All photographs by Jean Vertut appearing in this book are reproduced through the courtesy of Editions Mazenod, Paris. Cover - Painting by Burt Silverman, background photograph by Ralph Morse for LIFE. 8 - Dr. Leon Pales, Musee de l'Homme. 12, 13 - Novosti Press Agency, except top right, drawing by Walter Johnson after Mikhail Gerasimov. 17 - Drawings by Nicholas Fasciano. 20 -Enrico Ferorelli. 21 - Map by Lothar Roth. 22, 23 - Enrico Ferorelli. 27 to 33 - Paintings by Burt Silverman. 34 - Novosti Press Agency. 38, 39 - Map by Lothar Roth. 41 - Robert Edwards, South Australian Museum. 42 - Novosti Press Agency. 46 - Ken Kay courtesy Dr. N. J. Shackleton, University of Cambridge. 47 - Jacques Evenou courtesy Jean Bouchud, National Center for Scientific Research, Paris. 49 - Jerry Pase courtesy Dr. Philip E. Smith, University of Montreal. 51 to 59 - Paintings by Chet Jezierski. 60 - Pierre Boulat courtesy Musee des Antiquites Nationales Saint-Germain-en-Laye. 64 - Jean Vertut, Musee de Les Eyzies. 67 - Pierre Laurent, extrait de Heureuse Prehistoire. 68, 69 - Charts by Earl L. Kvam. 72 to 75 - Drawings by Arno Sternglass. 76 - Patrimoine de Tlnstitut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique. 79 - Masachika Suhara courtesy Professor Chosuke Serizawa. 80 - Bedrich Kocek courtesy Brno Antropos Museum. 83 - Pierre Boulat courtesy J. Tixier. 84 to 91 - Pierre Boulat courtesy J. Tixier, except pictures appearing far right on pages 85, 87, 89 and 91, Richard Jeffery courtesy J. Tixier. 92 - Photo Musee d'Aquitaine, cliche Vertut. 96 - Jean Vertut, Collection Saint-Perier, except far right, Bedrich Kocek courtesy Brno Antropos Museum. 98 - Bedrich Kocek courtesy Brno Antropos Museum; Collection Musee de l'Homme. 99 - Collection Musee de l'Homme; Musei Civici, Reggio Emilia; Novosti Press Agency. 100 - Novosti Press Agency; Jean Vertut, Musee de l'Homme. 102 - Reportage photographique YAN courtesy Musee des Antiquites Nationales Saint-Germain-en-Laye. 104, 105 - Jean Vertut, Musee des Antiquites Nationales Saint-Germain-en-Laye - Jean Vertut, Musee de Perigueux; From L'Art Pendant I'Age du Renne by E. Piette, Paris, 1907, Musee des Antiquites Nationales Saint-Germain-en-Laye courtesy Paolo Graziosi; Jean Vertut, Musee des Antiquites Nationales Saint-Germain-en-Laye. 107 - Collection Musee de l'Homme. 109 - Cliche Conservation des Monuments Historiques de Perigueux, Reproduction Interdite. 110 - Jean Vertut - Photo Rene Vital. Ill - Docteur Jacques Bauer, Institut de Photographie Scientifique et Medicale, Faculte de Marseille, except left, Photo Rene Vital. 112, 113 - Courtesy French Government Tourist Office. 115 - Alain Roussot. 116, 117 - Jean Vertut, except bottom left, from: Prehistoire de VArt Occidental, Andre Leroi-Gourhan, Editions Mazenod, Paris, photo Jean Vertut. 118 to 121 -Jean Vertut. 122, 123 - From Prehistoire de I'Art Occidental, Andre Leroi-Gourhan, Editions Mazenod, Paris, photo Jean Vertut 124, 125 - Jean Vertut, except top right, Pierre Belzeaux-Rapho, courtesy Louis Plassard. 126 - Drawing by the late Henri Breuil, courtesy of Breuil's executor Arnold Fawcus. 129 - Photo Collection Begouen, cliche Jean Vertut. 130 - Copyright Colorphoto Hans Hinz, Basel. 132 - Phototheque Andre Held-ZIOLO; Morton H. Levine. 133 - Photo Romain Robert. 134 - Jean Vertut. 135 - Photo Romain Robert; Phototheque Andre Held-ZIOLO. 136 - Courtesy of the American Museum of National History. 139 - Novosti Press Agency. 140, 141 - Copyright © Alexander Marshack, 1973, after Alexander Marshack, The Roots of Civilization, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1972. 143 - Pierre Boulat, courtesy J. Tixier - Drawing by Nicholas Fasciano. 145 to 151 - From Art in the Ice Age: Spanish, Levant Art, Arctic Art by Johannes Maringer and Hans-Georg Bandi, Praeger Publishers, New York, 1953.