In connection with the fact, that the Bulletin was accepted to the List of leading reviewed scientific bulletin and editions, which should publish basic scientific results of candidate and doctoral thesis research, since January 1, 2007 and taking into account the fact that up to nowadays in the Bulletin the works, contributed by doctors and candidates of law were published, the requirements to the materials stay the same.
They are:
1) Contributed works by post-graduate students of civil and military schools, applicants should be of 0,24 printed sheet.; for the applicants to doctoral degree – 0,48 printed sheet;
2) Any work, contributed to publication, should correspond to a doctoral scientific level. Otherwise, it would be declined. It should dwell on some new or direction in criminology and law, or at least provide some substantial development of the existing knowledge in the corresponding field, include some innovatory ideas;
3) As it was before, any work in any field of law and any other science is accepted if it correspond the declared requirements, as far as the Bulletin remains a criminological one:
a) research in any field of law should include a criminological expertise of supposed innovations, among them: at least an answer to the following questions: I)if there is a competence between the supposed norms of law and those in force; contradictions within the field of law and between the fields, leading to law violation and crime commitment as the most dangerous form of its manifestation; II) the impact of the supposed project of a normative act to the dynamics of criminality and law violation; growth of one type of criminality and decrease of the others; III) the way the supposed innovation could influence latent criminality and law violation and perception of a real state of criminality; IV) the way the supposed norm of law influence crime commitment, dynamics of criminal behavior, counteract it or be neutral; V) if the supposed norm has a preventive function, i.e. if it possesses one of the aspects of bases of precaution of crimes or law violation; VI) if it prevents from or stimulates the investigation of crimes and violations of the law; VII) what is the criminological potential of the supposed norm of law, its perspectives today, in the nearest and farthest future;
b) if the author could not make a criminological expertise of the supposed norm, thus it is necessary to make conclusions about the field of the theory of law, which deals with delictology: qualitative – quantitative features of the analyzed law violation from the point of view of legal statistics; corpus delicti of the analyzed law violation, delict, and/or corpus delicti of the sanctions; causes and conditions of the delicts at general social level (violation of law) and personal micro environmental, individual level (violation of law, delict in a field of law); personality of a delinquent; prevention (precautions), avoidance, suppression of law violation;
c) the contributed article should include the results of a juridical research you held: integrated results of activity of the world, federal judges, arbitrary and intermediate courts, Constitutional Court of RF and Subjects of Federation, or the results of civil, criminal, administrative disciplinary, constitutional procedure, or any other results of any juridical or law applicatory activity.
The amount of the article, contributed by a doctor in law, should be more than 1 printed sheet. The authors, mostly doctors of law, whose articles were ordered, are given fees and the author should provide the following personal information: number of his passport, year, month and date of birth, home address with postal index, TIN.
The materials published in the Bulletin do not necessarily reflect the point of view of the Editorial Bulletin.
Authors are fully responsible for the selection and verity of the provided facts, list of quotations, criminological, sociological, psychological and other data, personal and other data, and for the use of the data, not intended for publication.
Contributing the article, the author agrees to Internet publications on the webs, possessing privity of contract with the Bulletin.
The decision about the publication is taken by the Editorial Board, which do not guarantee the publication of all the contributed materials. The Editorial Board of the bulletin is competent to make changes in the article, not influencing the sense of the article in any way.
The article, contributed to the Editorial Board of the Bulletin, will not be accepted, if: 1) it was published or contributed to other editions; 2) the author did not provide personal data: surname, mane, patronymic (in full), position, scientific degree, title, honored title, membership in All-Russian organizations, telephone number, e-mail; 3) the text of the article, annotation to the article, bibliography and references is not formatized according to the international standard ГОСТ 7.1 – 2003, introduced as a state standard of Russian Federation since July 1, 2004 “Bibliographic Note. Bibliographic Description. General Requirements and Rules of Compilation”; Decree by the State Committee of the Russian Federation on Standardization and Metrology on November 25, 2003 № 332-ст; ГОСТ P 7.0.5-2008 “Bibliographic Note. Bibliographic Description. General Requirements and Rules of Compilation”, adopted and introduced by the Decree of the Federal Agency on Technical Regulations and Metrology on April 28, 2008 № 95-Art; 4) the following parameters are violated: paper size – A 4 (210*297 mm); areas – upper, lower – 20 mm, left – 30 mm, right – 10 mm; print – Times New Roman; print size – 14; line spacing – 1,5; indent – 1,25; formules are level according to the centre, their number are in parentheses on the right; tables are numbered at the top (Table 1 – Title); pictures are numbered at the bottom (Picture 1 – Title) and are made in graphic editor; referring to the sources and literature are made at the bottom of the page, enumeration is automatic and continuous.
The Editorial Board of the Bulletin is ready to accept any recommendations concerning its activity perfection. Thus, the Editorial Board of the Bulletin does not have any possibility to enter into correspondence, give back manuscripts and CDs of both published and unpublished materials. All the questions could be discussed on the phone or by e-mailing mostly with Your scientific consultants or guides.
Materials for publication, suppositions and comments should be sent: 1) in a written or hand-written type: to Orlov Vladislav Nikolaevitch – Apart.9, Building 65, Kutuzovsky Avenue, Moscow, 121357; 2) electronic version should be sent to olegstar@; [email protected] by the section Send an article to the RCO.
The fee from the post-graduate students is no taken. Information for the sponsors to make a payment by transfer: LLC “Russian Criminological Outlook”; TIN 2634061342; CIO 263401001; settlement account 40702810960240101236 at the North-Caucasian Bank of PC Sberbank of Russia; C/A 301018106 00000000660; BIN 040702660.
The Editorial Board of the Bulletin reminds, that the Bulletin doesn’t have a constant sponsor, that is why printing charges are partially compensated by voluntary payments on the side of the authors or their depositaries, public organizations, natural and legal person.
The publication of the materials by the authors, who have acquired the edition of the bulletin “Russian Criminological Outlook” on the web-site http://criminology. ru/ in the section “Buy an edition” is of priority.
The information about the acceptance of the article to publication is available:
– on the web-site in the section “Monitor an article in the bulletin RCO”
– on the telephone number (861) 222-16-99; 8-918-363-38-73 Editor-in-Chief Oleg Victorovitch Starkov or (499) 445-90-16; 8-915-051-16-15 Assistant to the Editor-in-Chief Vladislav Nikolaevitch Orlov.
The Editorial Board of the Bulletin