□ Usability Engineering by Jacob Nielson (Morgan Kaufman, 1994)
□ Сайт Джекоба Нильсона, посвященный инженерным аспектам практичности: www.useit.com
□ 10 Immutable Laws of Security: www.microsoft.com/teclmet/archive/community/ columns/security/essays/lOsalaws.mspx
□ «10 Immutable Laws of Security Administrartion» by Scott Culp: www.microsoft. com/technet/archive/community/columns/security/essays/lOsalaws.mspx
□ «Writing Error Messages for Security Features» by Everett McKay: http://msdn. microsoft.com/library/en–us/dnsecure/html/security errormessages.asp
□ «Why Johny Can\'t Encrypt: A Usability Evaluation of PGP5.0» by Alma Whitten and J.D.Tygar: www.usenix.org/publicationd/library/proceedings/ sec99/full_papers/whitten/whitten_html/index.html
□ «Usability of Security: A Case Study» by Alma Whitten and J.D.Tygar: reports–archive.adm.cs.cmu.edu/anon/1998/CMU_CS–98–155.pdf
□ «Are Usability and Security Two Opposite Directions in Computer Systems?» by Konstantin Rozinov: http://rozinov.sfs.poly.edu/papers/security_vs_ usability.pdf
□ Use the Internet Explorer Information Bar: www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/ using/web/sp2_infobar.mspx
□ IEEE Security and Privacy September–October 2004: http://csdl. computer. org/comp/mags/sp/2004/05/j5toc.htm
□ Introduction to Group Policy in Windows Server 2003: www.microsoft.com/ windowsserver2003/techinfo/overview.mspx