Глава 1
1. Matsui K., Tanaka K., and Nakamura Y. Digital signature on a facsimile document by recursive MH coding // Symposium On Cryptography and Information Security, 1989.
2. Osborne C., van Schyndel R., Tirkel A. A Digital Watermark // IEEE Intern. Conf. on Image Processing, 1994. P. 86–90.
3. Anderson R., editor. // Proc. Int. Workshop on Information Hiding: Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer-Verlag, Cambridge. 1996.
4. Ramkumar M. Data Hiding in Multimedia. PhD Thesis. New Jersey Institute of Technology, 1999. 72 p.
5. Simmons G. The prisoner`s problem and the subliminal channel // Proc. Workshop on Communications Security (Crypto`83), 1984. P. 51–67.
6. Simmons G. The History of Subliminal Channels // IEEE Journal on Selec-ted Areas of Communications. 1998. Vol. 16, № 4. P. 452–461.
7. Fridrich J., Du R., Long M. Steganalysis of LSB encoding in color images // ICME, 2000.
8. Voloshynovskiy S., Pereira S., Iquise V., Pun T. Attack Modelling: Towards a Second Generation Watermarking Benchmark // Preprint. University of Geneva, 2001. 58 p.
9. Marvel L. Image Steganography for hidden communication. PhD Thesis. Univ.of Delaware, 1999. 115 p.
10. Cox J., Miller M., McKellips A. Watermarking as communications with side information // Proceedings of the IEEE. 1999. Vol. 87. № 7. P. 1127–1141.
11. Schneier B. Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms, and Source Code in C, 2nd ed. New York // John Wiley and Sons, 1996.
12. Anderson R. Stretching the Limits of Steganography // Information Hiding, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1996. Vol. 1174. P. 39–48.
13. Craver S. On Public-Key Steganography in the Presence of an Active Warden // Intel Corp., 1997. 13 p.
14. Craver S. Zero Knowledge Watermark Detection // Princeton Univ., 1999. 16 p.
15. Pitas I. A Method for Signature Casting on Digital Images // Proceedings of ICIP. 1996. Vol.3. P. 215–218.
Глава 2
1. Schneier B. Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms, and Source Code in C, 2nd ed. New York // John Wiley and Sons, 1996.
2. Hartung F., Su J., Girod B. Spread Spectrum Watermarking: Malicious Attacks and Counterattacks.
3. Petitcolas F., Anderson R., Kuhn M. Attacks on Copyright Marking Systems // Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1998. P. 218–238.
4. Langelaar G., Lagendijk R., Biemond J. Removing spatial spread spectrum watermarks by non-linear filtering // Proceedings EUSIPCO-98. 1998.
5. Kutter M., Voloshynovskiy S., Herrigel A. The Watermark Copy Attack // Proceedings of SPIE: Security and Watermarking of Multimedia Content II. 2000. Vol. 3971.
6. Su J., Girod B. On the imperceptibility and robustness of digital fingerprints // IEEE ICMCS-99. 1999.
7. Voloshynovskiy S., Herrigel, A., Baumgrtner N., Pun T. A stochastic approach to content adaptive digital image watermarking // Proceeding of International Workshop on Information hiding. 1999.
8. Cox I., Linnartz J. Some general methods for tampering with watermarks // IEEE Journal on Selected Areas of Communications. 1997.
9. Kutter M. Digital Image Watermarking: Hiding Information in Images. PhD thesis, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland, 1999.
10. Petitcolas F. Weakness of existing watermarking schemes. . 1997.
11. Lin C. Watermarking and Digital Signature Techniques for Multimedia Authentication and Copyright Protection. PhD Thesis, Columbia University, 2000.
12. Wu M. Multimedia Data Hiding. PhD Thesis, Princeton University, 2001.
13. Craver S., Memon N., Yeo B., Yeung M. Can Invisible Watermarks Resolve Rightful Ownerships? // IBM Research Report. 1996.
14. Craver S., Memon N., Yeo B., Yeung M. On the Invertibility of Invisible Watermarking Techniques // Proc. of ICIP. 1997.
15. Craver S., Memon N., Yeo B., Yeung M. Resolving Rightful Ownerships with Invisible Watermarking Techniques: Limitations, Attacks, and Implications // IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communication. 1998. Vol. 16. № 4. P. 573–586.
16. Deguillaume F., Csurka G., Pun T. Countermeasures for unintentional and intentional video watermarking attacks // SPIE Electronic Imaging. 2000.
