
1 Андропов Ю. В. Шестьдесят лет СССР. М., 1982, с. 21.

2 Против сионизма и израильской агрессии. М., 1974, с. 33.

3 Ленин В. И. Полн. собр. соч., т. 25, с. 16.

4 Маркс К., Энгельс Ф. Соч., т. 1, с. 410.

5 См. Маркс К., Энгельс Ф. Соч., т. 6, с. 559.

6 Маркс К., Энгельс Ф. Соч., т. 1, с. 391–392.

7 Ленин В. И. Полн. собр. соч., т. 8, с. 74.

8 Ленин В. И. Полн. собр. соч., т. 38, с. 242.

9 Ленин В. И. Полн. собр. соч., т. 8, с. 74.

10 Там же, т. 8, с. 74.

11 Ленин В. И. Полн. собр. соч., т. 38, с. 242.

12 Ленин В. И. Полн. собр. соч., т. 7, с. 121.

13 Там же, с. 121.

14 Ленин В. И. Полн. собр. соч., т. 24, с. 394.

15 Ленин В. И. Полн. собр. соч., т. 7, с. 245.

16 Против сионизма и израильской агрессии, с. 6.

17 The Jewish Affairs, May — June. 1975, p. 5.

18 XVII съезд Коммунистической партии Израиля. М., 1973, с. 173.

19 Там же, с. 173.

20 Международное Совещание коммунистических и рабочих партий. Документы и материалы. М., 1969, с. 323.

21 Известия, 1982, 24 дек.

22 Материалы XXVI съезда КПСС. М., 1981, с. 57.

23 Правда, 1982, 22 дек.

24 Внешняя политика Советского Союза, ч. 2. М., 1952, с. 334.

25 XVII съезд Коммунистической партии Израиля, с. 95–96, 98.

26 Громыко А. А. Выступление на пресс-конференции для советских и иностранных журналистов 25 июня 1979 г. в Москве. М., 1979, с. 14.

27 Против сионизма и израильской агрессии, с. 26.

28 XIX съезд Коммунистической партии Израиля. М., 1982, с. 113.

29 Материалы XXIV съезда КПСС. М., 1971, с. 24.

30 Правда, 1981, 28 окт.

31 Материалы XXVI съезда КПСС, с. 57.

Глава I

1 Bein 'T. Theodore Herzl. Philadelphia, N. Y., 1945.

2 Aaronovitch S. The Ruling Class. A Study of British Finance Capital. L., 1961, p. 84.

3 Проблемы мира и социализма. 1978, № 4, с. 89.

4 Sachar Н. A Course of Modern Jewish History. N. Y., 1973, p. 346…200

6 Lumer Н. Zionism in World Politics. N. Y., 1973, p. 116.

5 Материалы XXV съезда КПСС. М., 1976, с. 28.

7 The American Jewish Committee. Highlights of the 1981/82 Survey of American Jews, p. 4.

8 Session of the Zionist General Council. Jerusalem, 1973, Febr. 11–15. Jerusalem, 1973, p. 59.

9 Maslow W. The Structure and Functioning of the American Jewish Community. N. Y., 1974, p. 8.

10 The Jewish Affairs, May — June 1975, p. 5.

11 Skiare M. Conservative Judaism as American Religious Movement. N. Y., 1972, p. 119.

12 Session of the Zionist General Council 1973, Febr. 11–15, p. 23–24.

13 Cowles V. The Rothschilds. A Family of Fortune. L., 1975, p. 264.

14 The Zionist Year Book 1979. L., 1978, p. 74–75.

15 American Jewish Year Book. N. Y., 1979, p. 271.

16 The Executive of the World Zionist Organisation. Report Submitted to the 28th Zionist Congress. Jerusalem, 1971, p. 30.

