Глава 1. Лидерство — это набор привычек
1. Wendy Wood, David T. Neal. «The habitual consumer». Journal of Consumer Psychology 19, № 4 (2009): 580, doi: .
2. Frederico A. C. Azevedo, Ludmila R. B. Carvalho, Leat T. Grinberg, Jose M. Farfel, Renata E. L. Ferretti, Renata E. P. Leite, Wilson J. Filho, Roberto Lent, Suzana Herculana-Houzel. «Equal numbers of neuronal and nonneuronal cells make the human brain an isometrically scaled-up primate brain». The Journal of Comparative Neurology 513, № 5 (2009): 532, doi: .
3. John A. Bargh, Mark Chen, Lara Burrows. «Automaticity of Social Behavior: Direct Effects of Trait Construct and Stereotype Activation on Action». Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 71, № 2 (1996): 230–244, doi: .
4. David T. Neal, Wendy Wood, Jennifer S. Labrecque, Phillippa Lally. «How do habits guide behavior? Perceived and actual triggers of habits in daily life». Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 48, № 2 (2012): 492–498, doi: .
5. John A. Bargh, Tanya L. Chartrand. «The Unbearable Automaticity of Being». American Psychologist 54, № 7 (1999): 462–479, doi: .
6. Jeffrey M. Quinn, Wendy Wood. «Habits Across the Lifespan». Duke University, 2005, 12.
7. Wendy Wood, Jeffrey M. Quinn, Deborah A. Kashy. «Habits in Everyday Life: Thought, Emotion, and Action». Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 83, № 6 (2002): 1286, doi: .
8. Fermin Moscoso Del Prado Martin. «The thermodynamics of human reaction times». См.: retrieved from .
9. Beth Crandall, Karen Gethcell-Reiter. «Human Factors in Medicine: Critical Decision Method: A Technique for Eliciting Concrete Assessment Indicators from the Intuition of NICU Nurses». Advances in Nursing Science 16, № 1 (1993): 72–77.
10. Milan Kundera. The Unbearable Lightness of Being (New York: Harper & Row, 1984). См. также издание на русском языке: Милан Кундера. Невыносимая легкость бытия. М.: Азбука-классика, 2006.
11. Richard D. Arvey, Maria Rotundo, Wendy Johnson, Zhen Zhang, Matt McGue. «The determinants of leadership role occupancy: Genetic and personality factors». The Leadership Quarterly 17, № 1 (2006): 1, doi: .
12. Anoop K. Patiar, Lokman Mia. «Transformational Leadership Style, Market Competition and Departmental Performance: Evidence from Luxury Hotels in Australia». International Journal of Hospitality Management 28, № 2 (2009): 259, doi: .
13. Rod L. Flanigan, Gary Stewardson, Jeffrew Dew, Michelle M. Fleig-Palmer, Edward Reeve. «Effects of Leadership on Financial Performance at the Local Level of an Industrial Distributor». The Journal of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering 29, № 4 (2013): 6–7.
14. John LaRosa. «Overview & Status of The U. S. Self-improvement Market: Market Size, Segments, Emerging Trends & Forecasts». Market Data Enterprises Inc., November 2013, .
15. Andrea Derler. «Boosted Spend on Leadership Development — The Facts and Figures», .
16. Robert B. Kaiser, Gordy Curphy. «Leadership Development: The Failure of an Industry and the Opportunity for Consulting Psychologists». Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 65, № 4 (2013): 294, doi: .
17. Laci Loew. State of Leadership Development in 2015: The Time to Act is Now. Brandon Hall Group, 2015, 5. PDF e-book, .
18. Lindsay Thomson, Lauretta Lu, Deanna Pate, Britt Andreatta, Allison Schnidman, Todd Dewett. 2017 Workplace Learning Report: How modern L&D pros are tackling top challenges. LinkedIn, 2017, 17. PDF e-book, .
19. David L. Georgensen. «The problem of transfer calls for partnership». Training and Development Journal 36, № 10 (1982): 75–78.
20. Alfred H. Fuchs, Katharine S. Milar. «Psychology as a Science». Hand-book of Psychology Volume I: History of Psychology/eds. Donald Freedheim and Irving Weiner. John Wiley & Sons, 2003, 6. PDF e-book, .
