Искусство обучать. Как сделать любое обучение нескучным и эффективным

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Глава 1

1. Ellickson, Phyllis and Daniel McCaffrey, Bonnie Ghosh-Dastidar, and Doug Longshore. 2003. New inroads in preventing adolescent drug use: Results from a large-scale trial of project ALERT in middle schools. American Journal of Public Health. 93(11): 1830–6.

2. Song, Hyunjin and Norbert Schwartz. 2009. If It’s Difficult to Pronounce, It Must Be Risky. Psychological Science 20 (2): DOI: 10.1111/j.1467–9280.2009.02267.х.


Глава 2

1. Bransford, J. D. and M. K. Johnson. 1972. Contextual prerequisites for understanding: Some investigations of comprehension and recall. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior 11: 717–726.

2. Chi, M. T. H., P. Feltovich, and R. Glaser. 1981. Categorization and representation of physics problems by experts and novices. Cognitive Science 5: 121–152.

3. Coffield, F. D., Moseley, E. Hall, and K. Ecclestone. 2004. Learning styles and pedagogy in post-16 learning.

A systematic and critical review. London: Learning and Skills Research Centre.

4. Fleming, N.D. and C. Mills. 1992. Not Another Inventory, Rather a Catalyst for Reflection. To Improve the Academy 11: 137. Gardner, Howard. 1999. Intelligence Reframed: Multiple Intelligences for the 21st Century. New York: Basic Books.

5. Kolb., David A. and R. Fry. 1975. Toward an applied theory of experiential learning. Theories of Group Process, C. Cooper (ed.). London: John Wiley. Meyer, Dan. YouTube video on real-world math, .

6. Paschler, H., M. McDaniel, D. Rohrer, and R. Bjork. 2010. Learning styles: Concepts and evidence. Psychological Science in the Public Interest 9: 105–119.

7. Raymer, R. 2011. Gamification: Using Game Mechanics to Enhance eLearning. eLearn magazine (), in review.


Глава 3

1. Anderson, Lorin W. and David Krathwohl, edc. 2001. A taxonomy for learning, teaching and assessing: A Revision of Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, complete edition. New York: Longman.

2. Bloom, Benjamin S. 1956. Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Handbook I: The Cognitive Domain. New York: David McKay Co Inc. Brand, Stewart. 1994. How Buildings Learn: What Happens After They’re Built. New York: Viking.

3. Gery, Gloria. 1991. Electronic Performance Support Systems: How and Why to Remake the Workplace through the Strategic Application of Technology. Boston: Weingarten Publications.

4. Thalheimer, Will. 2006. New Taxonomy for Learning Objectives, Will At Work Learning Blog, June 1. .


Глава 4

1. Memory. 2011. In Encyclopж dia Britannica. Retrieved from http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/374487/memory Feinstein, Justin S., Melissa C. Duffa, and Daniel Tranel. 2010. Sustained experience of emotion after loss of memory in patients with amnesia. PNAS 107(17): 7674–7679.

2. Heath, Chip and Dan Heath. 2007. Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die. New York: Random House. Karpicke, Jeffrey D., and Janelle R. Blunt. 2011. Retrieval Practice Produces More Learning than Elaborative Studying with Concept Mapping, Science: DOI: 10.1126/science.1199327, 772–775.

3. Kensinger, Elizabeth A. 2007. Negative Emotion Enhances Memory Accuracy – Behavioral and Neuroimaging Evidence. Current Directions in Psychological Science 16(4): 213–218. Miller, George A. 1956. The magical number seven, plus or minus two: some limits on our capacity for processing information. Psychological Review 63(2): 81–97.

4. Nielsen, Jakob. 2007. Banner Blindness: Old and New Findings. Alertbox, August 20, .

5. Stetson, C., M. P. Fiesta, and D. M. Eagleman. 2007. Does Time Really Slow Down during a Frightening Event? PLoS ONE 2(12): e1295.


Глава 5

1. Ariely, Dan, Emir Kamenica, and Drazen Prelec. 2008. Man’s search for meaning: The case of Legos. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 67: 671–677.

2. Bean, Cammy. 2011. Avoiding The Trap Of Clicky-Clicky Bling-Bling. eLearn Magazine, June. .

3. Berns, Gregory S., Samuel M. Mcclure, and P. Read Montague. 2001. Predictability modulates human brain response to reward. Journal of Neuroscience 21 (April).

4. Cialdini, Robert. 2005. What’s the best secret device for engaging student interest? The answer is in the title. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 24 (1): 22–29.

5. Deterding, Sebastian. 2011. A Quick Buck by Copy and Paste, posted by Gamification Research Network. .

6. Gailliot, M. T., R. F. Baumeister, C. N. DeWall, J. K. Maner, E. A. Plant, D. M. Tice, L. E. Brewer, and B. J. Schmeichel. 2007. Self-control relies on glucose as a limited energy source: Willpower is more than a metaphor. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 92: 325–336.

7. Jabr, Ferris. 2010. The Psychology of Competition: Meeting Your Match. Scientific American Mind Nov/Dec: 42–45.

8. Kohn, Alfie. 1993. Punished by Rewards: The Trouble with Gold Stars, Incentive Plans, A’s, Praise, and Other Bribes. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

9. Loewenstein, G. 1994. The Psychology of Curiosity: A Review and Reinterpretation. Psychological Bulletin 116 (1): 75–98. Found via Stephen Anderson’s excellent article in Johnny Holland.

10. Mason, Charlotte. 1923. Three Instruments of Education, Charlotte Mason’s Original Homeschooling Series 6: 94. Copyrighted 2002–2003 by Ambleside Online.