17. Maes M. Twin Peaks: The Histogram Attack to Fixed Depth Image Watermarks // Proceeding of International Workshop on Information hiding. 1998.
Глава 3
1. Шеннон К. Работы по теории информации и кибернетики / Пер. с англ. —М.: Иностранная литература, 1963. — 829 с.
2. Moulin P., O’Sullivan J. Information-theoretic analysis of information hiding. 1999. 43 p.
3. Su J.K., Eggers J.J., Girod B. Analysis of Digital Watermarks Subjected to Optimum Linear Filtering and Additive Noise // Signal Processing. Special Issue on Information Theoretic Issues in Digital Watermarking. 2001. Vol. 81. № 6. P. 1141–1175.
4. Marvel L. Image Steganography for Hidden Communication. PhD Thesis. University of Delavare, 1999. 115 p.
5. Ramkumar M. Data Hiding in Multimedia — Theory and applications. PhD Thesis. University Heights, 1999. 68 p.
6. Petitcolas F., Anderson R.J., Kuhn M.G. Information Hiding — A Survey // Proceedings IEEE, Special Issue on Identification and Protection of Multimedia Information. 1999. Vol. 87. №. 7. P. 1069–1078.
7. Hartung F., Kutter M. Multimedia Watermarking Techniques // Proceedings IEEE, Special Issue on Identification and Protection of Multimedia Information. 1999. Vol. 87. №. 7. P. 1079–1107.
8. Быков С.Ф. Алгоритм сжатия JPEG c позиций компьютерной стеганографии // Защита информации. Конфидент. 2000. № 3.
9. Swanson M.D., Kobayahi M., Tewfik A.H. Multimedia Data-Embedding and Watermarking Strategies // Proceeding of IEEE. 1998. Vol. 86. №. 6. P. 1064–1087.
10. Wolgang R.B., Podilchuk C.I., Delp E.J. Perceptual Watermarking for Digital Images and Video // Proceeding IEEE, Special Issue on Identification and Protection of Multimedia Information. 1999. Vol. 87. №. 7. P. 1088–1126.
11. Wong P.W. A Public Key Watermark for Image Verification and Authentication // Proc. Int. Conf. Im. Proc. 1998. Vol. I. P. 455–459.
12. Bender W., Gruhl D., Morimoto N. Techniques for Data Hiding // Proc. SPIE. 1995. Vol. 2420. P.40.
13. Busch C., Funk W., Wolthusen S. Digital Watermarking: From Concepts to Real-Time Video Applications // IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications. 1999. P. 25–35.
14. Hartung F., Girod B. Digital Watermarking of Uncompressed Video // Signal Processing. 1998. Vol. 66. P. 283–301.
15. Cox I.J., Miller M.L., McKellips A.L. Watermarking as Communication with Side Information // Proceeding IEEE, Special Issue on Identification and Protection of Multimedia Information. 1999. Vol. 87. №. 7. P. 1127–1141.
16. Kutter M. Digital image watermarking: hiding information in images. PhD Thesis. University of Lausanne, EPFL, 1999.
17. Cachin C. An Information-Theoretic Model for Steganography // Proceeding of the Workshop on Information Hiding. 1998.
18. Чиссар И., Кернер Я. Теория информации: Теоремы кодирования для дискретных систем без памяти / Перевод с англ. — М.: Мир, 1985, –400 с.
19. Wyner A.D. The wire-tap channel // Bell System Tech. J. 1975. Vol. 54. № 8. P. 1355–1387.
20. Яковлев В.А. Защита информации на основе кодового зашумления. Часть 1. Теория кодового зашумления. / Под ред. В.И. Коржика. — С.Пб.: ВАС, 1993.–245 с.
21. Коршунов Ю.М. Математические основы кибернетики.—М.: Энергия, 1980.— 424 с.
22. Voloshynovkiy S., Pereira S., Pun T., Eggers J., Su J. Attacks on digital watermarks: classification, estimation-based attacks, and benchmarks // IEEE Communications Magazine. 2001. Vol. 39. № 8. P. 118–126.
23. Chen B., G.W. Wornell G.W. An Information-Theoretic Approach to the Design of Robust Digital Watermarking Systems // Proceeding Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. 1999.
24. Грибунин В.Г., Оков И.Н., Туринцев И.В. Стеганографическая защита речевых сигналов в каналах открытой телефонной связи / Сборник тезисов Российской НТК «Методы и технические средства обеспечения безопасности информации», — СПб.:, ГТУ, 2001, с. 83–84.
