Bagdasaryan Vardan E., “Cognitive Weapons” as an Instrument for Suppression of National Talent Potential

The paper describes hybrid warfare strategy against geopolitical competitors that are cognitively programmed to self-destruction. State deconstruction technologies affecting society and humans lead to the demise of a nation in civilizational and organic sense. Quazi-scientific concepts are used as an ideological cover for the geopolitical struggle. External control of national science is conducted through allotment of research grants, academic awards, ratings, quotation indexes, foreign training, etc. Russia today found itself in a position of pseudo-academic concepts, adopted at the level of expert community close to decision making centers that reduces the sovereignty of the state. Countering the “cognitive weapons” requires the revival of nation oriented indigenous Russian science, primarily in the sphere of humanities.

Kew words: civilizational identity, value platforms, designing the future, political manipulation of scientific data, academic brands and taboos, westernized ideology, cultural matrix.

Chernyshev Nikolay, Archpriest, Iconic Creativity and Canonicity

Today there is confusion of notions and definitions in the ecclesiastical artistic culture: what should be considered to be an icon; what should it be like? The author points at enduring problems connected with the understanding of the icon phenomenon and the attitude to it, takes notice of the problems concerning the icon-painting teaching. It is reminded of the designation of an icon: it should evince the same that Christ does – the deification of a human being. The author insists on the development of icon study as an essential part of dogmatics; suggests considering those pieces of art that claim to be ecclesiastical from the point of view of the Seventh Ecumenical Council’s, reminds of the icon-painting language tenets, as well as of the difference between the designation of an icon and that of a painting. The cultural impasse can be resolved through the creative following the Holy Tradition. The author is persuaded that an icon should be created in accordance with objective laws. Different styles are receding into the past, but the canon that shapes the icon-painting language will keep on its value. There is a detailed reflection on a canon presented at the end of the article.

Keywords: icon, theology of icon, icon study, renaissance, Orthodox culture, profane art, icon-painting language, style, traditions, canon.

Chernyy Yuri Y., Creativity and Creative Industries: Transformation of Creation in the Innovation Economy

The article presents the phenomena of creativity and creative industries, brought to life by the post-industrial era. A comparative analysis of the concepts of “creation” and “creativity” in Russian is given. The social demand for creativity linked to the needs of the innovative economy as well as modern “creative individual” is the result of evolutionary development of the “market individual” of the industrial age. A definition of creative industries, their structure and experience of their development abroad and in Russia are presented.

Keywords: creation, creativity, creative industries, culture industries, innovation economy, innovations, market individual, creative individual.

Chursanov Sergey A., Theological Comprehension of Creativity

The key feature of pantheistic world view consists in the idea of necessary linkage of human being and impersonal world around him or her with gods and different higher divine realms. Human life is considered here as determined by higher divine realities. In these circumstances, free creative activity becomes deprived of any ontological content. In Christianity, God is understood as Creator who perfectly freely created human beings and the whole world around them out of nothing. Hence, Christians reckon the creative cognitive and constructive activity among their highest values. The creation of the world by God out of nothing also means that divine nature does not determine human beings, who therefore are free. In Orthodox theology, the creativity is considered to be an expression of the image of God in human being. The fullness of creative freedom, openness, and uniqueness is acquired by human being in direct communion with God and people, which implies love and responsibility. Thereby, theological principle of creativity both in church life, and in art, science, and technology consists in relatedness with Divine and human persons.

Keywords: creativity, pantheism, creation out of nothing, image of God, relatedness, freedom, responsibility, openness, uniqueness, communion, love, asceticism, art, science.

Domuschi Stefan, Priest, Moral Foundations of Creativity from Christian Point of View

The article reflects on theological views on creative abilities of the individual and their role in spiritual life. Creative capacity had been regarded in national theology as an aspect of Godly image of man manifest through co-creation. Evil that entered this world did not destroy this ability, but allows the person to select false foundations and goals for scientific, artistic and any other form of creativity that should be evaluated from the moral viewpoint. Spiritual work addressing the man himself is recognized as the necessary and the important part of creative activity.

Keywords: creativity, art, image of God, anthropology, ethics, morality.

Efimov Andrei B., Problem of Creativity in the Spiritual Heritage of Archpriest Vsevolod Shpiller

We give a summary of the theological and philosophical ideas of Archpriest Vsevolod Shpiller about creativity. Archpriest Vsevolod developed the Orthodox teaching about creation in his spiritual discussions and talks on Passies based on works of the Holy Fathers in the area of Russian religious and philosophical and theological tradition.

