1. James Boswell, The Life of Samuel Johnson, Vol III, New Editions by George Napier, George Bell & Sons, London, 1884, p.52

2. Mark Twain’s, Is Shakespeare Dead?, Harper & Brothers, New York, 1909, p.34

3. Christian Deelman, The Great Shakespeare Jubilee, Michael Joseph Ltd, London, 1964, p.34

4. Letter from the Lord Mayor of London and Aldermen to the Privy Council (1597)

5. Henry C. Shelley, Shakespeare and Stratford, Ballantyne Press, London 1913, p. 3

6. John M. Shahan, Alexander Waugh editors, Shakespeare Beyond Doubt? – Exposing an Industry in Denial, Chapter 12, by Richard F. Whalen, Llumina Press, Tamarac, FL. 2013, p. 137

7. James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps, Illustrations of the Life of Shakespeare: In a Discursive Series of Essays, Longman Green & Co. London, 1874, p. 69

8. Shelley, p. 65

9. Thomas Davies, Memoirs of the Life of David Garrick, 1780, printed for author, London, p. 219

10. Washington Irving, The Sketch-bookof Geoffrey Crayon, Gent, Lippincott & Co. Philadelphia, 1871, p.347

11. Deelman, p.54

12. DEELMAN, P.51

13. Deelman, p 21

14. B. J. Sokal and Mary Sokal, Shakespeare’s Legal Language: A Dictionary, The Atholne Press, London, UK 2000

15. Earl Showerman, M.D. Email message to author. Feb. 17, 2013

16. John Michell, Who Wrote Shakespeare?, Thames and Hudson, London, 1996, p 28—30

17. Michell, p 28—30

18. Diana Price, Shakespeare’s Unorthodox Biography, paperback edition, Shakespeare-authorship.com, United States, 2012, p.4

19. Letter from Henry James to Violet Hunt, August, 1903

20. Unsigned, «Shakespeare tea caddy fetches Ј13,750,» Stratford Observer, November 14, 2013

21. Linda Theil; "Shakespeare Birthplace Trust distributes relics of the True Cedar Tree in USA» http://oberonshakespearestudygroup.blogspot.ca/2014/07/shakespeare-birthplace-trust.html -accessed 02/09/2014