For the help given in the preparation of this book, the editors are indebted to Maurice Baudet, Grotte de Cougnac, France; Jacques Bauer, Medical Faculty, Institute of Scientific and Medical Photography, Marseilles, France; Megan Biesele, Austin, Texas; Francois Bordes, Professor of Geology, University of Bordeaux, France; Jean Bouchud, Research Supervisor, National Centre for Scientific Research, Paris; Michel Brezillon, Director of Prehistoric Antiquities for the Region of Paris; Bernard Campbell, Professor of Anthropology, University of California, Los Angeles; Piero Cassoli, Director, Italian Institute of Human Palaeontology, Rome; Glen Cole, Department of Antropology, The Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago; Gerard Cordier, Research Assistant, National Centre for Scientific Research, Paris; David Damas, Department of Antropology, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario; Michael Dauvois, Head Designer, National Centre for Scientific Research, Paris; Henri Delporte, Curator of the National Museums, Museum of National Antiquities, Sant-Germain-en-Laye, France; Jean Gaussen, Meuvic-sur-PIsle, Dordogne, France; Paolo Graziosi, Director, Institute of Palaeontology, Florence University, Florence, Italy; Raymond Grosset, Rapho-Paris; Jean Guichard, Curator of the National Museum of Prehistory, Les Eyzies, France; Bruce Heezen, Associate Professor of Geology, Department of Geology, Columbia University, New York City; Jean de Heinzelin, Scientific Consultant, The Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels; David M. Hopkins, Research Geologist, Office of Marine Geology, U. S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California; Sidney S. Horenstein, Scientific Assistant, The American Museum of Natural History, New York City; Marie-Louise Inizan, Paris; Daniel Julien, Assistant Manager, Zoological Garden of St. Felicien, Lac St-Jean, Quebec; Georges Lagorse, Les Eyzies, France; Pierre Laurent, Bordeaux, France; Jacques Leclerc, Paris; Richard B. Lee, Department of Anthropology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario; Marcel Lefevre, Director of the Laboratory, National Centre for Scientific Research, Paris; Jean-Pierre Lehman, Professor at the Institute of Palaeontology, Museum of Natural History, Paris; Andre Leroi-Gourhan, Professor of Prehistory, College de France, Paris; Arlette Leroi-Gourhan, Director, Talynology Laboratory, Museum of Man, Paris; Morton Levine, Professor of Anthropology, Fordham University, New York City; Alexander Marshack, Research Associate, Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts; Lucien Mazenod, Paris; Leon Pales, Director of Research, National Centre for Scientific Research, Paris; Louis Plassard, Grotte de Rouffignac, France; Romain Robert, Tarascon-sur-Ariege, France; Alain Roussot, Bordeaux; Max Sarradet, Curator of Lascaux Cave, Lascaux, France; N. J. Shackleton, of the Sub-Department of Quaternary Research, University of Cambridge, England; Denise de Sonneville-Bordes, Research Supervisor, National Centre for Scientific Research, Paris; Michel Soubeyran, Curator of the Perigord Museum, Perigueux, France; John B. Speth, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Hunter College, New York City; Jacques Tixier, Research Supervisor, National Centre for Scientific Research, Paris; Jan Van Donk, Research Associate, Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory, Palisades, New York; Jean Vertut, Paris.