Chaffee R. G. 1951. The Deseadan vertebrate fauna of the Scarritt pocket, Patagonia. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, 98, 503 — 562 (Содержит наиболее полное описание леонтиниида Scarrittia).

Lavocat R. 1958. Notoungules. In: J. Piveteau, ed., Traite de Paleontologie. tome 6, 2, 60 — 121, Paris, Masson

Riggs E. S. 1937. Mounted skeleton of Homalodotherium. Geological Series of Field Museum of Natural History, 6, 233 — 243.

Scott W. B. 1912. Toxodonta of the Santa Cruz beds. Entelonychia of the Santa Cruz beds. Reports of the Princeton University Expeditions to Patagonia, 6, 111 — 300.

Scott W. B. 1930. A partial skeleton of Homalodontotherium. From the Santa Cruz beds of Patagonia. Field Museum of Natural Nistory, Geology. Memoirs 1, 7 — 33.

Sinclair W. J. 1909. Typotheria of the Santa Cruz beds. Reports of the Princeton Expeditions to Patagonia, 6, 1 — 110.

Stirton R. A. 1953. A new genus of interatheres from the Miocene of Colombia University of California Publications in Geological Sciences, 29, 265 — 348.

См. также ссылки, приведенные выше, в особенности на работы Паттерсона и Паскуаля (1972), Скотта (1937) и Симпсона (1948, 1967).