17 Ibid., p. 31.

18 The Wall Street Journal, 1982, March 9.

19 Haaretz, 1982, March 2; A1 Hamishmar, 1982, May 25.

20 American Jewish Year Book 1981, N. Y., 1980, p. 299.

21 World Jewish Congress. 40 Years in Action. Geneva, 1976, p. 7.

22 American Jewish Year Book 1974–1975. N. Y., 1975, p. 580.

23 Ibid., p. 581.

24 Goldman N. The Autobiography of Nahum Goldman. N. Y., 1969, p. 324.

25 The World Jewish Congress Today. N. Y., 1978, p. 4.

26 The Washington Post, 1971, Febr. 7.

27 Ibid.

28 Goldman N. Op. cit., p. 326.

29 Ibid., p. 327.

30 Silverberg R. If I Forget thee, Olerusalem. N. Y., 1972, p. 486.

31 Berger E. Judaism or Jewish Nationalism. N. Y., 1957, p. 96.

32 Ibid., p. 96.

33 Ibid., p. 97.

34 The Ierusalem Post, 1964, March 16.

35 Eytan W. First Ten Years. N. Y., 1958, p. 192–193.

36 Lilienthal A. The Zionist Connection. N. Y., 1978, p. 719.

37 Elazar D. Community and Policy: the Organisational Dynamics of American Jewry. Philadelphia, 1978, p. 345.

38 The Village Voice, 1977, March 7.

39 Elazar D. Op. cit., p. 225.

40 Ibid., p. 347–348.

Глава II

1 National Journal, 1972, Jan. 8, p 67.

2 Time, 1975, May 12, p. 28.

3 Howe R. and Trott S. The Power Peddlers. N. Y., 1977, p. 30.

4 J. Ford. A Time to Heal. N. Y., 1980, p. 279.

5 The Washington Star, 1981, June 13.

6 The New York Times, 1970, Apr. 6.

7 Congressional Record, Senate, 1970, Apr. 8, p. S5382.

8 Time, 1975, March 10, p. 29.

9 Nixon R. The Memoirs of Richard Nixon. Volume 2. N. Y., 1979, p. 307.

10 The Washington Post, 1981, Sept. 28.

11 Congressional Quarterly bi-weekly, 1981, Apr. 22, p. 1524.

12 The Middle East: U. S. Policy, Oil, Israel and the Arabs. Wash., 1977, p. 97.

13 The New York Times, 1975, Aug. 8.

14 Howe R., Trott S. Op. cit., p. 316.

15 За рубежом, 1981, № 27, с. 7.

16 National Journal, 1978, May 13, p. 751–752.

17 The Washington Post, 1977, July 10.

18 The New York Times, 1978, May 24.

19 The Washington Post, 1975, May 3.

20 The New York Times, 1978, Oct. 30.

21 The Washington Post, 1977, July 12.

22 Carter J. Keeping Faith. Memoirs of a President. N. Y., 1982, p. 312.

23 The Middle East: U. S. Policy, Oil, Israel and the Arabs, p. 98.

24 National Journal, 1972, Jan. 8, p. 71.

25 Newsweek, 1977, Aug. 15, p. 27.

26 Isaacs S. Jews and American Politics. N. Y., 1974, p. 255–256.

27 Political Focus, 1982, Febr. 15.

28 Jewish Journal, 1978, Apr. 28.

29 Ibid.

30 The Link, Jan. — Febr. 1980, p. 14.

31 New Outlook, Sept. 1972, p. 19.

32 Time, 1975, March 10, p. 28.

33 The Wall Street Journal, 1978, March 13.

34 Time, 1975, March 10, p. 27–28.

35 Howe R. and Trott S. Op. cit., N. Y., 1977, p. 283.

36 The Guardian, 1977, Sept. 19.

37 Alexander H. Financing the 1972 Elections. N. Y., 1975, p. 295.

38 Carter J. Op. cit., p. 313.

39 Political Focus, 1982, Oct. 1.

40 Near East Report, 1981, Nov. 19.

41 The Jerusalem Post, 1980, May 18–24.

42 American Jewish Year Book 1981. N. Y., 1980, p. 172–173.

43 The American Jewish Committee. Highlights of the 1981/82 Survey of American Jews, p. 1.

44 Levy М., Kramer S. The Ethnic Factor. N. Y., 1972, p. 241.

45 Pomper G. (ed.) The Elections of 1976. N. Y., 1977, p. 68.

46 The Pursuit of the Presidency 1980. Edited by R. Harwood. N. Y., 1980, p. 341.

47 Davar, 1980, Jan. 11.

48 The New York Times, 1977, Oct. 7.

49 The Washington Post, 1981, Sept. 28.

50 Journal of Palestine Studies, Autumn 1980, p. 83.

51 Lilienthal A. The Zionist Connection. N. Y., 1978, p. 225.

52 Dye T. Who’s Running America. Englewood Cliffs. 1979, p. 98.

53 Hudson M. and Wolfe R. The American Media and the Arabs. Wash., 1980, p. 21.

54 The Joint Program Plan of Jewish Community Relation. 1978–1979. National Jewish Community Relations Advisory Council. N. Y., 1978, p. 10.

