1. Armington, Stan. Trekking in the Nepal Himalaya. Oakland, CA: Lonely Planet, 1994.
2. Bass, Dick, and Frank Wells with Rick Ridgeway. Seven Summits. New York: Warner Books, 1986.
3. Baume, Louis C. Sivalaya: Explorations of the 8,000-Metre Peaks of the Himalaya. Seattle: The Mountaineers, 1979.
4. Cherry-Garrard, Apsley. The Worst Journey in the World. New York: Carroll & Graf, 1989.
5. Dyrenfurth, G O. To the Third Pole. London: Werner Laurie, 1955.
6. Fisher, James F. Sherpas: Reflections on Change in Himalayan Nepal. Berkeley: University of California, 1990.
7. Holzel, Tom, and Audrey Salkeld. The Mystery of Mallory and Irvine. New York: Henry Holt, 1986.
8. Hornbein, Thomas F. Everest: The West Ridge. San Francisco: The Sierra Club, 1966.
9. Hunt, John. The Ascent of Everest. Seattle: The Mountaineers, 1993.
10. Long, Jeff. The Ascent. New York: William Morrow, 1992.
11. Messner, Ranhold. The Crystal Horizon: Everest – the First Solo Ascent. Seattle: The Mountaineers, 1989.
12. Morris, Jan. Coronation Everest: The First Ascent and the Scoop That Crowned the Queen. London: Boxtree, 1993.
13. Roberts, David. Moments of Doubt. Seattle: The Mountaineers, 1986.
14. Shipton, Eric. The Six Mountain-Travel Books. Seattle: The Mountaineers, 1985.
15. Unsworth, Walt. Everest. London: GraftonBooks, 1991.