AASOR Annual of the American School of Oriental Research
AJA American Journal of Archaeology
AJSL The American Journal of Semitic Languagues and Literature
ANEP J.B. Pritchard, The Ancient Near East in Pictures, 2nd ed. (Princeton: 1969)
ANET J.B. Pritchard, ed., The Ancient Near Eastern Texts, 3rd ed. (Princeton: 1969)
Am. Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews — Иосиф Флавий, Иудейские древности
ARAB D.D. Luckenbill, ed., Ancient Records of Assyria and Babilonia, 2 vols. (Chicago: 1926-27)
BA Biblical Archaelogist
BANE G.E. Wright, ed., The Bible and the Ancient Near East (1961: repr. Winona Lake: 1979)
BASOR Bulletin of the American Schools of the Oriental Research
BDB F. Brown, S.R. Driver, and C.A. Briggs, A Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament (Oxford: 1907)
BDPT R.G. Turnbull, ed., Baker's Dictionary of Practical Theology (Grand Rapids: 1967)
Bibl Biblica
BJRL Bulletin of the John Rylands Library
BKAT M. Noth and H.W. Wolff, eds., Biblischer Kommentar Allen Testament (Neukirchen)
BWANT Beitrdge zur Wissenschaft von Allen undNeuen Testament
BZA W Beihefle zur Zeitschrift ftirdie Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft
САН l.E.S. Edwards et al., eds., Cambridge Ancient History, 3rd ed.,2 vols. in 4 parts (Cambrige: 1970—)
CBQ Catholic Biblical Quarterly
CCHS B. Orchard, ed., A Catholic Commentary on Holy Scripture (New York: 1953)
CTM Concordia Theological Monthly
DJD Discoveries in the Judaean Desert of Jordan (Oxford: 1955—)
DOTT D.W. Thomas, ed., Documents from Old Testament Times (New York: 1961)
HAT O. Eissfeldt, ed., Handbuch zum Alten Testament (Tubingen)
HDB J. Hastings, ed., Dictionary of the Bible, 4 vols. (New York: 1898–1902); supplement (1904); rev. ed.,! vol. (1963)
HKA T Handkommentar zum Alten Testament (Gottingen)
HSAT E. Kautzsch and A. Bertolet, eds., Die heilige Schrift des Alten Testament, 4th ed. (Tubingen: 1922-23)
HSM Harvard Semitic Monographs
HTR Harvard Theological Review
HUCA Hebrew Union College Annual
IB G.A. Buttrick, ed., The Interpreter's Bible, 12 vols. (Nashville: 1952-57)
IBD N. Hillyer, ed., The Illustrated Bible Dictionary (Wheaton: 1980)
ICC The International Critical Commentary (Edinburg)
IDB G.A. Buttrick, ed., The Interpeter's Dictionary of the Bible, 4 vols. (Nashville: 1962)
IDBS K. Crim, ed., The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible, Supplement (Nashvile: 1976)
IEJ Israel Exploration Journal
Interp Interpretation
ISBE J. Orr, ed., The lntarnational Standard Bible Encyclopedia, 5 vols. (Grand Rapids: 1939); rev. ed., 4 vols, G.W Bromiley et al., eds. (1979—)
JAOS Journal of the American Oriental Society
JB The Jerusalim Bible — Иерусалимская Библия
JBL Journal of Biblical Literature
JJS Journal of Jewish Studies
JNES Journal of Near Eastern Studies
JPOS Journal of the Palestine Oriental Society
JQR Jewish Quarterly Review
JSOT Journal for the Study of the Old Testament
JSOTS Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, Supplement Series
JSS Journal of Semitic Studies
KAT E. Sellin and J. Herrmann, eds., Kommentar zum Alien Testament (Leipzig, Gütersloh)
KJV King James Version — Библия короля Иакова
LXX Septuagint — Септуагинта, перевод 70 толковников
МТ Masoretic Text — Масоретский текст
NASB New American Standard Bible — Новая Американская стандартная Библия
NBC D. Guthrie and J. A. Motyer, eds., The New Bible Commentary Revised (Grand Rapids: 1970)
NCBC R.E. Clements and M. Black, eds., The New Century Bible Commentary (Grand Rapids)
NEB New English Bible — Новая Английская Библия
NICOT R. К. Harrison, ed., The New International Commentary on the Old Testament (Grand Rapids)
NIV New International Version — Новый международный перевод
OBS 5. i. Finkelstein and M. Greenberg, eds., Oriental and Biblical Studies (Philadelphia: 1967)
071 The Old Testament Library (Philadelphia)
OTMS H.H. Rowley, ed., The Old Testament and Modern Study (Oxford: 1951)
OTS Oudtestamentische Studien
PEQ Palestine Exploration Quarterly
RSV Revised Standard Version — Пересмотренный стандартный перевод
RV Revised Version — Пересмотренный перевод
SBT Studies in Biblical Theology
SJT Scottish Journal of Theology
SOTS The Society for Old Testament Study
TCERK L. Loetscher, ed., Twentieth-Century Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, 2 vols. (Grand Rapids: 1949)
TDNT G. Kittel and G. Friedrich, eds., Theological Dictionary of the New Testament 1Q vol.(Grand Rapids: 1964–1976)
USQR Union Seminary Quarterly Review
UUA Uppsala Universitets Arsskrift
VT Vetus Testamentum
VTS Vetus Testamentum, Supplements
WMANT Wissenschaftliche Monographien zum Allen undNeuen Testament
WTJ Westminster Theological Journal
ZA W Zeitschrift fur die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft
ZNW Zeitschrift fur die Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft
ZPBD M.C. Tenney, ed., The Zondervan Pictorial Bible Dictionary (Grand Rapids: 1963)
ZPEB M.C. Tenney, ed., The Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible, 5 vols (Grand Rapids: 1975)