21. Harry P. Bahrick, Lorraine E. Bahrick, Audrey S. Bahrick, Phyllis E. Bahrick. «Maintenance of Foreign Language Vocabulary and the Spacing Effect». Psychological Science 4, № 5 (1993): 318–319, doi: .
Глава 2. Формула лидерской привычки
1. Pamela Engel. «Heroic Flight Attendant Was The Last Person To Leave The Burning Asiana Flight 214». Transportation, Business Insider, Jul. 9, 2013, .
2. Phillippa Lally, Cornelia H. M. van Jaarsveld, Henry W. W. Potts, Jane Wardle. «How are habits formed: Modelling habit formation in the real world». European Journal of Social Psychology 40, № 6 (2009): 1002, doi: .
3. Helen J. Huang, Rodger Kram, Alaa A. Ahmed. «Reduction of Metabolic Cost during Motor Learning of Arm Reaching Dynamics». The Journal of Neuroscience 32, № 6 (2012): 2186–2187, doi: .
4. Burrhus F. Skinner. «‘Superstition’ in the Pidgeon». Journal of Experimental Psychology 38, № 2 (1948), 168–172, doi: .
5. Andrew C. Peck, Mark C. Detweiler. «Training Concurrent Multistep Procedural Tasks». Human Factors 42, № 3 (2000): 386–387, doi: .
6. Wendy Wood, Jeffrey M. Quinn, Deborah A. Kashy. «Habits in Everyday Life: Thought, Emotion, and Action». Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 83, № 6 (2002): 1292, doi: .
7. Wendy Wood, David T. Neal. «A New Look at Habits and the Habit-Goal Interface». Psychological Review 114, № 4 (2007): 858, doi: .
8. David T. Neal, Wendy Wood, Phillippa Lally, Mengju Wu. «Do Habits Depend on Goals? Perceived versus Actual Role of Goals in Habit Performance» (unpublished, Research Gate 2009), 23–28.
9. Richard L. Marsh, Jason L. Hicks, Thomas W. Hancock. «On the Interaction of Ongoing Cognitive Activity and the Nature of an Event-Based Intention». Applied Cognitive Psychology 14, № 7 (2000): 833–836, doi: .
10. Bas Verplanken. «Beyond frequency: Habit as mental construct». British Journal of Social Psychology 45, № 3 (2006), 639–656, doi: .
11. David Montero. «Utah officials celebrate 100th anniversary of traffic signal». Salt Lake Tribune, Oct. 4, 2012, .
12. Wendy Wood, David T. Neal. «A New Look at Habits and the Habit-Goal Interface». Psychological Review 114, № 4 (2007): 858, doi: .
13. Matthew M. Botvinick, Lauren M. Bylsma. «Distraction and action slips in an everyday task: Evidence for a dynamic representation of task context». Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 12, № 6 (2005): 1014–1015, doi: .
14. Marketdata Enterprises. «Weight Loss Market Sheds Some Dollars in 2013». Press Release (Feb. 2014). .
15. International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association. «IHRSA Trend Report» (Jan. 2014). .
16. Maxwell Maltz. Psycho-Cybernetics. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1960, XIII.
17. Phillippa Lally, Cornelia H. M. van Jaarsveld, Henry W. W. Potts, Jane Wardle. «How are habits formed: Modelling habit formation in the real world». European Journal of Social Psychology 40, № 6 (2009): 1002, doi: .
18. Lee N. Robins. «Vietnam veterans’ rapid recovery from heroin addiction: a fluke or normal expectation?» Addiction 88, № 8 (1993): 1041–1054, doi: .
19. Dan Ariely. What makes us feel good about our work? TED Talk Video, 20:26, October 2012, .
20. Kaitlin Woolley, Ayelet Fishbach. «The Experience Matters More Than You Think: People Value Intrinsic Incentives More Inside Than Outside an Activity». Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 109, № 6, 972, doi: .
21. Charles A. O’Reilly III. «Personality-job fit: Implications for individual attitudes and performance». Organizational Behavior and Human Performance 18, № 1 (1977): 36–46, doi: .