55 Maarland A. Public Interest Lobbies. W., 1976, p. 101.

56 Howe R. and Trott S. Op. cit., p. 327.

57 Jewish Journal, 1978, Apr. 28.

58 Ibid.

59 Jewish Journal, 1981, Jan. 15–21.

Глава III

1 XVII съезд Коммунистической партии Израиля. М., 1973, с. 174, 181.

2 Israel Pocket Library. History from 1980. Jerusalem, 1973, p. 38.

3  Sykes C. Crossroads to Israel. 1917–1948. Bloomington, 1973, p. 19.

4 Gilbert M. Exile and Return. The Struggle for a Jewish Homeland. Philadelphia, 1978, p. 110.

5 Stevens R. Weizman and Smuts. Beirut, 1975, p. 35.

6 Rabinowitz E. Justice Louis D. Brandeis. The Zionist Chapter of His Life. N. Y., 1968, p. 112–113.

7 Political Affairs, July 1971, p. 20.

8 Hertzberg A. The Zionist Idea. N. Y., 1973, p. 390–391.

9 Schechtman J. The United States and the Jewish State Movement. N. Y., 1966, p. 408.

10 Ibid., p. 409.

11 Sachar H. A History of Israel. N. Y., 1979, p. 460.

12 Urofsky M. We are One! American Jewry and Israel. Garden City. N. Y., 1978, p. 304.

13 Pearson A. Conspiracy of Silence. L., 1978, p. 72;

14 Ibid., p. 73.

15 Lilienthal A. The Zionist Connection. N. Y., 1978, p. 567.

16 См. Цели и методы воинствующего сионизма. М., 1971, с. 67–68.

17 Известия, 1977, 4 марта.

18 Там же.

19 Белая книга. Свидетельства, факты, документы, М., 1979, с. 221.

20 Г. Холл. Революционное рабочее движение и современный империализм. М., 1974, с. 172–173.

21 The Communist Party of Israel. The 19th Congress. Haifa and Nuzareth, 11–14 February 1981. Tel-Aviv, 1981, p. 252.

22 Cohen R. Let My People Go. N. Y., 1971, p. 119.

23 The Joint Program Plan for Jewish Community Relations. 1978—79. National Jewish Community Relations Advisory Council. N. Y., 1978, p. 17–18.

24 Foster R. and Epstein B. The New Anti-Semitism. N. Y., 1974.

25 The New York Times Magazine, 1975, Jan. 5.

26 Goldman N. The Jewish Paradox. N. Y., 1978, p. 180.

27 The New York Times Magazine, 1975, Jan. 5.

28 Nixon R. The Memoirs of Richard Nixon. Vol. 2, N. Y., 1979, p. 418.

29 American Jewish Year Book 1974–1975. N. Y., 1975, p. 213.

30 Kissinger H. Years of Upheavel, Boston, 1982, p. 250.

31 Ibid., p. 254.

32 American Jewish Year Book, 1974–1975, p. 214.

33 Strober G. American Jewish Community in Crisis. N. Y., 1975, p. 68.

34 The New York Times Magazine, 1975, Jan. 5.

35 Kissinger H. Op. cit., p. 990.

36 The New York Times Magazine, 1975, Jan. 5.

37 Elazar D. The Organizational Dynamics of American Jewry. Philadelphia, 1976, p. 365.

38 The New York Times Magazine, 1975, Jan. 5.

39 American Jewish Year Book, 1976, N. Y., 1975, p. 163.

40 The Jewish Affairs, Jan. — Febr. 1979, p. 14.

41 Philadelphia Inquirer, 1974, Apr. 17.

42 Ibid.

43 Lilienthal A. Op. cit., p. 445.

44 The Washington Post, 1977, Sept. 10.

45 Г. Холл. Указ. соч., с. 174.

46 The New York Times Magazine, 1975, Nov. 25.

47 Lipset S. (ed.) Emerging Coalitions in American Politics. San Francisco, 1978, p. 140.

48 American Jewish Year Book 1979, N. Y., 1978, p. 167.

49 Ibid., p. 164.

50 The Jewish Journal, 1979, Jan. 26.

51 Известия, 1977, 4 марта.

52 См. Белая книга, с. 252–253.

53 American Jewish Year Book 1980. N. Y., 1979, p. 125

54 Ibid., p. 126.

55 The Jerusalem Post, 1980, Jan. 5.

56 Podhoretz N. Braking Ranks. A Political Memoir. N. Y., 1979, p. 348–349.

57 Ibid., p. 351.

58 Near East Report, 1982, May 14.

69 Middle East International, 1981, July 3, p. 9.

60 Political Focus, 1980, Nov. 1.

61 Middle East, 1981, Sept.

62 Jeune Afrique, 1982, 26 juillet.

63 Middle East International, 1982, June 4, 1982, p. 12.

Глава IV

1 Hertzberg A. The Zionist Idea. N. Y.v 1973, p. 222.

2 Jansen G. Zionism, Israel arid Asian Nationalism. Beirut, 1971, p. 109.

3 Feldstein S. The Land That I Show You. Three Centuries of Jewish Life in America. Garden City. N. Y., 1978, p. 433.

4 Documents on the Middle East. Edited by R. Magnus. Washington, 1969, p. 66.

5 Lenczowski G . The Middle East in World Affairs. Fourth Edition. Ithaca and London. 1980, p. 410.

6 Цит. no: Journal of Palestine Studies. Autumn 1980, p. 38.