25. Теория электрической связи: Учебник для вузов / Зюко А.Г., Кловский Д.Д., Коржик В.И., Назаров М.В. — М.: Радио и связь, 1999.— 432 с.
26. Menezes A.J., Oorschot P.C., Vanstone S.A. Handbook of applied cryptography. CRC Press. 1996. 780 p.
27. Алферов А.П., Зубов А.Ю., Кузьмин А.С., Черемушкин А.В. Основы криптографии.—М.: Гелиус АРВ, 2001.— 480 с.
28. Cox I.J., Killian J., Leighton F.T., T. Shamoon T. Secure Spread Spectrum Watermarking for Multimedia // IEEE Trans. Image Proc. 1997. Vol.6. № 12. P. 1673–1687.
29. Оков И.Н., Ковалев Р.М. Электронные водяные знаки как средство аутентификации передаваемых сообщений // Защита информации. Конфидент. 2001. № 3, с. 80–85.
30. Boneh D., Shaw J. Collision-Secure Fingerprinting for Digital Data // Advances in Cryptology: Proc. Crypto-95. 1995.
31. Оков И.Н. Криптографические системы защиты информации. — СПб.:, ВУС, 2001. –236 c.
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33. Калинцев Ю.К. Разборчивость речи в цифровых вокодерах. — М.: Радио и связь, 1991.— 320 с.
Глава 4
1. Кан Д. Взломщики кодов. —М.: Издательство «Центрполиграф», 2000. — 473 с.
2. J.Zollner, H.Federrath, H.Klimant, A.Pfitzmann, R.Piotraschke, A.Westfeld, G.Wicke, G.Wolf. Modeling the Security of Steganographic Systems // Proceeding of the Workshop on Information Hiding. 1998.
3. C. Cachin. An Information-Theoretic Model for Steganography // Proceeding of the Workshop on Information Hiding. 1998.
4. Коротков Ю.В., Ковалев Р.М., Оков И.Н., Туринцев И.В. Некоторые проблемы противоборства в современных информационных системах // Сборник научных трудов Военного университета связи, —С.Пб.: 2001.
5. Оков И.Н., Ковалев Р.М. Электронные водяные знаки как средство аутентификации передаваемых сообщений // Защита информации. Конфидент. 2001. № 3, с. 80–85.
6. Simmons G.J. The subliminal channel and digital signatures // Advances in Cryptology. Proc. EUROCRYPT-84. P. 364–378.
7. Шеннон К. Работы по теории информации и кибернетики / Пер. с англ. — М.: Иностранная литература, 1963. — 829 с.
8. Menezes A.J., Oorschot P.C., Vanstone S.A. Handbook of applied cryptography. CRC Press, 1996. –780 p.
9. Diffie W., Hellman M.E. New directions in cryptography // IEEE Trans. on Information Theory. 1976. Vol. 22. № 6. P. 644–654.
10. Чиссар И., Кернер Я. Теория информации: Теоремы кодирования для дискретных систем без памяти / Пер. с англ. —М.: Мир, 1985, –400 с.
11. Теория электрической связи: Учебник для вузов / Зюко А.Г., Кловский Д.Д., Коржик В.И., Назаров М.В. — М.: Радио и связь, 1999.— 432 с.
12. Грибунин В.Г., Оков И.Н., Туринцев И.В. Стеганографическая защита речевых сигналов в каналах открытой телефонной связи / Сборник тезисов Российской НТК «Методы и технические средства обеспечения безопасности информации», — СПб.:, ГТУ, 2001, с. 83–84.
13. Simmons G.J. Autentication theory/coding theory // Advances in Cryptology. Proc. CRYPTO-84. Proceedings. P. 411–431.
14. Оков И.Н. О требуемой пропускной способности каналов передачи аутентифицированных сообщений в безусловно стойких системах // Проблемы информационной безопасности. Компьютерные системы. 2000. № 3(7), с. 78–64.
15. Westfeld A., Pfitzmann A. Attacks on Steganographic Systems. Breaking the Steganographic Utilities EzStego, Jsteg, Steganos, and S-Tools — and Some Leassons Learned // Proceeding of the Workshop on Information Hiding. 1999.
16. Provos N. Defending Against on Statistical Steganalysis // Proceeding of the 10 USENIX Security Symposium. 2001. P. 323–335.
17. Provos N., Honeyman P. Detecting Steganographic Content on the Internet // Proceeding of the 10 USENIX Security Symposium. 2001. P. 323–335.