Глава 3. Как не бросить практику
1. Tristan Pang. «Quest is fun, be nosey: Tristan Pang at TEDxYouth@Auckland». YouTube video, 8:22, from TEDxYouth@Aukland on October 26, 2013, posted by «TEDxYouth,» November 13, 2013. .
2. Tristan Pang. «The Future of Education: but not as you know it». QUEST IS FUN, March 4, 2014. .
3. Tristan Pang. «Quest is fun, be nosey: Tristan Pang at TEDxYouth@Auckland». YouTube video, 8:22, from TEDxYouth@Aukland on October 26, 2013, posted by «TEDxYouth,» November 13, 2013. .
4. Mihály Csíkszentmihályi. Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experiences. New York: Harper and Row, 1990. Издание на русском языке: Михай Чиксентмихайи. Поток. Психология оптимального переживания. М.: Альпина нон-фикшн, 2018.
5. Mihály Csíkszentmihályi. «Flow, the Secret to Happiness». , 18:55, from TED2004 on February 27, 2004. .
6. Timoner. «Flow State: How to Cultivate a State of Bliss and Seamless Productivity». The Blog (blog), Huffington Post, January 27, 2014. .
7. Kenneth Kushner, Jackson Morisawa. One arrow, One Life: Zen, Archery, Enlightenment. Singapore: Tuttle Publishing, 2000.
8. Chan Wing-tsit, Chu Ron Guey, Dardess John, Farmer Edward, Hurvitz Leon, Keightley David N. et al. «The way of Laozi and Zhuangzi». Sources of Chinese Tradition: Volume 1: From Earliest Times to 1600 / eds. Theodore De Bary and Irene Bloom. New York: Columbia University Press, 1999, 103.
9. Mihály Csíkszentmihályi, Olga V. Beattie. «Life Themes: A Theoretical and Empirical Exploration of Their Origins and Effects». Journal of Humanistic Psychology 19, № 1 (1979): 45–63, doi: ; Mihály Csíkszentmihályi, Jeremy Hunter. «Happiness in Everyday Life: The Uses of Experience Sampling». Journal of Happiness Studies 4, № 2 (2003): 185–199, doi: ; Mihály Csíkszentmihályi, Judith LeFevre. «Optimal Experience in Work and Leisure». Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 56, № 5 (1989): 815–822, doi: ; Jeanne Nakamura, Mihály Csíkszentmihályi. «The Construction of Meaning Through Vital Engagement». Flourishing: Positive Psychology and the Life Well-Lived / eds. Corey Keyes and Jonathan Haidt. Washington, District of Columbia: American Psychological Association, 2003, 83–104.
10. Sointu Leikas, Jan-Erik Lönnqvist, Markku Verkasalo. «Persons, Situations, and Behaviors: Consistency and Variability of Different Behaviors in Four Interpersonal Situations». Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 103, № 6 (2012): 1007–1022, doi: .
11. Bella M. DePaulo, Amy L. Blank, Gregory W. Swaim, Joan G. Hairfield. «Expressiveness and Expressive Control». Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 18, № 3 (1992): 276–285, doi: .
12. Sir Francis Galton. «The Measurement of Character». Fortnightly Review 42 (1884): 179–185.
13. Michael C. Ashton, Kibeom Lee. «The prediction of Honesty-Humility-related criteria by the HEXACO and Five-Factor Models of personality». Journal of Research in Personality 42, № 5 (2008): 1216–1228, doi: ; Michael C. Ashton, Kibeom Lee, Marco Perugini, Piotr Szarota, Reinout E. de Vries, Lisa Di Blas, Kathleen Boies, Boele De Raad. «A Six-Factor Structure of Personality-Descriptive Adjectives: Solutions from Psycholexical Studies in Seven Languages». Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 86, № 2 (2004): 356–366, doi: ; Raymond B. Cattell. The Scientific Use of Factor Analysis. New York: Plenum Press, 1978; Mark H. Do, Amirali Minbashian. «A meta-analytic examination of the effects of agentic and affiliative aspects of extraversion on leadership outcomes». The Leadership Quarterly 25, № 5 (2014): 1046–1047, doi: .
