Vladislav Nikolaevich Orlov is an Associate Professor at Criminology and Criminal Executive Law Chair of FSBEI HPE “Moscow State Juridical University by O.E. Kutafin (MSJA)”, Candidate of Law, Associate Professor, one of the founders and Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the quarterly scientific practical bulletin “Russian Criminological Outlook”, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the series “Library of the Bulletin “Russian Criminological Outlook”, responsible secretary of the Regional Public Organization “Union of Criminalists and Criminologists”, member of Russian Criminological Association and Moscow Club of Criminologists. He was born on the 16th of October, 1973 in Stavropol, where he graduated a secondary school № 1 with profound studying of the English Language in 1991.
In 1995, he graduated Juridical Institute of MIA of the Russian Federation in “Jurisprudence”. After that, he took the position of inspector, senior inspector of Leninsky Region IAD in Stavropol, IAD in Stavropol, IAD in Stavropol Territory, training the personnel of the Inner Affairs Organs in 1996–2000.
In 1996, he entered a part-time post-graduate school of Stavropol State University, which he graduated in 2000 by his candidate of law thesis defense. The topic of his work was “Problems of Correctional Working Application and Execution”, specialized in “12.00.08 – Criminal Law and Criminology; Criminal Executive Law”. His scientific guide was Doctor of Law, Professor S.I. Zeldov, and his scientific consultant was Doctor of Law, Professor V.N. Zyryanov.
In January 2000, he took the position of an instructor, and later, since January 2002, he worked as a senior instructor at Criminal Law, Criminology and Criminal Executive Law Chair of Stavropol Subsidiary of Krasnodar Juridical Institute of MIA RF.
Since 2000, he is a member of Russian Criminological Association.
In May 2004, being a senior instructor of Criminal Law, Criminology and Criminal Executive Law and being a major of Militia, he quitted on his own free will from the Stavropol Subsidiary of Krasnodar Juridical Institute of MIA RF. The same year, he was appointed to be an Associate Professor at Criminal Law Disciplines Chair of the North-Caucasian State Technical University (hereinafter – NCSTU). In March 2005, he was elected to be the Head of the Chair.
In 2004, along with his colleagues, working at Criminal Law Disciplines of NCSTU, he took a decision to edit a scientific works bulletin “Works by Law Department of the North-Caucasian State Technical University”. He took an active part in the compiling of 15 editions as he took a position of the Deputy Editor-in-Chief in 2004–2007. Within this period, together with his colleagues in NCFTU, he founded the series of publications “Jurisprudence”, being the Deputy Responsible Editor of the Series.
In 2004–2005, along with his associates (A.V. Petrovsky, B.M. Sinelnikov, O.Y. Starkov, M. A. Udovychenko), he founded a federal quarterly scientific practical bulletin “Russian Criminological Outlook”, which is being edited for more than nine years (2005–2013). Since the foundation of the bulletin, he was appointed to be the Responsible Secretary (2005–2009), and since 2010 up tu nowadays, he was appointed to be the Deputy Editor-in-Chief.
Later, in 2007, along with his colleagues (A.S. Aleksandrov, L.G. Lifanova, N.N. Lysov, Y.P. Potudinsky), he founded a scientific practical journal “Practical Legislative Art”.
In 2007, according to the Decree by the Federal Education and Science Inspectorate Service on February 27, 2007 № 425/66-д, Orlov Yladislav Nikolaevich was awarded a scientific title of “Associate Professor of Criminal Law Disciplines Chair”. In this year, he elaborates the design, structure, the sections of the web-site of the bulletin “Russian Criminological Outlook”.
In 2008, along with the members of the Editorial Board of the bulletin “Russian Criminological Outlook”, he founded the series of publications “Library of the Bulletin “Russian Criminological Outlook”. In 2008–2009, he was a Responsible Secretary of the Editorial Board of the Edition, and in 2010, he was appointed to be the Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the series.
In June 2009, he quitted the North-Caucasian State Technical University as he moved to Moscow. Since September 2009 and up to the present, he takes the position of an Associate Professor of Criminology and Criminal Executive Law Chair of Moscow State Juridical University by O.E. Kutafin (MSJA).
Since 2010, he is a member of Moscow Club of Criminologists. In June 2010, he was unanimously elected to be the Responsible Secretary of the Union of Criminalists and Criminologists.
In 2011, along with iTrack Company he elaborated and perfected a design, structure, rubrics of the web-site of the bulletin “Russian Criminological Outlook”, being the Editor-in-Chief of the web-site.
In 2012, he founded the first specialized electronic criminological library. Since its foundation and up to the present, he takes the position of a director of the electronic library.
In 2013, according to the Decree by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation on February 13, 2013 № 70/nk, he was included into the membership of the Dissertation Council D.212.123.01, working at the basis of FSBEI HPE “Moscow State Juridical Aacdemy by O.E. Kutafin”. He was appointed to be the Scientific Secretary of the Dissertation Council.
In March 29, 2013, along with Professor I.M. Matskevich, he founded a quarterly bulletin “The Union of Criminalists and Criminologists” (Certificate No. ПИ ФС 77-53307), which is edited in Russian, English and German.
The sphere of his scientific interests is penology, criminology, criminal penology, criminal executive law. He is the author of more than 180 works, including 4 monographs, more than 10 course books, one encyclopedia, seven comments, seven educational and methodological manuals, and more than 150 articles and other works.
He trained three Candidates of Law (Bulavin E.D. (2008), Klimenchenko
A.P. (2011) and Yakhshibekyan E.N. (2012)).
He was awarded a medal “For Distinction in Service” of the 3rd Level. He has a wife, Inga Konstantinovna Orlova (Dementieva) (born 1977), Candidate of Pedagogies. He also has two children, a daughter – Elena (born 1996), a pupil and a son – Rostislav (born 2008).