Сейчас их дети отдыхают в летнем лагере.

Now their children are having a rest in a summer camp.

Когда их дети собираются ехать в летний лагерь?

When are their children going to go to a summer camp?

Им пришлось отвозить детей в летний лагерь самим, так как

автобус поломался.

They had to take their children to the summer camp

themselves as the bus broke down.


Мистер Смит часто опаздывает.

Mister Smith is often late.

Вчера мистер Смит опоздал на встречу.

Yesterday Mister Smith was late for the meeting.

Мистеру Смиту пришлось готовиться к командировке,

поэтому он опоздал на встречу.

Mister Smith had to prepare for a business trip; that is why he

was late for the meeting.

Сейчас мистер Смит едет на встречу.

Now Mister Smith is going to the meeting.

Мистер Смит уже подготовился к командировке.

Mister Smith has already prepared for the business trip.

Когда мистер Смит собирается ехать в командировку?

When is Mister Smith going to go on a business trip?


Я знаю, что дети любят играть на улице.

I know that children like to play in the street.

Я знаю, что сейчас дети играют на улице.

I know that now the children are playing in the street.

Я знала, что вчера дети были на улице.

I knew that the children were in the street yesterday.

Твои дети когда-нибудь играли на той улице?

Have your children ever played in that street?

Им не следует ходить с детьми на ту улицу.

They should not go to that street with their children.

Ты собираешься играть с детьми?

Are you going to play with the children?

Где твои дети были вчера в обед?

Where were your children at dinnertime yesterday?


Марина хорошо поёт.

Marina sings well.

Марина поёт лучше, чем твоя сестра.

Marina sings better than your sister.

Ты слышишь? Марина поёт!

Do you hear? Marina is singing!

Марина вчера спела на их вечеринке.

Marina sang at their party yesterday.

Марина собирается петь на вечеринке?

Is Marina going to sing at the party?

Марина умеет хорошо петь.

Marina can sing very well.

Марина когда-нибудь пела раньше?

Has Marina ever sung before?

Марине пришлось спеть на вечеринке, так как у неё не было


Marina had to sing at the party as she didn’t have a present.