7 Цит. no: Journal of Palestine Studies, Spring 1980, p. 20–21.

8 Ibid., p. 26.

9 Middle East International, 1981, Nov. 13, p. 14.

10 Bar-Zohar M. Ben-Gurion: The Armed Prophet. N. Y., 1969, p. 242.

11 International Documents on Palestine 1967. Beirut, 1970, p. 5.

12 Eban A. An Autobiography. N. Y., 1977, p. 352–353.

13 Eisenberg D., Dan U., Landau E. The Mossad: Israel’s Secret Intelligence Service. N. Y., 1978, p. 163.

14 Kissinger H. Years of Upheaval. Boston, 1982, p. 1057.

15 Ford G. A Time to Heal. N. Y., 1980, p. 238.

16 Orbis. Summer 1980, p. 383–384.

17 The Search For Peace in the Middle East. Documents and Statements, 1967–1979. Report Prepared For the Subcommittee on Europe and the Middle East of the Committee on Foreign Affairs. U. S. House of Representatives. Washington. GPO, 1979, p. 3—19.

18 Материалы XXVI съезда КПСС, с. 14.

19 American Jewish Year Book 1981! N. Y., 1980, p. 139.

20 Ibid., p. 123.

21 Foreign Assistance Legislation for Fiscal Year 1981 (Part 3). Hearings before the Subcommittee on Europe and the Middle East of the Committee on Foreign Affairs. House of Representatives. Washington, GPO, 1980, p. 73.

22 The Washington Post, 1980, Febr. 12.

23 The Wall Street Journal, 1980, March 15.

24 The New York Times, 1980, March 7.

25 Weizman E. The Battle for Peace. N. Y., 1981, p. 384.

26 Gaaretz, 1980, June 2.

27 The Jerusalem Post, 1980, Sept. 7—13.

28 The Baltimore Sun, 1980, Aug. 20.

29 Political Focus, 1980, Nov. 1.

30 Gaaretz, 1980, Nov. 11

31 The New York Times, 1981, Febr. 23.

32 Christian Science Monitor, 1981, Febr.

33 The New York Times, 1981, Febr. 3.

34 Правда, 1981, 28 окт.

35 Political Focus, 1981, Oct. 15.

36 Middle East International, 1982, May 7, p 5.

37 Ibid.

38 AJAZ Report, March 1981, p. 16.

39 Political Focus, 1982, May 15.

40 Middle East International, 1982, June 18, p 5.

41 The Guardian, 1982, June 23.

42 The Washington Post, 1982, July 3.

43 Middle East International, 1982, June 18, p. 4.

44 The Washington Post, 1982, June 17.

45 The New York Times, 1982, June 17.

46 The Washington Post, 1982, June 23.

47 The New York Times, 1982, June 24.

48 The New York Times, 1982, June 28.

49 The Wall Streat Journal, 1982, June 24.

5 °Cristian Science Monitor, 1982, July 8.

51 Правда, 1982, 21 сент.

52 U. S. News and World Report, 1982, Sept. 25.

53 The Washington Post, 1982, Sept. 20.


1 XIX съезд Коммунистической партии Израиля. М., 1982, с. 99.

2 Цит. по: Middle East International, 1982, July 16.

3 Middle East International, 1982, July 16.

4 XIX съезд Коммунистической партии Израиля, с. 126.

5 См. Правда, 1982, 25 сент.

6 Israel and Palestine Political Report, 1982, July — Aug., p. 5.

7 XIX съезд Коммунистической партии Израиля, с. 113.

8 См. Правда, 1982, 16 сент.

9 Правда, 1982, 31 дек.

* * *

Редактор В. М. Голубев

Xудожественный редактор В. В. Сурков

Технический редактор Т. С. Орешкова

Корректор Н. А. Борисова

* * *

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Ярославский полиграф-комбинат Союэполиграфпрома при Государственном комитете СССР по делам издательств, полиграфии и книжной торговли. 150014. Ярославль, ул. Свободы, 97.