Keywords: Creator, a man, creation, liberty, love, sanctity, a vital way.

Gelvanovskiy Mikhail I., Synergy in the Creative Work of Scholars, Philosophers and Theologians as a Condition for the Positive Development of Science

The article reflects on a fundamental paradox conditioned by the increasing complexity of the world and the ever narrowing specialization of scholars that tend to lose sight of the big issues of development studied by philosophers and reflected upon in religious systems. Thus, science as a social institution hampers intellectual universalism that is essential for the development of society. Reduction of social authority of science and not yet sufficient authority of religion in present-day Russia intensifies the impact of this paradox on the spiritual security of the nation. In conditions of western aggressive global project aimed to dismantle cognitive identity of the “dissenting thinkers” Russian scholars, philosophers, and theologians face the task of establishing indigenous academic basis grounded in national religious and philosophical methodology primarily applicable in social sciences. Only this will assist the formation of competitive wedge for Russia as a geopolitical subject.

Key words: globalization, transnational corporations, transnational banks, megaproject, cognitive warfare, dismantling the state, socio cultural deconstruction, RAS, Russian Orthodox Church, Orthodox social teaching, program “Chrisitanity-2000”.

Kazaryan Alexander T., Creative Activity as a Problem. Psychological, Philosophical and Religious-philosophical Approaches: Brief Notes

The article provides on the broad material an overview of existing scientific and religious views on the problems of creativity – dealing with its nature, sources, meaning, use, harmfulness, etc. Views of a number of foreign and indigenous representatives of the psychological approach are considered, including such authors as Z. Freud, C. Jung, V.F. Chyzh, D.N. Ovsyaniko-Kulikovskii, T.l. Rainov, P.K. Engelmeyer, I.D. Ermakov, F. Galton, G.V. Segalin, A.L. Boehm, L.V. Vygotsky and others. The philosophical approach to the study of creativity is represented by the names of Plato, Aristotle, S. Pufendorf, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, I. Kant, J.G. Herder, G.V.F. Hegel, J. Burchardt, E.B. Taylor, F. Nietzsche, O. Spengler and others. A special section presents the review of Russian philosophers that wrote on the subject (N.A. Berdyaev, Vyacheslav Ivanov, M.O. Gershenzon, priest Pavel Florensky, F.A. Stepun, A.F. Losev).

Keywords: genius, madness, psychiatry, sublimation, visionary, eugenics, genetics, evropathology, ellipsoid autobiography, objectification, sentiment experience, form, matter, beauty, sacred, profane, Creator, God, the artist, Christianity, cult, culture, art, atheism, godless, abandonment by God, Devil.

Kolin Konstantin K., The Challenges of the 21 st century and the Strategic Priorities of Use of Intellectual Potential of Russia

Discusses the main directions and goals of the new global strategy of the UN in the field of sustainable development for the period till 2030 adopted in September 2015 at the 70th session of the UN General Assembly. It is shown that to achieve these goals it is necessary to mobilize the entire intellectual potential of the world community. An important role plays the time factor, as the complex global threats to the development of civilization is rapidly growing. In these circumstances, the problem of using Russia’s intellectual potential for solution of global problems objectively comes to the fore.

Key words: global challenges and threats, global security, the new strategy.

Lebedev Arthur N., Personality Professional and Moral Qualities Evaluated by Methods of Neurobiology

The paper presents neurobiological methods of instrumental diagnostics of human potential: namely his intellectual, musical endowment, health condition, ability to study, professional, moral qualities and other personal qualities.

Key words: neuroscience, neurophysiology, brain bio-potentials, electroencephalogram (EEG) brain, Berger’s constant, constant Livanov, a psychological portrait of a man, psychological tests, Minnesota questionnaire (the MMPI), predictors, productive features, whether linear-regression analysis of multiple, expert system.

Martynov Vladimir I., Isichastic Foundations of Liturgical Singing: Creation of Sound and the “Inner Person”

Liturgical singing is regarded as an ascetic discipline, which existed in the Russian Church prior to the 16th century that was reflected in the “znameny” chants and chant hook musical notation. It was expected that the singer had to attain the internal prayerful state of consciousness, that could surface as voice traffic, which in its turn contributes to the intensification and re-emergence of inner silent prayer state of consciousness. The purpose of liturgical singing – through an external melodic sign to add to the inner melodic silent prayer to those who have not yet been initiated into it. According to the Holy Fathers the man should be like a musical instrument that is configured for the hymns to God, and sounding under the blessing of the Holy Spirit. The singing starts with an appeal of the singer to the Holy Spirit and this is the beginning of the hook notation. Part singing and linear notation are deprived of these features.

