On Toad’s birthday Frog gave him a hat.

Toad was very happy.

“Happy birthday,” said Frog.

Toad put on the hat. It covered his eyes.

“I am sorry,” said Frog. “That hat is too big for you. I will give you something else.”

“No,” said Toad. “This hat is your present to me. I like it, and I will wear it.”

Frog and Toad went for a walk. Toad bumped into a tree and a rock. He fell in a hole.

“Frog,” said Toad, “I can’t see anything. I cannot wear your beautiful present. This is a sad birthday for me.”

Frog and Toad were sad for a while.

Then Frog said, “Toad, this is what you must do. Tonight when you go to bed you must think some very big thoughts. The big thoughts will make your head bigger. In the morning your new hat may be just the right size.”

“What a good idea,” said Toad.

That night when Toad went to bed he thought really big thoughts. Toad thought about big flowers. He thought about big trees. He thought about big mountains. Then Toad fell asleep.

Frog came into Toad’s house at night. He found the hat and took it to his house. Frog poured some water on the hat. He put the hat in a warm place to dry. It began to get smaller and smaller. Frog went back to Toad’s house. Toad was still sleeping. Frog put the hat back where he found it.

When Toad woke up in the morning, he put the hat on his head. It was just the right size. Toad ran to Frog’s house.

“Frog, Frog!” he cried. “All my big thoughts made my head bigger. Now I can wear your present!”

Frog and Toad went for a walk. Toad did not bump into a tree or a rock. He did not fall in a hole. It was a very happy day after Toad’s birthday.