18. Вентцель Е. С. Овчаров Л. А. Теория вероятностей и ее инженерные приложения. —М.: Наука. Гл. ред. физ. — мат. лит. 1988. — 480 с.
19. Moskowitz I.S., Longdon G.E., Chang L. A new paradigm hidden in Steganography // Proceedings of Workshop «New Security Paradigms». ACM Press. 2000. P. 41–50.
20. Katzenbeisser S., Petitcolas F. Defining Security in Steganographic Systems.
Глава 5
1. Girod B. The information theoretical significance of spatial and temporal masking in video signals // Proc. of the SPIE Symposium on Electronic Imaging. 1989. Vol. 1077. P. 178–187.
2. Watson A. The cortex transform: rapid computation of simulated neural images // Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing. 1987. Vol. 39. № 3. P. 311–327.
3. Lewis A., Knowles G. Image compression using the 2-d wavelet transform // IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. 1992. № 2. P. 244–250.
4. Shapiro J. Embedded image coding using zerotrees of wavelet coefficients // IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing. 1993. № 12. P. 3445–3462.
5. Said A., Pearlman W. A new, fast, and efficient image codec based on set partitioning in hierarchical trees // IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology. 1996. № 3. P. 243–250.
6. Taubman D., Ordentlich E., Weinberger M., Seroussi G. Embedded block coding in JPEG 2000 // Signal Processing: Image Communication. 2002. № 17. P. 49–72
7. Shoham Y., Gersho A. Efficient bit allocation for an arbitrary set of quantizers // IEEE Trans. Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. 1988. № 9. P. 1445–1453.
8. Kutter M., Jordan F., Bossen F. Digital signature of color images using amplitude modulation // Proc. of the SPIE Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Databases V. 1997. Vol. 3022. P. 518–526.
9. Darmstaedter V., Delaigle J.-F., Quisquater J., Macq B. Low cost spatial watermarking // Computers and Graphics. 1998. Vol. 5. P. 417–423.
10. Langelaar G., Lagendijk R., Biemond J. Robust labeling methods for copy protection of images // Proc. of the SPIE Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Databases V. 1997. Vol. 3022.
11. Nikolaidis N., Pitas I. Robust image watermarking in the spatial domain // Signal Processing, Special Issue on Copyright Protection and Control. 1998. Vol. 66. № 3. P. 385–403.
12. Maes M., Rongen P., van Overveld C. Digital image waermarking by salient point modification practical results // SPIE Conference on Security and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents. 1999. Vol. 3657. P. 273–282.
13. Bender W., Gruhl D., Morimoto N., Lu A. Techniques for Data Hiding // IBM Systems Journal. 1996. Vol. 35.
14. Marvel L., Boncelet C., Retter J. Reliable Blind Information Hiding for Images // Proceedings of 2nd Workshop on Information Hiding. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1998.
15. Ramkumar M. Data Hiding in Multimedia — Theory and Applications. 1999.
16. Hernandez J., Perez-Gonzalez F., Rodriguez J., Nieto G. Performance Analysis of a 2-D Multipulse Amplitude Modulation Scheme for Data Hiding and Watermarking of Still Images // IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications. 1998. Vol. 16, № 5. P. 510–525.
17. Koch E., Zhao J. Towards Robust and Hidden Image Copyright Labeling // IEEE Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing. 1995. P. 123–132.
18. Benham D., Memon N., Yeo B.-L., Yeung M. Fast watermarking of DCT-based compressed images // Proc. of the International Conference on Image Science, Systems and Technology. 1997. P. 243–252.
19. Podilchuk C., Zeng W. Perceptual watermarking of still images // Electronic Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing. 1997.
20. Hsu C.-T., Wu J.-L. Hidden digital watermarks in images // IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. 1999. Vol. 8. № 1. P. 58–68.
21. Tao B., Dickinson B. Adaptive watermarking in the DCT domain // Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. 1997.
22. Cox I., Kilian J., Leighton T., Shamoon T. Secure spread spectrum watermarking for multimedia // IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. 1997. Vol. 6. № 12. P. 1673–1687.
23. Barni M., Bartolini R., Cappellini V., Piva A. A DCT-domain system for robust image watermarking // Signal Processing, Special Issue on Copyright Protection and Control. 1998. Vol. 66. № 3. P. 357–372.
24. Fridrich J. Combining low-frequency and spread spectrum watermarking // Proceedings of the SPIE Conference on Mathematics of Data/Image Coding, Compression and Encryption. 1998. Vol. 3456. P. 2–12.
