Frog and Toad went for a walk. It started to rain. They ran to Frog’s house.

“I am all wet,” said Toad. “It is a bad day.”

“We ca have some tea and cake,” said Frog. “The rain will stop. If you sit near the fire, your clothes will soon be dry. And I will tell you a story while we are waiting.”

“Oh, good,” said Toad.

“When I was little,” said Frog, “my father said to me, ‘Son, this is a cold, gray day but spring is just around the corner.’ I wanted spring to come. I went out to find that corner. I walked along a path in the woods, and came to a corner. I went around the corner to see if spring was on the other side.”

“And was it?’ asked Toad.

“No,” said Frog. “There was only a tree, stones and dry grass. So I walked in the meadow. Soon I came to another corner. I went around the corner to see if spring was there.”

“And was it there?’ asked Toad.

“No,” said Frog. “There was only a worm under an old tree. So I walked along the river, and came to another corner. I went around the corner to look for spring.”

“Was it there?” asked Toad.

“No,” said Frog. “There was only wet mud and a lizard.”

“Were you tired?” asked Toad.

“Yes, I was tired,” said Frog, “and it started to rain. I went back home. When I got there, I found another corner. It was the corner of my house.”

“Did you go around it?” asked Toad.

“I went around that corner, too,” said Frog.

“What did you see?’ asked Toad.

“I saw the sun shining,” said Frog. “I saw birds sitting in a tree. I saw my mother and father working in the garden. I saw flowers in our garden.”

“You found it!” cried Toad.

“Yes,” said Frog. “I was very happy. I found the corner that spring was just around.”

“Look, Frog,” said Toad. “You were right. The rain stopped.”

Frog and Toad ran outside. They ran around the corner of Frog’s house and saw that spring came again.