The translator-editor of the Russian edition realises that the preparation and publication of this book has been possible only thanks to the all-pervading grace of a Higher Power. It is difficult to detail the contribution of all those who, acting as instruments of that Power, have in one way or another given life to the Russian edition of this great pearl of spiritual knowledge.

1. First follows a list of those who have made the most important and indescribable contribution – that of influencing on the consciousness of translator-editor and the choice of his spiritual Path. This gratitude cannot be put in words. Several mentors have already been absorbed into the Lotus Feet of the Divine, but they are nevertheless present in the spirit of this book:

Tatiyana A. Lanina (Tamil Language Group, Faculty of Oriental Studies, Leningrad State University, 1965)

William Atkinson (1965)

Zenon Kosidovsky (1969)

Vladimir L. Levi (1973)

Juri G. Rudenko (1974)

Leo Tolstoy (1976)

Arthur Osborne(1979)

Jiddu Krishnamurti (1981)

2. Heartfelt gratitude for all who helped in the different stages of preparing this book:

A. The translation of the fourth English edition (1974) of “The Collected Works” (1984–1986):

Juri G. Rudenko

Eugene M. Globa

В. The preparation of the final manuscript version (1996–1998):

Members of Sri Ramanasramam:

V. S. Ramanan, President

V. S. Mani


J. Jayaraman

Dev Gogoi

T. V. Chandramouli

Experts on Bhagavan's teachings and the literature about Him:

Swami Nirvanananda Giri (Nadhia Sutara)

David Godman

Michael James

Experts on Tamil and other oriental languages:

Swami Shantananda Puri

Alexander M. Dubiansky (Institute of Asican and African Countries, Moscow State University)

Ramana devotees:

Graham Boyd

Zbigniew S. E. Buday

Krishna and Gulchehra Kehr

Alison Williams

Juri G. Rudenko

C. The acquisition and the mastering of the technical means for the manuscript's preparation (1997–1998):

A. Ramana, Founder-Director, AHAM

Gennady I. Novikov

Sergei S. Treivus

Vladimir Z. Krivchonok

D. Printing and publishing (1998):

Alexander V. Starynin

Boris L. Volkov

3. Tremendous personal gratitude is owed to those non-Ashramites who rendered material support for my stay and work at Sri Ramanasramam:

A. Ramana

Vladimir I. Tanklevsky (Smusin)

Roland M. Olson

4. Great gratitude is owed to those who gave constant friendly support, help and empathy. The preparation and publication of this book would have been impossible without these people:

Nadezhda V. Mogilever, my wife and friend

Vladimir I. Tanklevsky (Smusin), my friend

Oleg Mogilever