Глава 6
1. Arnold M., Kanka S. MP3 robust audio watermarking // International Watermarking Workshop. 1999.
2. Barlow J. P. The economy of ideas. Wired Magazine. 1994. № 2.
3. Barni M., Bartolini F., Cappellini V., Lippi A., Piva A. A DWT-based technique for spatio-frequency masking of digital signatures // Proceedings of the 11th SPIE Annual Symposium, Electronic Imaging '99, Security and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents. 1999. Vol. 3657.
4. Chae J. J. Robust Techniques for Data Hiding in Images and Video. PhD thesis, CA, USA, 1999.
5. Chae J. J., Mukherjee D., Manjunath B. S. A robust embedded data from wavelet coeffcients // Proceedings of SPIE, Electronic Imaging, Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Database. 1998. Vol. 3312. P. 308–317.
6. Collberg C., Thomborson C. On the limits of software watermarking // Technical report, University of Auckland, New Zealand, 1998.
7. Corvi M., Nicchiotti G. Wavelet-based image watermarking for copyright protection // Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis. 1997.
8. Cox I. J., Kilian J., Leighton T., Shamoon T. G. Secure spread spectrum watermarking for multimedia // Technical report, NEC Research Institure, USA, 1996.
9. Cox I. J., Kilian J., Leighton T., Shamoon T. G. A secure, robust watermark for multimedia // Information hiding: first international workshop. Lecture Notes in Comp. Science. 1996. Vol. 1174. P. 183–206.
10. Cox I. J., Kilian J., Leighton T., Shamoon T. G. Secure spread spectrum watermarking for images, audio and video // Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. 1996. P. 243–246.
11. Cox I. J., Kilian J., Leighton T., Shamoon T. G.. Secure spread spectrum watermarking for multimedia // Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. Vol. 6. P. 1673–1687. 1997.
12. Kim J. R., Moon Y. S. A robust wavelet-based digital watermark using level-adaptive thresholding // Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. 1999. P. 202.
13. Kim Y.-S., Kwon O.-H., Park R.-H.. Wavelet based watermarking method for digital images using the human visual system // Electronic Letters. 1999. № 35(6). P. 466–467.
14. Kundur D., Hatzinakos D. A robust digital image watermarking method using wavelet-based fusion // Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. 1997. Vol. 1. P. 544–547.
15. Lewis A. S., Knowles G. Image compression using the 2-d wavelet transform // IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. 1992. № 1. P. 244–250.
16. Loo Р., Kingsbury N. G. Watermarking using complex wavelets with resistance to geometric distortion // Proceedings of the 10th European Signal Processing Conference. 2000.
17. Lu C.-S., Liao H.-Y. М. Oblivious watermarking using generalized gaussian // Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Technology. 2000. P. 260–263.
18. Lu C.-S., Huang S.-K., Sze C.-J., Liao H.-Y. M. A New Watermarking Technique for Multimedia Protection. CRC Press, 2000.
19. Lu C.-S., Liao H.-Y. M., Huang S.-K., Sze C.-J. Cocktail watermarking on images // Proceedings of the 3rd Information Hiding Workshop. 1999. Vol. 1768. P. 333–347.
20. Lu C.-S., Liao H.-Y. M., Huang S.-K., Sze C.-J. Highly robust image watermarking using complementary modulations // Proceedings of the 2nd International Information Security Workshop. 1999. P. 136–153.
21. Nicchiotti G., Ottaviano E. Non-invertible statistical wavelet watermarking // Proceedings of the 9th European Signal Processing Conference. 1998. P. 2289–2292.
22. Piva A., Barni M., Bartolini F., Cappellini V. A watermarking technique for the protection of digital images IPR // Proceedings of European Multimedia, Microprocessor System and Electronic Commerce Conference and Exhibition: Advances in Information Technologies: The Business Challenge. 1997. P. 636–643.
23. Podilchuk C. I., Zeng W. Digital image watermarking using visual models // Proceedings of the 2nd SPIE Human Vision and ElectronicImaging Conference. 1997. Vol. 3016. P. 100–111.
24. Podilchuk C. I., Zeng W. Image-adaptive watermarking using visual models // IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, special issue on Copyright and Privacy Protection. 1998. № 16(4). P. 525–539.
25. Wang H.-J., Bao Y.-L., Jay Kuo C.-C., Chen H. Multithreshold wavelet codec (MTWC) // Technical report, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Southern California, Switzerland, 1998.
