1. John Howard. The State of the Prisons in England and Wales. 1780.
2. Balwin Brown. Memoirs of the Public and Private Life of John Howard, the Philantropist. London, 1818.
3. Hepworth Dixon. John Howard and the Prison World of Europe. London, 1850.
4. Rev. H. W. Bellows. John Howard, his Life, Character and Services (Transactions of the International Penitentiary Congress held in London). London, 1872.
5. Holtzendorff und Jagemann. Handbuch des Gefangnisswesen. 1888, b. I.
6. Палюмбецкий. Джон Говард и состояние тюрем в Европе в конце XVIII столетия (в юридических записках Яневича-Яневского, т. V).