Keywords: isihasm, Basil the Great, Gregory of Sinai, Theophan (Govorov), silence, inner prayer, “znameny” chants, hook notation, liturgical singing, emotion, passions, playing consciousness, part singing, linear notation.

Melik-Pashaev Alexander A., On “Vertical” and “Horizontal” in Artistry

The article is focused on the divergence between the clerical and the secular in all fields of culture – in science, art, education – which, according to many great Christian thinkers should be overcome. The author discusses this problem on the material of art creation, mainly in the fine arts, and finds the basis of unity between clerical (or liturgical) and secular in the phenomenon of synergy that engenders all genuine creation. Artistic creation is considered as one of the possible ways of spiritual self-perfection.

Keywords: creation, artistic creation, clerical and secular art, synergy, picture, icon, portrait.

Mukhina Valeria S., Phenomenology of Scientific Creativity

Such personal features of humans as self-creation and self-standing that predetermine their creative capacity get in the focus of discussion. Socio-historical conditions influence the development of personal creative activity. They are looked upon in the context of realities of the material world, the world of images and signs and the natural world that are transformed throughout history by the impact of human consciousness into socio-normative realities. Evolutional and historical preconditions of creativity are discussed under the conviction that the inner position of individual is of importance as it is part of the creative activity which manifests specifically human activity. Creativity is linked to the feeling of personal identity and is based on knowledge, on inner spiritual life attitude and on the natural human faculty of inquiry and discovery.

Keywords: self-consciousness, external reality, idea field of public consciousness, important ideas, the ambivalence of creativity, spiritual acme, syncretic objective, social freedom, intellectual freedom.

Mumrikov Oleg, Archpriest, Creation as the problem of the beginning: a dialogue of theologians and cosmologists in the 20 th -21 st centuries

In the present article aspects of judgement of creation of the world in the context of dialogue between science and Orthodox tradition in 20th-21st centuries are considered. Possible prospects of construction of a complete sight of Church in such both difficult and many-sided phenomenon of scientific thought as modern cosmology are presented.

Keywords: apologetics, cosmology, Creation, science and religion.

Mysyk Alexander D., Religious and Church Art: Differences in Understanding of the Artistic activity

The article analyzes the differences in understanding artistry on the example of icon painting development in the Orthodox Church and its transformation in the Roman Catholic Church in the religious art of iconography. It is asserted that the sacred images (icons, frescoes, etc.) are substantiations of dogmatic theology and their function – is to that of liturgical art. Fathers of the 7th Ecumenical Council stated that icon painting finds its roots in the Christological doctrine of the Church. This means that the hypostatic image of God-Man Jesus is the cornerstone of icon-painting, it is Christ. After that come the hypostatic images of the Virgin, the angels and the saints. Icon expresses the Orthodox anthropology, which is understood as the human implementation of Godly likeness – the meaning and purpose of human existence. Distorting the hypostatic image depersonalizing it, turning it into a scheme and abstraction, fine art expresses unorthodox teachings and contributes to the rooting of false teachings.

Keywords: Holy scripture, Church narration, tradition, icon painting dogmas, Caroling books, Frankfurt, Paris and Second Vatican ecumenical Councils, iconoclasm, apostasy, temple, interior.

Nemchinov Victor M., Society and Personality: Mechanisms of Consciousness Boosting and Blocking Development of Talent

The paper continues the discussion started at the latest Dubna conference dedicated to artistry in human activities and goes into dichotomy of creativity and artistry revealing their opposition. Factors required for the growth of talent – as well as circumstances obstructing talented work substituting it by the social demand for creativity manifest in the globalized consumerist society of presently dominant symbolic exchange – are discussed. This analysis is crowned by the concept of personality which emerges in the process of unrestrained growth of human ingenuity and talent.

Keywords: process of human artistry, creativity, work deprived of talent, creator, professionalism, spirituality, dialogue with the Other.

Nikitin Vladimir A., Contribution of JINR to Science of the Matter Structure.

