Застигнутые революцией. Живые голоса очевидцев

Раппапорт Хелен




Архивные источники


Лидский университет (Великобритания)

• LUL – Leeds University Library (Библиотека Лидского университета)

• LRA – Leeds Russian Archive at Leeds University Library (русские архивы Библиотеки Лидского университета)

• Bennet, Marguerite: letters written during the 1917 Revolution, LRA/MS 799/20—22.

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• Coates Family Papers, Special Collections LUL/MS 1134.

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• Lombard, Rev. Bousfield Swan: untitled typescript memoirs, LRA/MS 1099.

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• Thornton, Nellie, ‘An Englishwoman’s Experiences during the Russian Revolution’, Thornton Collection, LRA/MS 1072/24.

Другие архивные источники в Великобритании

• Bowerman, Elsie: letters from Petrograd 1917, Elsie Bowerman Papers, Women’s Library, GB 06 7ELB, at London School of Economics (Лондонская школа экономики).

• Bury, Sir George: ‘Report Regarding the Russian Revolution prepared at the request of the British War Cabinet, 5 April 1917’, Lord Davies of Llandinam Papers, C3/23, National Library of Wales (Национальная библиотека Уэльса).

• Jefferson, Geoffrey: letters from Petrograd 1916–1917, Geoffrey Jefferson Papers, GB 133 JEF/1/4/1—15; 2/1—5, Manchester University (Манчестерский университет).

• Kenney, Jessie: Russian diary, 1917, KP/JK/4/1; TS of Russian diary, KP/JK/4/1/1; ‘The Price of Liberty’ TS, KP/JK/4/1/6, Jessie Kenney Archive, University of East Anglia (Университет Восточной Англии).

• Kerby, Edith: Edith Bangham, ‘The Bubbling Brook’ [memoirs of Russia]; private archive (частный архив).

• Lindley, Sir Francis Oswald: report from Petrograd, FO 371/2998, The National Archives (TNA) (Национальный архив Великобритании).

• Locker Lampson, ‘Report on the Russian Revolution, April 1917’, FO 371/81396, TNA (Национальный архив Великобритании).

• Pocock, Lyndall Crossthwaite: MS diary with photographs of service at Anglo-Russian Hospital 1915–1918, Documents.3648, Imperial War Museum (Имперский военный музей).

• Seymour, Dorothy: photocopy of MS diary 1914–1917 and photocopy of letters from Petrograd 1917, Documents.3210, Imperial War Museum (Имперский военный музей).

Архивные источники в США

• Armour, Norman, ‘Recollections of Norman Armour of the Russian Revolution’, TS, Box 2 Folder 32, Seeley G. Mudd Library, Princeton University Library (Библиотека Принстонского университета).

• Dearing, Fred Morris: unpublished MS memoirs (based on his diary), Fred Morris Dearing Papers, C2926, Historical Society of Missouri (Историческое общество штата Миссури).

• Fuller, John Louis Hilton, ‘The Journal of John L. H. Fuller While in Russia’, ed. Samuel A. Fuller, Indiana Historical Society (Историческое общество штата Индиана), TS 1999, MO112.

• ‘Letters and Diaries of John L. H. Fuller 1917–1920, TS edited by Samuel Ashby Fuller, Indiana Historical Society (Историческое общество штата Индиана).

• Northrup Harper, Samuel: Petrograd diary 1917, Box 27 Folder F; letters from Petrograd Box 4, Folders 9, 10, 11, Northrup Harper Papers, University of Chicago Library (Библиотека Чикагского университета).

• Patouillet, Madame [Louise]: TS diary, October 1916 – August 1918, 2 vols, Madame Patouillet Collection, Hoover Institution Archives (Архив Гуверовского института войны, революции и мира).

• Robins, Raymond: letters to his wife Margaret, Wisconsin Historical Society (Историческое общество штата Висконсин).

• Letters to his sister Elizabeth, Falers Library NY, Box 3, Folder 19, RR and MDR to ER, 1917.

• Rogers, Leighton, ‘An Account of the March Revolution, 1917’, Leighton W. Rogers Collection, Hoover Institution Archives (Архив Гуверовского института войны, революции и мира).