14. Stephan Dilchert, Deniz S. Ones. «Assessment Center Dimensions: Individual differences correlates and meta-analytic incremental validity». International Journal of Selection and Assessment 17, № 3 (2009): 260, doi: .
15. Hege Kornør, Hilmar Nordvik. «Personality traits in leadership behavior». Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 45, № 1 (2004): 51–52, doi: .
16. Stephan Dilchert, Deniz S. Ones. «Assessment Center Dimensions: Individual differences correlates and meta-analytic incremental validity». International Journal of Selection and Assessment 17, № 3 (2009): 260, doi: .
17. Hege Kornør, Hilmar Nordvik. «Personality traits in leadership behavior». Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 45, № 1 (2004): 51–52, doi: .
18. Stephan Dilchert, Deniz S. Ones. «Assessment Center Dimensions: Individual differences correlates and meta-analytic incremental validity». International Journal of Selection and Assessment 17, № 3 (2009): 260, doi: .
19. Robert B. Kaiser, Joyce Hogan. «Personality, Leader Behavior, and Overdoing It». Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 63, № 4 (2011): 226–230, doi: .
20. Hege Kornør, Hilmar Nordvik. «Personality traits in leadership behavior». Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 45, № 1 (2004): 51–52, doi: .
21. Hege Kornør, Hilmar Nordvik. «Personality traits in leadership behavior». Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 45, № 1 (2004): 51–52, doi: .
22. Hege Kornør, Hilmar Nordvik. «Personality traits in leadership behavior». Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 45, № 1 (2004): 51–52, doi: .
23. Stephan Dilchert, Deniz S. Ones. «Assessment Center Dimensions: Individual differences correlates and meta-analytic incremental validity». International Journal of Selection and Assessment 17, № 3 (2009): 260, doi: .
24. José Navarro, Fernando Curioso, Duarte Gomes, Carlos Arrieta, Maricio Cortés. «Fluctuations in Work Motivation: Tasks do not Matter!» Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences 17, № 1 (2013): 8–15.
25. Shuhua Sun, Jeffrey B. Vancouver, Justin M. Weinhardt. «Goal choices and planning: Distinct expectancy and value effects in two goal processes». Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 125, № 2 (2014): 224–226, doi: .
26. Albert Ellis, William J. Knaus. Overcoming Procrastination. New York: Institute for Rational Living, 1977; William K. O’Brien. «Applying the Transtheoretical Model to Academic Procrastination». Doctoral dissertation, University of Houston, 2002; Timothy J. Potts. «Predicting Procrastination on Academic Tasks with Self-report Personality Measures». Doctoral dissertation, Hofstra University, 1987.
27. Robert M. Klassen, Lindsey L. Krawchuk, Sukaina Rajani. «Academic procrastination of undergraduates: Low self-efficacy to self-regulate predicts higher levels of procrastination». Contemporary Educational Psychology 33, № 4 (2008): 919–922, doi: .
28. Chip Heath, Dan Heath. Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard. New York: Crown Business, 2010, 130–131. Издание на русском языке: Чип Хиз, Дэн Хиз. М.: Манн, Иванов и Фербер, 2018.
Глава 4. От пятиминутного упражнения — к полноценному навыку
1. Pamela Johnson. «Using Back Chaining to Train Tricks, Dog Sports and Real World Behaviors — Pamela Johnson». YouTube video, 7:04, Tawzer Dog LLC, September 11, 2015, .
2. Fred Spooner, Doreen Spooner, Gary Ulicny. «Comparisons of Modified Backward Chaining: Backward Chaining with Leap-aheads and Reverse Chaining with Leap-aheads». Education and Treatment of Children 9, № 2 (1986): 123.
3. Charles Duhigg. The Power of Habit. New York: Random House, 2012, 108–109. Издание на русском языке: Чарлз Дахигг. Власть привычки. Почему мы живем и работаем именно так, а не иначе. М.: АСТ, 2017.
4. Albert Bandura. Self-efficacy: The exercise of control. New York: Freeman, 1997.
5. Chip Heath, Dan Heath. Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard. New York: Crown Business, 2010, 130–131. Издание на русском языке: Чип Хиз, Дэн Хиз. М.: Манн, Иванов и Фербер, 2018.
