On the day after John Pendleton’s call at the Harrington homestead, Miss Polly set herself to the task of preparing Pollyanna for the visit of the specialist.
“Pollyanna, my dear,” she began gently, “we want another doctor besides Dr. Warren to see you. Another one might tell us something new to do – to help you get well faster, you know.”
A joyous light came to Pollyanna’s face.
“Dr. Chilton! Oh, Aunt Polly, I’m so glad! I’ve wanted him all the time, but I was afraid you didn’t.”
Aunt Polly’s face turned white, then red, then white again. But when she answered, she showed very plainly that she was trying to speak cheerfully.
“Oh, no, dear! It wasn’t Dr. Chilton at all that I meant. It is a new doctor – a very good doctor from New York.”
“But it was Dr. Chilton who doctored Mr. Pendleton’s broken leg, Aunt Polly. If – if you don’t mind VERY much, I WOULD LIKE to have Dr. Chilton – truly I would!”
For a moment Aunt Polly did not speak at all; then she said gently:
“But I mind very much. I can do anything – almost anything for you, my dear; but there is some reason why I don’t wish Dr. Chilton called in on this case. And believe me, he can NOT know so much about your trouble, as this great doctor, who will come from New York tomorrow.”
Pollyanna still looked unconvinced.
The nurse entered the room at that moment, and Aunt Polly rose to her feet abruptly.
“I am very sorry, Pollyanna,” she said, “but it’s already arranged. The New York doctor will come tomorrow.”
As it happened, however, the New York doctor did not come “tomorrow.” At the last moment a telegram told of an unavoidable delay owing to the sudden illness of the specialist himself.
As the days of waiting passed, one by one, it seemed that Aunt Polly was doing everything that she could do to please her niece.
“I still can’t believe it,” Nancy said to Old Tom one morning. “but Miss Polly does everything that pleases Miss Pollyanna! She’s sent Timothy three times for fresh flowers. She lets the nurse do her hair. And Miss Polly wears her hair like that every day now – just to please that blessed child!”
Old Tom chuckled.
“Well, I think Miss Polly herself looks better now wearing these curls round her forehead,” Old Tom observed.
“Yes, she looks like FOLKS, now. She actually looks better with the ribbons and lace Miss Pollyanna makes her wear around her neck.”
“I told you so,” nodded the man. “She was a beauty some time ago.”
Nancy laughed.
“Well, say, Mr. Tom, who WAS her lover?”
“Well, I guess you won’t know it from me,” grinned Old Tom. Then, abruptly, the light died from his eyes. “How is she, today – the little gal?”
Nancy shook her head.
“Just the same, Mr. Tom. There is no special difference, as I can see. She just lays there and sleeps and talks and tries to smile and be ‘glad’ because the sun sets or the moon rises, or some other such thing.”
“I know; it’s the ‘game’!” nodded Old Tom.
“She told YOU, too, about that game?”
“Oh, yes. She told me long ago.”
For no one were those days of waiting easy. The nurse tried to look cheerful, but her eyes were troubled. The doctor was nervous and impatient. Miss Polly said little; but even the waves of hair about her face, and the becoming laces at her throat, could not hide the fact that she was growing thin and pale. As to Pollyanna – Pollyanna admired the flowers and ate the fruits and jellies that were sent in to her; and returned cheery answers to the many messages of love and. But she, too, grew pale and thin; and the nervous activity of the poor little hands and arms only emphasized the pitiful motionlessness of the once active little feet and legs now lying so quiet under the blankets.