□ «СасЬе–timing attacks on AES» by Daniel J. Bernstein: http://cr.yp.to/ antiforgery/cachetiming–20050414.pdf

□ «Cache for fun and profit» (атака на RSA на машинах с гипертредингом, аналогичная атака Бернстайна на AES) by Colin Percival: www.daemonology.net/ papers/htt.pdf

□ Computer security: Art and Science by Matt Bishop (Addison–Wesley, 2002), Chapter 5, «Confidentiality Policies»

□ Default Passwords: www.cirt.net/cgi–bin/passwd.pl

□ Windows Rights Management Services: www.microsoft.com/resources/ documentation/windowsserv/2003/all/rms/en–us/default.mspx

□ XrML (extensible Rights Markup Language): www.xrml.org

□ Encrypting File System overview: www.microsoft.com/resources/documentation/ windows/xp/all/proddocs/en–us/encrypt–overviewmspx