6. D. R. Godden, A. D. Baddeley. «Context-dependent Memory in Two Natural Environments: On Land and Underwater». British Journal of Psychology 66, № 3 (1975): 325–331, doi: .
7. Timothy D. Ludwig, E. Scott Geller. «Improving the Driving Practices of Pizza Deliverers: Response Generalization and Moderating Effects of Driving History». Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis 24, № 1 (1991): 32–41, doi: .
8. Jonathan L. Freedman, Scott C. Fraser. «Compliance Without Pressure: The Foot-In-The-Door Technique». Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 4, № 2 (1966): 195–202, doi: .
9. Edwin A. Harris, Edwin F. Burtt, Harold E. Fleishman. «Leadership and supervision in industry: An evaluation of a supervisory training program». Bureau of Educational Research Monograph, № 33 (1955): 58, .
10. C. Shawn Burke, Kevin C. Stagl, Cameron Klein, Gerald F. Goodwin, Eduardo Salas, Stanley M. Halpin. «What type of leadership behaviors are functional in teams? A meta-analysis». The Leadership Quarterly 17, № 3 (2006): 297–299, doi: .
Глава 5. Начало тренировки по формированию лидерских привычек
1. Paul W. Atkins, Robert E. Wood. «Self-Versus Others Ratings as Predictors of Assessment Center Ratings: Validation Evidence for 360-Degree Feedback Programs». Personnel Psychology 55, № 4 (2002): 884, doi: .
2. Simon Beausaert, Mien Segers, Didier Fouarge, Wim Gijselaers. «Effect of using a personal development plan on learning and development». Journal of Workplace Learning 25, № 3 (2013): 149–152, doi: .
3. Phillippa Lally, Cornelia H. M. van Jaarsveld, Henry W. W. Potts, Jane Wardle. «How are habits formed: Modelling habit formation in the real world». European Journal of Social Psychology 40, № 6 (2009): 1002, doi: .
4. Robert Hurling, Michael Catt, Marco De Boni, Bruce W. Fairley, Tina Hurst, Peter Murray, Alannah Richardson, Jaspreet S. Sodhi. «Using Internet and Mobile Phone Technology to Deliver an Automated Physical Activity Program: Randomized Controlled Trial». Journal of Medical Internet Research 9, № 2 (2007): 6–7, doi: .
Глава 8. Мотивация к началу перемен
1. William R. Miller, Stephen Rollnick. Motivational Interviewing: Preparing People for Change, 2nd ed. New York: The Guilford Press, 2002, 13–14.
2. John A. Cunningham, Linda C. Sobell, Mark B. Sobell, Janet Gaskin. «Alcohol and Drug Abusers’ Reasons for Seeking Treatment». Addictive Behaviors 19, № 6 (1994): 693, doi: .
3. Heidi M. Levitt, Ze’ev Frankel, Katherine Hiestand, Kimberly Ware, Karen Bretz, Rebecca Kelly, Sarah McGhee, Richard T. Nordtvedt, Karina Raina. «The Transformational Experience of Insight: A Life-Changing Event». Journal of Constructivist Psychology 17, № 1 (2004): 8, doi: .
4. Ola Svenson. «Are We All Less Risky and More Skillful Than Our Fellow Drivers?» Acta Psychologica 47, № 2 (1981): 145, doi: .
5. Joyce Ehrlinger, Kerri Johnson, Matthew Banner, David Dunning, Justin Kruger. «Why the Unskilled are Unaware: Further Explorations of (Absent) Self-Insight Among the Incompetent». Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Making Processes 105, № 1 (2008): 105, 134, doi: .
6. Peter H. Ditto, David F. Lopez. «Motivated Skepticism: Use of Differential Decision Criteria for Preferred and Nonpreferred Conclusions». Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 63, № 4 (1992): 574–577, doi: .
7. Timothy D. Ludwig, E. Scott Geller. «Improving the Driving Practices of Pizza Deliverers: Response Generalization and Moderating Effects of Driving History». Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis 24, № 1 (1991): 32–41, doi: .
8. Jonathan L. Freedman, Scott C. Fraser. «Compliance Without Pressure: The Foot-In-The-Door Technique». Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 4, № 2 (1966): 195–202, doi: .
