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Биг-Бен – башня с часами, телефонная будка и двухэтажный автобус, по сей день являются символами Лондона
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BBC History
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Справочно-информационные издания :
1000 Cornish Place names explained. Julyan Holmes. 2001.
Bayeux Tapestry and the Battle of Hastings 1066, The. Mogens Rud. (English Heritage). 2002.
Britain’s Kings & Queens. 2002.
Capability Brown. The Pitkin biographical series, 2003.
Celtic Myths & Legends. John Matthews. The Pitkin Guide Christianity in England. Pitkin, 2002.
Classic Folk Tales from the Land’s End. 2001.
Cornish folklore. Robert Hunt. 2000.
Cornish Legends. Robert Hunt. 2001.
Cornish Smuggling Industry, The. Paul White. 2002.
Cutty Sark. A Pitkin Guide. 2000.
Dissolution of the Monasteries. A Pitkin Guide. 2003.
English Country House from Manor House to Stately Home, Th 2002.
English Gardens. The Pitkin Guide to. 2001.
English Style. The Pitkin Guide. 2000.
Food & Cooking in 16th Century Britain. History & Recipes by Peter Brears.1999.
Great Britons. The Pitkin Guide to. 2001.
Harold and his England. How did King Harold become famous?. 2000.
John of Cornwall’s The Prophecy of Merlin. 2002.
King Arthur’s Footsteps. Paul White. 2000.
King Henry VIII. A Pitkin Guide. 2000.
Lady Margaret Beaufort. Peter Snelson. Cambridge Christian Heritage. 1999.
Life in a Medieval Abbey. Tony McAleavy. 2003.
Life in a Monastery. A Pitkin Guide. 2003.
Life in Victorian Britain. The Pitkin Guide. 2004.
Martin, Carolyn. Clotted Cream. Redruth, 1999.
Martin, Carolyn. Smuggling Recipes. Launceston, 2002.
Names for the Cornish. Three Hundred Cornish First Names. 2002.
Prehistoric Stone Circles. Aubrey Burl. 2001.
Royal Heraldry. Beasts and Badges of Britain. 1998.
Royal Line of Succession, The. 2001.
Saint Swithun. Patron Saint of Winchester. 1999.
Shire book of Shawls, A. Pamela Clabburn. 2001.
Short Cornish Dictionary, A. Christine Truran. 2000.
Story of Saint Richard, Bishop of Chichester, The. 2000.
Tales of the Cornish Smugglers. John Vivian. 2001.
Upstairs & Downstairs. Life in an English Country House. Pitkin Guide. 2002.
West Country Pirates. Peter James Martin. 2003.
William the Conquer and the Battle of Hastings. 2000.
William the Conqueror. His life story by Michael Phillips. 2001.
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Cambridge. Christian Heritage. Pitkin Guides
Castle Combe.
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Dyrham Park. (NT)
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Thaxted. An Historical Guide and brief tour of the Ancient Town Thaxted in Essex.
The Courts Garden. (NT)
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Tintagel Castle (English Heritage)
Trengwainton Garden. Cornwall. (NT)
Wessex. Chalk Figures of Wessex.
Wessex. Prehistoric Sacred Sites of Wessex. Vol. 1.
Wilton House
Winchelsea. The Ancient Town of Winchelsea
Winchelsea. The story of Winchelsea Church
Winchester Cathedral. Pitkin Guide
Winchester. Jane Austen in Winchester. Frederick Bussby
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