На языке оригинала

John Florio: The Life of an Italian in Shakespeare’s England. Cambridge, 1934. (Reprinted, New York, 1968.)

A Study of Love’s Labour’s Lost. Cambridge, 1936. (Reprinted, Folcroft, Pa., 1973; Norwood, Pa.,1975; Philadelphia, 1976.)

The French Academies of the sixteenth Century. London, 1947. (Reprinted, Nendeln, 1968.)

The Valois Tapestries. London, 1959. (2nd ed.: London, 1975.)

The Art of Memory. London and Chicago, 1966.

Theatre of the World. London and Chicago, 1969.

The Rosicrucian Enlightenment. London and Boston, 1972.

Astraea: The Imperial Theme in the sixteenth Century. London, 1975.

Shakespeare’s Last Plays: A new Approach. London, 1975. (Также издана в США под заглавием: Majesty and Magic in Shakespeare’s last Plays. Boulder, 1978.)

The Occult Philosophy in the Elizabethan Age. London, 1979.

Collected Essays, I: Lull and Bruno. London, 1982.

Collected Essays, II: Renaissance and Reform. London, 1983.

Collected Essays, III: Ideas and Ideals in the North European Renaissance. London, 1984.

На русском языке

Искусство памяти / Пер. Малышкина. СПб., 1998.

Розенкрейцерское Просвещение / Пер. А. Кавтаскина под ред. Т. Баскаковой. М., 1999.