26. Wang H.-J., Jay Kuo C.-C. High fidelity image compression with multithreshold wavelet coding (MTWC) // SPIE's Annual meeting — Application of Digital Image Processing XX, USA, 1997.
27. Wang H.-J., Jay Kuo C.-C. Image protection via watermarking on perceptually significant wavelet coefficients // Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing. 1998.
28. Wang H.-J., Jay Kuo C.-C., An integrated approach to embedded image coding and watermarking // Proceedings of IEEE ICASSP. 1998.
29. Wang H.-J., Jay Kuo C.-C. Watermark design for embedded wavelet image codec // Proceedings of the SPIE's 43rd Annual Meeting, Applications of Digital Image Processing. 1998. Vol. 3460. P. 388–398.
30. Wang H.-J., Su P.-C., Jay Kuo C.-C. Wavelet-based digital image watermarking // Optics Express. 1998. № 3. P. 491–496.
31. Watson A. B., Yang G. Y., Solomon J. A., Villasenor J. Visibility of wavelet quantization noise // IEEE Transaction in Image Processing. 1997. № 6. P. 1164–1175.
32. Wolfgang R. B., Podilchuk C. I., Delp E. J. The effect of matching watermark and compression transforms in compressed color images // Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. 1998.
33. Xia X.-G., Boncelet C. G., Arce G. R.. Wavelet transform based watermark for digital images // Optics Express. 1998. № 3. P. 497–502.
34. Fridrich J. Combining low-frequency and spread spectrum watermarking // Proceedings of the SPIE Symposium on Optical Science, Engineering and Instrumentation. 1998.
35. Dugad R., Ratakonda K., Ahuja N. A new wavelet-based scheme for watermarking images // Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. 1998.
36. Piva A., Barni M., Bartolini F., Cappellini V. DCT-based watermark recovering without resorting to the uncorrupted original image // Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. 1997. Vol. 1. P. 520.
37. Zeng W., Lei S. Transform domain perceptual watermarking with scalable visual detection a proposal for JPEG2000 // Technical report, Digital Video Department,Sharp Laboratories of America, Inc., USA, 1998.
38. Chen B., Wornell G. W. Digital watermarking and information embedding using dither modulation // Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing. 1998. P. 273–278.
39. Chen B., Wornell G. W. Dither modulation: A new approach to digital watermarking and information embedding // Proceedings of the 11th SPIE Annual Symposium, Electronic Imaging, Security and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents. 1999. Vol. 3657. P. 342–353.
40. Costa M. Writing on dirty paper // IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. 1983. № 29(3). P. 439–441.
41. Eggers J. J., Su J. K., Girod B. A blind watermarking scheme based on structured codebooks // IEE Colloqium: Secure images and image authentication, UK, 2000.
42. Hsu C.-T., Wu J.-L. Multiresolution watermarking for digital images // IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems II. 1998. № 45(8). P. 1097–1101.
43. Schuchman L. Dither signals and their effect on quantization noise // IEEE Transaction on Communication Technology. 1964. № 12. P. 162–165.
44. Chu C.-J. H. and Wiltz A. W. Luminance channel modulated watermarking of digital images // Proceedings of the SPIE Wavelet Applications Conference. 1999. P. 437–445.
45. Chae J. Robust Techniques for Data Hiding in Images and Video. PhD thesis, Department for Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, 1999.
46. Chae J., Mukherjee D., Manjunath B. A robust embedded data from wavelet coefficients // Proceedings of SPIE, Electronic Imaging, Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Database. 1998. Vol. 3312. P. 308–317.
47. Puate J., Jordan F. Using fractal compression scheme to embed a digital signature into an image // Technical report. Swiss federal institute of technology, 1996. 12p.
48. Bas P., Chassery J.-M., Davoine F. A geometrical and frequential watermarking scheme using similarities // In SPIE Conference on Security and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents. 1999. № 3657. P. 264–272.
49. Davern P., Scott M. Fractal based image steganography // Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1996. Vol. 1174. P. 279–294.
Глава 7
1. Arnold M., Kanka S. MP3 robust audio watermarking // International Watermarking Workshop. 1999.
2. Bassia P., Pitas I., Robust audio watermarking in the time domain // Department of Informatics, University of Tressaloniki.
3. Boney L., Tewfic A.H., Hamdy A.K., Digital watermarks for audio signals, Department of Electrical engineering, University of Minnesota.
4. Bender W., Gruhl B., Morimoto N., Lu A. Techniques for data hiding // IBM systems journal. 1996. Vol, 35. № 3.
Глава 8
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