9. Joan F. Brett, Leanne E. Atwater. «360 Feedback: Accuracy, Reactions, and Perceptions of Usefulness». Journal of Applied Psychology 86, № 5 (2001): 934–937, doi: .
10. Stephen Rollnick, Jeff Allison. «Motivational Interviewing» в The Essential Handbook of Treatment and Prevention of Alcohol Problems / eds. Nick Heather and Tim Stockwell. West Sussex, England: John Wiley & Sons, 2004, 112.
11. Sune Rubak, Annelli Sandbæk, Torsten Lauritzen, Bo Christensen. «Motivational interviewing: a systematic review and meta-analysis». British Journal of General Practice 55, № 513 (2005): 307–309.
12. Elliot Aronson, Carrie Fried, Jeff Stone. «Overcoming Denial and Increasing the Intention to Use Condoms through the Induction of Hypocrisy». American Journal of Public Health 81, № 12 (1991): 1636–1637, doi: .
13. Jeff Stone, Elliot Aronson, A. Lauren Crain, Matthew P. Winslow, Carrie B. Fried. «Inducing Hypocrisy as a Means of Encouraging Young Adults to Use Condoms». Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 20, № 1 (1994): 121, doi: .
Глава 9. Уроки лидерских привычек
1. Carlo C. DiClemente, Mary M. Velasquez. «Motivational Interviewing and the Stages of Change» в Motivational Interviewing: Preparing People for Change, 2nd ed. / eds. William R. Miller and Stephen Rollnick. New York: The Guilford Press, 2002, 201.
2. Johannes Thrul, Alexandra B. Klein, Danielle E. Ramo. «Smoking Cessation Intervention on Facebook: Which Content Generates the Best Engagement?» Journal of Medical Internet Research 17, № 11 (2015): e246–e249, doi: .
3. Rikki K. Wheatley, Richard P. West, Cade T. Charlton, Richard B. Sanders, Tim G. Smith, Mathew J. Taylor. «Improving Behavior through Differential Reinforcement: A Praise Note System for Elementary School Students». Education and Treatment of Children 32, № 4 (2009): 557–566.
4. Stefanie Ashford, Jemma Edmunds, David P. French. «What Is the Best Way to Change Self-efficacy to Promote Lifestyle and Recreational Physical Activity? A Systematic Review with Meta-analysis». British Journal of Health Psychology 15, № 2 (2010): 277, doi: .
5. Stefanie Ashford, Jemma Edmunds, David P. French. «What Is the Best Way to Change Self-efficacy to Promote Lifestyle and Recreational Physical Activity? A Systematic Review with Meta-analysis». British Journal of Health Psychology 15, № 2 (2010): 277, doi: .
6. Robert Hurling, Michael Catt, Marco De Boni, Bruce W. Fairley, Tina Hurst, Peter Murray, Alannah Richardson, Jaspreet S. Sodhi. «Using Internet and Mobile Phone Technology to Deliver an Automated Physical Activity Program: Randomized Controlled Trial». Journal of Medical Internet Research 9, № 2 (2007): 6–7, doi: .
7. Stefanie Ashford, Jemma Edmunds, David P. French. «What Is the Best Way to Change Self-efficacy to Promote Lifestyle and Recreational Physical Activity? A Systematic Review with Meta-analysis». British Journal of Health Psychology 15, № 2 (2010): 277, doi: .
8. Stefanie Ashford, Jemma Edmunds, David P. French. «What Is the Best Way to Change Self-efficacy to Promote Lifestyle and Recreational Physical Activity? A Systematic Review with Meta-analysis». British Journal of Health Psychology 15, № 2 (2010): 277, doi: .
9. Phillippa Lally, Cornelia H. M. van Jaarsveld, Henry W. W. Potts, Jane Wardle. «How are habits formed: Modelling habit formation in the real world,» European Journal of Social Psychology 40, № 6 (2009): 1002, doi: .
10. Phillippa Lally, Cornelia H. M. van Jaarsveld, Henry W. W. Potts, Jane Wardle. «How are habits formed: Modelling habit formation in the real world,» European Journal of Social Psychology 40, № 6 (2009): 1002, doi: .