Joint institute for nuclear researches is a versatile scientific organization. The physics of elementary particles as the most fundamental direction of nature cognition makes the basic part of JINR research program. Research tools are accelerators which operate in an energy range of electrons, protons and nuclei ~ 1 MeV– 10 GeV. The wide program of fundamental and applied works is carried out on accelerators. In particular, the medical laboratory for radiation therapy of cancer diseases operates in JINR. The discovery of transuranium elements Dubnium-105 and Flerovi-um-114 is registered. Creation of a collider of protons and nuclei with energy of the intersecting beams 10 GeV is performed. The reactor creating the number of neutron beams for fundamental and applied works operates. JINR scientists are awarded the Nobel Prize and 13 state awards that testify the wide social recognition of Institute achievements. The aim of science is to obtain knowledge of the Universe as a whole, about its remote corners and about the smallest fundamental particles of substance.

The scientific picture of the world becomes a part of the general outlook. Physics’ achievements enter into practice and define the character of civilization. Riddles and complexities, which scientists and theologians encounter, are rather similar. This opens up possibility and the necessity of dialogue between science and theology.

Keywords: particle physics, hadrons, leptons, quarks, accelerators, instruments for research, fundamental and applied research, science and theology dialogue.

Osipov Aleksey I., On the Goal of Creative Activity

The paper regards the aims of creative activity in relation to the life meaning values. There is a real threat of dehumanization of man, a thereat to his moral and spiritual degradation against the background of continued technical and technological progress. Focusing creative and general human activities predominantly on the increase of material welfare and comfort without due attention to spiritual improvement represents a threat of self-destruction of humanity which had been modelled experimentally in the “Universe 25” project.

Keywords: mechanization of consciousness, spiritual freedom, freedom of creativity, morals, passions, sin, deification, meaning of life, morality, spiritual upbringing of personality.

Pavlenko Andrey N., The Creativity and “Kreatisms”

In this paper historical, linguistic and conceptual backgrounds of “the creativity” and its otherness to the phenomenon of “the origination” are considered. It is pointed out that the cause of the modern demand for “the creativity” represents the domination of technical relationship of the Human being to the world. “The Imitation of Nature” (organic-projection) gives a way to “Redesigning of Nature” on the patterns of the “creative activism”. It is shown that on the basis of “creativity” lies the Judeo-Chris-tian model “Creation” of the world from “nothing” (creatio ex nihilo), while the phenomenon of “the origination” is based on a genetic model, in which the main mechanism is the “procreation’ from the already existed base. It is shown that the “creative activist”, depending on the tasks standing before it, appears as a “simulator”, “innovator” and “profanator”. The author reveales three absurdities (“kreatisms”), resulting in the reduction of “creativity” to “origination”.

Keywords: creativity, kreatism, creative activism, origination, Plato, heterological, autological, simulator, innovator, profanator.

Pavlenko Andrey N., The Constriction of Modern Theory in Physics and Cosmology and its Specifics

The article analyzes the current relationship between “theory” and “experience”. It is shown that in the modern physical and cosmological knowledge such notion as “theory” is no longer a simple generalization of the “experience”. It will demand rethinking of such notion as “the existence of objects”. That strategy of positivism, which involves a strong relationship between the physical observability (O) and physical existence (Е) ∀x (O (x) ↔ E (x)) – no longer meets the requirements of modern knowledge. There is a weakening of equivalence to the conjunction ∃x (¬O (x) & E (x)). “Autonomy” of analytic truth with regard to the empirical truth is illustrated by the example of physical and logical theories.

Keywords: observability, existence, the principle of observability, object, physics, cosmology.

Pervushin Victor N., D.l. Blokhintsev about the Spiritual Foundations of Scientific Creativity

The Corresponding Member of the USSR AS Dmitrii Ivanovich Blokhintsev (10.01.1908 – 29.01.1979), one of the pioneers of atomic science and technology in USSR, the organizer and the first director of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna, had his original opinions about the spiritual foundations of scientific creativity. In this brief paper we try to pay tribute to his opin-ions and show how they are working in the modern physics and cosmology of the Early Universe.

Keywords: General Relativity, Cosmology, QFT.