11. Minnesota Driver’s Manual. .

12. Okita, S. Y., J. Bailenson, and D. L. Schwartz. 2008. Mere Belief of Social Action Improves Complex Learning. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference for the Learning Sciences.

13. Pink, Daniel. 2009. Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us. New York: Riverside (Penguin).

14. Schmidt, S.R. 1994. Effects of humor on sentence memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 20: 953–967.

15. Shiv, B. and A. Fedorikhin. 1999. Heart and Mind in Conflict: Interplay of Affect and Cognition in Consumer Decision Making. Journal of Consumer Research 26 (December): 278–282.

16. Thalheimer, W. 2004 (November). Bells, whistles, neon, and purple prose: When interesting words, sounds, and visuals hurt learning and performance – a review of the seductive-augmentation research. http://www.work-learning.com/seductive_ augmentations.htm.

17. Treisman, Philip Uri. 1990. Academic Perestroika: Teaching, Learning, and the Faculty’s Role in Turbulent Times. From an edited transcript of his lecture of the same name, delivered March 8, 1990, at California State University, San Bernardino. .

18. Vohs, Kathleen D. and R. J. Faber. 2007. Spent Resources: Self-Regulatory Resource Availability Affects Impulse Buying. Journal of Consumer Research (March 2007).


Глава 6

1. Bain, Ken. 2004. What the Best College Teachers Do. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

2. Barrows, Howard S. 1996. Problem-based learning in medicine and beyond: A brief overview. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, Bringing Problem-Based Learning to Higher Education: Theory and Practice, No. 68. Wilkerson, Luann and Wim Gijselaers (Eds). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

3. Heath, Chip and Dan Heath. 2007. Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die. New York: Random House.

4. Kuperberg, Gina R, Balaji M. Lakshmanan, David N. Caplan, and Philip J. Holcomb. 2006. Making sense of discourse: An fMRI study of causal inferencing across sentences. Neuroimage 33: 343–361.

5. Moore, Cathy. 2011. Checklist for Strong Elearning. Cathy Moore: Let’s Save the World from Boring Elearning. .

6. Muller, D. A. 2008. Designing Effective Multimedia for Physics Education. PhD Thesis (School of Physics, University of Sydney).

7. Rich, Lani Diane and Alastair Stephens. 2011. Show And Tell, Storywonk Daily. .


Глава 7

1. Allen Interactions. 2010. Custom e-learning: Allen Interactions – Law Enforcement Response to Terrorism. Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly. 1990. Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience. New York: Harper.

2. Deterding, Sebastian. 2011. Don’t Play Games With Me! Presentation on slideshare.net; , slide 63.

3. Gee, James Paul. 2004. Learning by Design: Games as Learning Machines. Gamasutra Magazine, .

4. Haier, R. J., B. V. Siegel Jr., A. MacLachlan, E. Soderling, S. Lottenberg, and M. S. Buchsbaum. 1992 Regional glucose metabolic changes after learning a complex visuospatial/motor task: a positron emission tomographic study. Brain Research 570: 134–14.

5. Karpicke, Jeffrey D. and Janell R. Blunt. 2011. Retrieval Practice Produces More Learning than Elaborative Studying with Concept Mapping. Science, DOI:10.1126/science.1199327.

6. Thalheimer, Will. 2006. Spacing Learning Events Over Time. From Work-Learning Research, Inc., .

7. Zeleny, Milan. 1987, Management Support Systems: Towards Integrated Knowledge Management. Human Systems Management 7(1): 59–70.


Глава 8

1. Bandura, Albert. 1977. Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. Psychological Review 84: 191–215.

2. Dance, Gabriel, Tom Jackson, and Aron Pilhofer. 2009. Gauging Your Distraction. New York Times. .

3. Davis, F. D. 1989. Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of information technology. MIS Quarterly 13(3): 319–340. Dweck, Carol S. 2007. The Perils and Promises of Praise. Educational Leadership 65 (2): 34–39.

4. Fogg, B. J. 2011, 2010. Behavior Model () and Behavior Grid ().

5. Mueller, Claudia M. and Carol S. Dweck. 1998. Intelligence praise can undermine motivation and performance. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 75: 33–52.

6. PSA Texting and Driving, U.K. 2009. . Described at .

7. Rogers, Everett M. 1962. Diffusion of Innovations. Glencoe: Free Press. Most recently revised 2003 (5th edition).


Глава 9

1. Ferguson, David. 2009. Job aids: training wheels and guard rails. Dave’s Whiteboard March 31, 2009. .

2. Gollwitzer, P. M. 2006. Successful goal pursuit. In Psychological science around the world 1: 143–159, Q. Jing, H. Zhang, and K. Zhang, Eds. Philadelphia: Psychology Press.

3. Gollwitzer, P. M., K. Fujita, and G. Oettingen. 2004. Planning and the implementation of goals. In Handbook of self-regulation: Research, theory, and applications, R. F. Baumeister and K. D. Vohs, Eds. New York: Guilford Press.

4. Jeffery, Robert W. and Jennifer Utter. 2003. The Changing Environment and Population Obesity in the United States. Obesity Research 11, DOI: 10.1038/ oby.2003.221.

5. Johnson, H. D., D. Sholoscky, K. L. Gabello, R. V. Ragni, and N. M. Ogonosky. 2003. Gender differences in handwashing behavior associated with visual behavior prompts. Perceptual and Motor Skills 97: 805–810.

6. Norman, Donald. 1990. The Design of Everyday Things. New York: Doubleday Business. Originally published as The Psychology of Everyday Things. 1988. New York: Basic Books.