1.  Jeffrey H. Gitomer . The Sales Bible: the ultimate sales resource. William Morrow and Company. Inc, 1994.

2. Jeffrey H. Gitomer . Customer Satisfaction Is Worthless. Customer Loyalty Is Priceless. Bard Press. 1998.

3. William K. Gallagher, Orvel Ray Wilson, Jay Conrad Levinson. Guerilla Selling: unconventional weapons and tactics for making the sale. Houghton Mifflin Company. 1992.

4. Nancy J. Stephens with Bob Adams . Customer-Focused Selling. Adams Media Corporation. 1998.

5. Tom Hopkins . Selling for Dummies. IDG Books Worldwide. Inc, 1995.

7. Brian Tracy . Advanced Selling Strategies. Fireside. 1996.

8. Mario Ohoven. Die Magie des Power-Selling. Verlag Moderne Industrie Landsberg/Lech. 1994.

9. Zig Ziglar . Ziglar On Selling. Oliver-Nelson Books. 1991.

10. Zig Ziglar . Secrets Of Closing The Sale. Berkley Book. 1985.