• Rogers, Leighton: 1912–1982, Box 3, unpublished TS of ‘Czar, Revolution, Bolsheviks’; letters from Petrograd; Leighton W. Rogers Papers, Library of Congress (Библиотека Конгресса США).

• Swinnerton, C[hester] T., ‘Letter from Petrograd, March 27(NS) 1917’, C. T. Swinnerton Collection, Hoover Institution Archives (Архив Гуверовского института войны, революции и мира).

• Urquhart May, Leslie: 1917 letter, from Petrograd Hoover Institution Archives (Петроградский архив Гуверовского института войны, революции и мира).

• Whipple, George Chandler: Petrograd diary, 7 August – 11 September, vol. I: 77—167, George Chandler Whipple Papers, Harvard University Archives (Архив Гарвардского университета), HUG 1876.3035.


Диссертации и научные доклады

• Gatewood, James Dewey, ‘American Observers in the Soviet Union 1917–1933’, University of Wisconsin, thesis 1968.

• Ginzburg, Lyubov, ‘Confronting the Cold War Legacy: The Forgotten History of the American Colony in St Petersburg. A Case Study of Reconciliation’, University of Kansas, 2010; http://kuscholarworks.ku.edu/handle/1808/6427

• Hawkins, Kenneth, ‘Through War to Revolution with Dosch-Fleurot: A Personal History of an American Newspaper Correspondent in Europe and Russia 1914–1918’, University of Rochester, NY, 1986.

• Mould, Dr David H. (Ohio University), ‘The Russian Revolution: A Conspiracy Thesis and a Lost Film’, paper presented at FAST REWIND-II, Rochester, NY, 13–16 June 1991.

• Orlov, Ilya, ‘Beskrovnaya revolyutsiya?’ Traur i prazdnik v revolyutsionnoi politike; http://net.abimperio.net/files/february.pdf (Орлов, Илья Сергеевич, выпускная квалификационная работа «Траур и праздник в революционной политике. Церемония 23 марта 1917 г. в Петрограде», Санкт-Петербург, 2007)

• Vinogradov, Yuri, ‘Lazarety Petrograda’; http://www.proza.ru/2010/01/30/984 (Виноградов, Юрий Александрович, «Лазареты Петрограда», портал «Проза. ру», 2010)


Электронные издания и исторические архивы

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• Cotton, Dorothy: letter 4 March 1917 from Petrograd, Library & Archives of Canada: http://www.bac-lac.gc.ca/eng/discover/military-heritage/first-world-war/canada-nursing-sisters/Pages/dorothy-cotton.aspx


Исторические источники


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• Allison, William Thomas, Witness to Revolution: The Russian Revolution Diary and Letters of J. Butler Wright, Westport Connecticut: Praeger, 2002.

• Alston, Charlotte, Russia’s Greatest Enemy: Harold Williams and the Russian Revolutions, London: Tauris, 2007.

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• Blunt, Wilfred, Lady Muriel: Lady Muriel Paget, Her Husband, and Her Philanthropic Work in Central and Eastern Europe, London: Methuen, 1962.

• Botchkareva, Maria, Yashka: My Life as Peasant, Officer and Exile, New York: Frederick A. Stokes Co., 1919 (Бочкарева, Мария Леонтьевна, «Яшка: моя жизнь крестьянки, офицера и изгнанницы», Воениздат, 2001).

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• Bryant, Louise, Six Red Months in Russia, London: Journeyman Press, reprinted 1982 [1918].

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• Cahill, Audrey, Between the Lines: Letters and Diaries from Elsie Inglis’s Russian Unit, Durham: Pentland Press, 1999.

• Cantacuzene-Speransky, Julia, Revolutionary Days, Including Passages from My Life Here and There, 1876–1917, Chicago: Lakeside Press, 1999.

• Chambrun, Charles de, Lettres а Marie, Petersbourg-Petrograde 1914–1918, Paris: Librairie Plon, 1941.

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• Crosley, Pauline Stewart, Intimate Letters from Petrograd 1917–1920, New York: E. P. Dutton, 1920.

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Статьи в газетах и журналах

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Вторичные источники


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Статьи в газетах и журналах

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