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The Peterborough Chronicle. Ed. C. Clark. Oxford, 1970. Wace. Roman de Rou. Ed. J. Holden. V. 1-3. Paris, 1970-1973. William of Jumieges. Gesta Normannorum Ducum. Ed. J. Marx. London, 1914.
William of Malmesbury. Gesta Regum Anglorum. Ed. W. Stubbs. V. 1—2. London, 1887-1889.
Ashley M. The Life and Time of William I. London, 1973. Barlow F. William I and the Norman Conquest. London, 1965. Bates D. William the Conqueror. London, 1989. Douglas D. William the Conqueror. Methuen, 1964. Freeman E.A. The History of the Norman Conquest of England. V 1—6. Oxford, 1870-1879.
Freeman E.A. William the Conqueror. London, 1919. Stenton FM. William the Conqueror. N.Y., 1966.