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Архивы и частные собрания

General Sir Ronald Adam (Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives, King's College, London)

Field Marshal Lord Alan Brooke (Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives, King's College, London)

General H.H. Arnold (Library of Congress, Washington DC)

Mrs Joan Bright Astley (by kind permission of the late Mrs Astley)

Lord Avon (Birmingham University Archives)

Lord Beaverbrook (Parliamentary Archives, Palace of Westminster)

General Omar N. Bradley (Military History Institute, Carlisle, Pennsylvania)

Lawrence Burgis (Churchill Archives Centre, Cambridge University)

Sir Alexander Cadogan (Churchill Archives Centre, Cambridge University)

Neville Chamberlain (Birmingham University Archives)

Sir Winston Churchill (Churchill Archives Centre, Cambridge University)

General Mark W. Clark (Military History Institute, Carlisle, Pennsylvania)

Admiral of the Fleet Lord Cunningham (British Library)

General Jacob L. Devers (Military History Institute, Carlisle, Pennsylvania)

Field Marshal Sir John Dill (Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives, King's College, London)

Lord Halifax (Churchill Archives Centre, Cambridge University)

Harry L. Hopkins (Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library, Hyde Park)

General Lord Ismay (Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives, King's College, London)

Lieutenant-General Sir Ian Jacob (Churchill Archives Centre, Cambridge University, and private collection by kind permission of the late Sir Ian Jacob)

Major-Genera! Sir John Kennedy (Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives, King's College, London)

Admiral Ernest J. King (Library of Congress, Washington DC)

Admiral William D. Leahy (Library of Congress, Washington DC)

Sir Basil Liddell Hart (Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives, King's College, London)

General George С Marshall (George C. Marshall Foundation, Lexington, Virginia)

Henry Morgenthau (Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library, Hyde Park)

Marshal of the RAF Lord Portal (Christ Church, Oxford University)

Admiral of the Fleet Sir Dudley Pound (Churchill Archives Centre, Cambridge University)

General Matthew B. Ridgway (Military History Institute, Carlisle, Pennsylvania)

Franklin D. Roosevelt (Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library, Hyde Park)

Ian Sayer (private collection)

General Lucian K. Truscott (George C. Marshal Foundation, Lexington, Virginia)

General Albert C. Wedemeyer (Military History Institute, Carlisle, Pennsylvania)

R.W.W. Wilmot (Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives, King's College, London)

Bruce Wyllie (private collection)

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