Быстрый английский для путешественников во времени

Дружбинский Юрий

Ключи к упражнениям



Тренажер но мотивам встречи с Шекспиром (стр. 44).

1. Uncle Sam dreams to see…

2. 1 must think…

3. Simon Hopkins needs to work…

4. Johnson and Johnson want to understand…

5. We may rest.

6. Jessica Simpson is smart.

7. Mrs Robinson can manage a company.

8. Jeremy Flinn is our boss.

9. William lives in our city.

10. Carolina prefers to buy here.


Тренажер после встречи с Фордом (стр. 58).

1. It will be able to take much time.

2. The guests will come to us very often.

3. She always will think about this.

4. The administration will pay them good money.

5. This man will be а multimillionaire.

6. You will see him there.

7. He will be allowed to start the work.

8. The people will fight for freedom.

9. The elephant babies will drink much milk.

10. Johnny Walker will have to do his job.

11. Jeff Daniels will like comedies.

12. Brendan Rogers will be а good expert in the business.


Тренажер на прошедшее время после визита Теслы (стр. 82).

1. I tried to understand this.

2. You wanted to ask him about this.

3. They needed our help.

4. You could help us.

5. She always kissed her husband “Good bye”.

6. She was my colleague.

7. You might come later today.

8. They were our neighbors.

9. 1 liked to answer their questions.

10. People often asked us about this.

11. John Perkins stayed at work until 5.

12. They hoped to be the winners.


Второй тренажер на прошедшее — Чарлз Дарвин (стр. 106).

1. It could take much time.

2. The guests came to us very often.

3. She always thought about this.

4. The administration paid them good money.

5. This man was a multimillionaire.

6. You saw him there.

7. He might start the work.

8. The people fought for freedom.

9. The elephant babies drank much milk.

10. Johnny Walker had to do his job.

11. Jeff Daniels liked comedies.

12. Brendan Rogers was a good expert in the business.


Тренажер после разговора с Уолтом Диснеем (стр. 127).

1. First.

2. Good — better — the best.

3. Bad — worse — the worst.

4. Next.

5. Constant — more constant — the most constant.

6. Usual — more usual — the most usual.

7. Educated — more educated — the most educated.

8. Many — more — the most.

9. Advanced — more advanced — the most advanced.

10. Interesting — more interesting — the most interesting.

11. Much — more — the most.

12. Happy — happier — the happiest.

13. Pleased — more pleased — the most pleased.

14. Little — less — the least.

15. Useful — more useful — the most useful.

16. Young — younger — the youngest.

17. Few — fewer — the fewest.

18. Similar — more similar — the most similar.

19. Complicated — more complicated — the most complicated.

20. Last.


Разговор с Катькой после путешествия к Холмсу (стр. 196).

1. When did she bake?

2. What did she bake?

3. What buns did she bake?

4. Why did she bake them?

5. Where did she bake them?

6. How did she bake them?

7. How many buns did she bake?

8. How many eggs did she put into the cream?

9. Who baked the buns?


Тренажер по мотивам беседы с Джеймсом Бондом (стр. 229).

1. Do you know it?

2. Are you afraid of it?

3. Do you remember this?

4. Do you believe in it?

5. Are you shy of this?

6. Do you live there?

7. Are you proud of it?

8. Are you silent about this?

9. Do you work there?

10. Are you indignant about this?

11. Do you prefer to do this?

12. Do you want it?


Тренажер, составленный после встречи с Лаки Лучиано (стр. 249).

1. You met this person somewhere. → Did you meet this person anywhere?

2. Someone came here yesterday. → Did anyone come here yesterday?

3. 1 was warned about something important 7 Was I warned about anything important?

4. You bought something for dinner. → Did you buy anything for dinner?

5. You know someone from British intelligence. → Did you know anyone from British intelligence?

6. Somebody from Italian mafia of Chicago conveyed you “Hi”. → Did anybody from Italian mafia of Chicago convey you “Hi”?

7. The “Apple” company succeeded to create something really innovative during the past year. → Did the “Apple” company succeed to create anything really innovative during the past year?


Тренажер, навеянный встречей с Аль Капопе (стр. 269).

1. Nobody knew this man.

2. a) I don’t know anyone there.

b) I know nobody there.

3. In this country nothing good happens.

4. a) You are not doing anything today.

b) You are doing nothing today.

5. a) I am not afraid of anybody.

b) I am afraid of nobody.

6. a) You don’t understand anything in the sausage cuts.

b) You understand nothing in the sausage cuts.

7. a) They are not shy of anything.

b) They are shy of nothing.

8. a) I must not help anyone.

b) I must help no one.

9. a) I don’t remember anything about this.

b) I remember nothing about this.

10. a) There wasn’t anybody home.

b) There was nobody home.


Тренажер после визита к Маргарет Тэтчер (стр. 289).

1. I have seen.

2. I have been.

3. He has tried.

4. He has started.

5. You have done.

6. They have sold.

7. We have bought.

8. The cat has caught a mouse.

9. Gogol has written this book.

10. I have read this book.


Два тренажера — на усилители и на слово


— созданные после встречи с диктатором Морри (стр. 335).

1. She is so beautiful.

2. You are too lazy.

3. The leg hurts very much (very badly).

4. People like such art very much.

5. She is so afraid to talk about this with her boss.

6. He is too rich to worry about this.

7. They are too sly.

8. They need our help very much.

9. She is so shy to get to the work on an oldie Chevvy.

10. She suffers so much without “Bugatti Veyron” and a decent

diamond necklace.

Beautiful enough; enough smart people; enough chocolate; enough free time; worry enough; useful enough; enough tasty food; enough experts; enough work; work enough; serious enough; enough serious experts; enough bananas; rich; rich people; happy; time; think; happy days; good; modern equipment; bad; modern.


Тренажер на восклицания, навеянный Катьке чаепитием с Джоанной Роулинг (стр. 357).

1. How much 1 like good books!

2. How interesting!

3. How cold it is in the room!

4. What a stupid question you have asked me, Mr. Reporter!

5. How much 1 hate to answer such questions!

6. How much 1 love you!

7. How afraid 1 am!

8. How shy she was to talk about this!

9. What a fatal mistake Morry the dictator has committed!

10. How beautiful you look today!