Rastorguev Valeriy N., State Ideology and Sovereignty: Creativity and Objectivation, Confessional-Civilizational Dimension

Ideology represents a specific type of project thinking with an expressed function of obliga-tion. Hence ideology can either intensify the creative potential of man and society, or it can suppress it through “brainwashing”. Ideology may be defined as a system of ideas that gives shape to project formation and sets up the image of a desired outcome. Ideology in the article is basically related with political teachings and doctrines, with their impact on mass consciousness and their turning into “secular religion”. Political ideologies supplant religious doctrines (predominantly Christian) and are therefore opposed to tradition and spiritual-moral culture of humanity simultaneously parasitizing on them. Radicalism of civilizational transformations in modern Europe revived most radical and inhuman “banned ideologies”. Political ideology should be distinguished from state ideology that is from strategy. Ideologies should not supplant and substitute life. They are the human punishment for imperfect political structure of the world.

Keywords: civilizational identity, hierarchy of values, supra-personal space, religion, religious consciousness, public relations, social doctrines, masses, conservatism, liberalism, globalization, indoctrination, J. Habermas, K. Mannheim, A.S. Panarin.

Shcheglov Andrey P., Form and Sense of Creativity

Research about a form and the nature of creativity is presented in this article. There are two main directions in research and understanding of art. The first of them can be defined conditionally as stay something inherent in a subject, but not known at the moment to the researcher. Other way of creativity can be designated not only as search, opening, but also process of creation. In the first case of people only opens new, in the second the person appears already as the creator. In the first case creativity is limited only to human perception; in the second it is capable to comprehend essence of life behind a material, unstable cover. In a difference of these intrinsic values the insupera-ble contradiction between them, difference in understanding of process of creativity lies.

Keywords: art, creativity, Logos, God Word, life, modern art, infinity, eternity, identity, es-sence, thinking, center of life, event.

Sukhinov Sergey S., The Role of Contemporary Literature for Children in Forming Creative Potential and Spiritual Moral Values of the Growing Generation of Russia

The paper describes practical experience of the author – children’s writer and public figure for the development of creative abilities of children and inoculation of interest to literature in vari-ous forms: through literary associations, “Emerald town” club, “Literature fire circles”, festivals, competitions, quizzes, etc. The author gives his considerations on the need for a new children’s or-ganization, necessity of patriotic and moral upbringing for the growing generation, in particular to prevent the “brain drain”. He discusses problems of various contemporary writing genres: (fairy tales, novels, science fiction) popular science and fiction as well as the demand for historical novels telling adolescents about rich national history religious and Orthodox tradition.

Keywords: Russian school-children movement, “Rossyouth”, pioneer organization, ideology, patriotism, culture, Nobel prize laureates, emigration, K. Chukovsky, S. Mikhalkov, trilogy “Treasure and Cross”.

Tabiev Vadim I., The Role of Creativity in the Spiritual Life According to Archiman-drite Sophrony (Sakharov)

The paper considers the theological views on creativity, expressed by a theologian and as-cetic writer of the 20th century – archimandrite Sophrony (Sakharov). Creativity is presented as the unique phenomenon in life and one of the highest manifestations of the human spirit, which is real-ized both in culture, in prayer and theology. Original disclosure of creative abilities of a person is possible only in correlation with God. A practical way of such correlation and the highest form of spiritual creativity is the prayer experienced as direct communication of the person with God.

Keywords: creativity, theology, prayer.

Vladimir (Maslov), Hegumen, “Thus Creating All New”(Revel. 21:5): On Creativity in Science, Theology and Everyday Life

The article looks into creativity in science, theology and daily life. Finality of Christian dogmatic doesn’t necessarily lead to ceasing of human creativity. We observe the special flourishing of art, culture and science especially in Christian countries. There is a possibility for creative breakthrough also in theology. Trying to learn about the world a scholar makes discoveries and the believer receives revelation from the Creator of this world. Both stem from the same given: of this world and of the Revelation. When specific thing have to be resolved, two approaches are open: by determination of will and creative. In the first case, man knows what and how things should be done. In the second case, decision should be found, the way of acting should be created and apart from knowledge and strength one needs creed, which represents capacity of person to be a partici-pant of creative processes, in other words, – to be co-creator. Wishing to become a creator, man should be creative along the Creator’s Designs. Understanding and implementing these designs – is the creative activity. Therefore creativity fills up religious life and makes it alive.

Keywords: science, religion, experience, parable, exegesis, Old Testament, creation of world, New Testament, feeding with bread, Christ, Holy Spirit, Moses, prophets, apostle Paul, love courage.

