О жизни и смерти Джона Леннона написано бесконечно много. Приведенная библиография — далеко не полный список тех бессчётных источников, к которым я обращался при написании моего труда. Тем не менее есть книги, из которых, наряду с интервью с непосредственными участниками событий, я черпал вдохновение, ключевые мысли и необходимую для моих изысканий информацию.
Baird, Julia. The Private John Lennon: The Untold Story from His Sister. Berkeley, CA: Ulysses Press, 2008.
The Beatles. The Beatles Anthology. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 2000.
Brown, Peter, and Steven Gaines. The Love You Make: An Insider's Story of the Beatles. New York: New American Library, 2002.
Dogget, Peter. You Never Give Me Your Money. London: The Bodley Head, 2009.
Edwards, Henry, and May Pang. Loving John: The Untold Story. New York: Warner Books, 1983.
Harrison, George. /, Me, Mine. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 2007 (reissued).
Jones, Jack. Let Me Take You Down: Inside the Mind of Mark David Chapman, the Man Who Killed John Lennon. New York: Villard, 1992.
Lennon, Cynthia. A Twist of Lennon. New York: Avon Books, 1980.
Lennon, John. In His Own Write. New York: Simon amp; Schuster, 2000 (reissued).
Marshall, William, and Allan Williams. The Man Who Gave the Beatles Away. New York: Macmillan, 1975.
Rodriguez, Robert. Fab Four FAQ 2.0: The Beatles' Solo Years, 1970–1980. New York: Backbeat Books, 2010.
Salinger, J. D. The Catcher in the Rye. New York: Little Brown and Company, 1991 (reissued).
Thompson, Gordon. Please Please Me: Sixties British Pop, Inside Out. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2002.
Газеты и журналы
Carter, Imogen. "John Lennon, the Boy We Knew." The Observer. December 13, 2009.
Cott, Jonathan. "The Rolling Stone Interview: John Lennon and Yoko Ono." Rolling Stone. December 5, 1980.
Denberg, Jody. "Not-So-Primal Therapy." Austin Chronicle. August 23, 1999.
Doggett, Peter. "The Day John Lennon, Husband and Friend, Died." The Times (UK). September 10, 2009.
Doyle, Patrick, Robert Lane, and Hugh Bracken. "John Lennon Shot Dead Outside Dakota." New York Daily News. December 9, 1980.
Fettman, Eric. "She Shows Sean Where Dad Was Shot." New York Post. December 11, 1980.
Hamill, Pate. "A Long Night's Journey into Day." Rolling Stone. June 5, 1975.
Littlefield, Alex. "Yoko Ono (The Perennial One)." New York Press. December 23, 2009.
Maryman, Richard. "Paul McCartney Speaks About the Beatle Breakup and His New Life." Life. April 16, 1971.
Montgomery, Paul L. "Police Trace Twisted Path Leading to Lennon's Slaying at Dakota." New York Times. December 10, 1980.
Murphy, Tim. "60 Minutes with Yoko Ono and Sean Lennon." New York. November 13, 2009.
Sheff, David. "Playboy Interview: John Lennon and Yoko Ono." Playboy January 1981.
Sheff, Vicki. "The Day the Music Died." People. December 19, 1990.
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