In the book «Russian religious axiology. The collection of articles» the author has substantiated the existence within the Russian philosophical tradition special school of thought – Russian religious axiology. The concept of the «Russian religious axiology» was put into scientific circulation by the author in 2002, when the very existence of the theory of value in the Russian philosophy was denied. The author shows that the development of the theory of values was held by domestic thinkers in close connection with the whole range of associated general philosophical problems: the role of the ideals and values in the spiritual world of the person, the crisis of modern civilization and its consequences for a person to lose his spiritual support in life and the ways of its attainment again and other.
The book contains three chapters that investigate the ideas and concepts of Russian religious thinkers. In the first Chapter «Values as the core of culture and spiritual life of the person» the author studies such issues as the role of spirituality in the historical life of the people, the originality of Russian spirituality in the context of the dialogue of cultures, the problem of the hierarchy of values in axiology of culture by B. P. Vysheslavtsev, the formation of value consciousness of the person as the subject of the axiology of culture by B. P. Vysheslavtsev, axiological conception of I. A. Ilyin, claiming the existence of laws and axioms of the spiritual life of the person.
In the second Chapter «Problems of revival of the person and culture in post-Communist Russia», the author analyzes the theories of religious philosophers about the originality of Russian culture, as well as the tasks of revival of culture and individual in post-Communist Russia.
The third Chapter «Aesthetic value as a subject of Russian religious axiology» is devoted to the analysis of the specific of aesthetic value in nature and art by religious philosophers; a separate part is dedicated to the theory of beauty of N. O. Lossky. The author analyses the interpretation of beauty (and entirely the aesthetic value) in the books of Russian religious thinkers (V. S. Solovyov, S. N. Bulgakov, P. A. Florensky, N. A. Berdyaev, I. A. Ilyin, S. L. Frank and others) on the basis of his own theory of aesthetic value.