Yakhnin Andrey L., Contemporary Art: Anti-art as a Laboratory of Decay and Disin-tegration

The article discusses a fundamental metamorphosis happening in art throughout the century. Its roots are seen in the conscious annihilation of traditionalist religious (Christian) values, meaning and goal of culture by the modern and later by postmodern contemporary art. Creating an illusion of making new sense and images modern art reduces the meaning of sense and after that it stamps up and multiplies endless flow of provocative images frequently taken from the author’s unconscious-ness which manifests their meanest feelings and most shabby desires. They even do not conceal the fact that all this stems from dart occult nature. Such images feed the mass culture including rock and pop music, cinema, photography, video, advertising etc. Mass culture strives to dissect the wholeness of person-consumer putting into the fore psychophysiological instincts in order to extract maximum of commercial revenue. Our culturological analysis is conducted from the traditionalist system of spiritual values, primarily based in Orthodox Christianity.

Keywords: global project, contemporary art, art of actuality, Soviet avant-guard art, supremacism, pop-art, ready-made, neo-pop, Dadaism, simulationism, art-feminism, photography, video-art, installations, K. Malevich, A. Rodchenko, A. Warholl, B. Grois, G. Kuns, M. Dushan, T. Tsara, L. Benglis, I. Kabakov, M. Ray, G. Wall, S. Fiery, S. Shrman, metaphysical sense.

Yakhnin Andrey L., Transformation of Artistic Creation: from Church Art to Anti-church Culture

This article is dedicated to problems of Russian church art transformation and the change of church consciousness at first under the influence of neo-pagan renaissance art and then under the influence of the Age of Enlightenment's secular culture. This historical perspective is considered as an analogy of today's situation, which is characterized by the same radical transformation of the Roman Catholic Church consciousness after The Second Vatican Council in 1960s. This turning point seems to be an attempt of Catholic theology to accept modern culture, which is often an-ti-christian in form. This leads to profound changes of all theological and religious basis of the Catho-lic Church. The latest tendencies connected with rapprochement of Russian Church with Vatican demands serious reflection and the analysis of possible effects of the Second Vatican's spiritual in-fluence not only on church art but also on all formations of our Church. The article is an attempt of the proposed analysis.

Keywords: Roman Catholic Church, creation, The Second Vatican Council, culture, con-temporary art, church art, Icon.

Zadornov Alexander, Archpriest, The Intellectual Opportunities of the Orthodox Theology in the 21st Century

The public expectations turned towards the Orthodox theology demand to find out the fea-tures of a theological method influencing forms of the response to these expectations. The kernel of the Orthodox theology is invariable and is based on Divine Revelation, however, the peripheral part of that divinity in which answers to today's calls are formed is capable, without losing touches with this kernel, to express this contents in the public sphere. The concrete examples of such answers revealing the intellectual potential of modern Orthodox theology in Russia are considered in the above article.

Keywords: the Orthodox theology, scientific method, theologumen, moral theology, canon law, theology and philosophy of the personality.

Zakharov Alexander V., The Role of Philosophy in Overcoming Intellectual Stagnation in Contemporary Russia

State and society require philosophically grounded strategy of national development. Princi-pal task for philosophy is to be the school of thought and also to help forming rationally thinking, freedom loving and responsible personality. To this end it is necessary to draw public attention to the role of Russia in intellectual history of humanity, to popularization of Russian philosophical tra-dition, to creating an image of thinking thoughtful Russia, capable of fostering new intellectual agenda to the global world.

Keywords: socio-philosophical discourse, intellectual stagnation, public intellectual space, intellectual security, creating an image of thinking Russia, capable of fostering new intellectual agenda to the global world.

Zemlyakov Dmitry N., Russian Economic School as Creative Methodological Form of National Outlook

The subject of social sciences is represented by institutionalized axiological structures. But science itself as a systematic reflection on these designs and is the product of axiological creativity. This rule is also true of the most “materialistic” of all the Humanities – Economics. The article dis-cusses the features of formation of the national research schools as organizational and methodologi-cal forms of national ideology on the example of the Russian economic school. Extensive historical and factual material shows the relationship of the dominant forms of history of Russian national ideology with the intellectual epistemological structures, institutionalized in the form of scientific schools. Russia's ability to implement social and intellectual creativity is asserted and these results most appropriately reflect the nature of the domestic socio-economic processes. They are of general methodological importance, occupying a worthy place in the international world of science.

Keywords: axiology, epistemology, mentality, integrity, historicity, goal-setting.