Глава 1. Ваш мозг эволюционирует прямо сейчас

1. Dong L, Block G., Mandel S. Activities contributing to total energy expenditure in the United States: Results from the NHAPS study. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and. Physical Activity 2004; 1:4,

Yang C. Americans spend more energy and time watching TV than on exercise, finds new study. UC Berkeley News. March 24, 2004,

2. Gonsalves A. Number of online Americans continues to grow. TechWeb Technology News. May 25, 2006, .

3. Nie N.H., Hillygus D.S. The impact of Internet use on sociability: Time-diary findings. IT & Society 2002; 1:1-20,

4. Holmes E. On MySpace, millions of users make «friends» with ads. The Wall Street Journal. August 7, 2006.

5. Prensky M. Digital natives, digital immigrants. On the Horizon. 2001;9:1–2, — Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants — Part1.pdf

6. National Endowment for the Arts. Reading at risk: A survey of literary reading in America: Research Division Report #46. Washington, DC, June, 2004,

7. Patterson T. E. Young people and news. Joan Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics and Public Policy at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. July, 2007,

8. Pergams O. R., Zaradic P. A. Is love of nature in the US becoming love of electronic media? 16-year downtrend in national park visits explained by watching movies, playing video games, internet use, and oil prices. Journal of Environmental Management 2006; 80: 387-393

9. Bloom F. E., Beal M. F., Kupfer D. J. (eds). The Dana Guide to Brain Health. The Dana Press. New York, 2003

10. The Dana Guide to Brain Health

11. Metcalfe R. M. It's all in your head; The latest supercomputer is way faster than the human brain. But guess which is smarter? Forbes 2007:52, Volume 179, Issue 10,

12. Huttenlocher P. Neural Plasticity. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 2002

13. Ku hl P.K., Tsao F.-M., Liu H.-M. Foreign-language experience in infancy: Effects of short-term exposure and social interaction on phonetic learning. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 2003; 100:9096-9101

14. Sireteanu R. Switching on the infant brain. Science 1999; 286:59-61

15. Markon K. E., Krueger R. F., Bouchard T. J. Jr., Gottesman I. I. Normal and abnormal personality traits: Evidence for genetic and environmental relationships in the Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart. Journal of Personality 2002; 70:661-693

16. How many genes are in the human genome? Human Genome Project,

17. Darwin C. On the Origin of Species. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 2001 (Chapter 4)

18. Ambrose S.H. Paleolithic technology and human evolution. Science 2001; 291:1748-1753

19. The Dana Guide to Brain Health

20. Koechlin E., Basso G., Pietrini P., Panzer S. The role of the anterior prefrontal cortex in human cognition. Nature 1999; 399:148-151

21. Yuasa М., Saito K., Mukawa N. Emoticons convey emotions without cognition of faces: An fMRI study,

22. Ambrose S.H. Science 2001; 1748-1753

23. De Vries J. The Industrial Revolution and the industrious revolution. The Journal of Economic History 1994; 54:249-270

24. William T.I., Schaal W.E., Burnette A.D. A History of Invention: From Stone Axes to Silicon Chips. Checkmark Books. New York, 2000

25. Levy W.B., Baxter R.A. Using energy efficiency to make sense out of neural information processing. IEEE; IslT 2002, Lausanne, Switzerland, June 30— July 5, 2002,

26. Vandewater E.A., Rideout V.J., Wartella E.A., Huang X., Lee J.H., Shim M.S. Digital childhood: Electronic media and technology use among infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. Pediatrics 2007; 119, p. 006–1015,

27. Roberts D.F., Foehr U.G., Rideout V. Generation M: Media in the lives of 8-18 year-olds. A Kaiser Family Foundation Study. 2005,

28. Fox S., Madden M. Generations online. Pew Internet & American Lite Project. December, 2005,

29. Thompson C. Meet the life hackers. The New York Times. October 16, 2005

30. Pressner J. C., Baldwin M.W., Dedovic K., et al. Selfesteem, locus of control, hippocampal volume, and cortisol regulation in young and old adulthood. Neuroimage 2005; 28:815-826

31. McEwen B.S. Protective and damaging effects of stress mediators: Central role of the brain. Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience 2006; 8:367-81

32. Mednick S. C., Nakayama K., Cantero J. L The restorative effect of naps on perceptual deterioration. Nature Neuroscience 2002; 5:67-81

33. Sillence E., Briggs P., Harris P.R., Fishwick L How do patients evaluate and make use of online health information? Social Science & Medicine 2007; 64:1853-1862

34. Small G. W., Silverman D. H. S., Siddarth P., et al. Effects of a 14-day healthy longevity lifestyle program on cognition and brain function. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2006; 14:538-545

Haier R.J., Siegel B.V., MacLachlan A., et al. Regional glucose metabolic changes after learning a complex visuospatial/motor task: A positron emission tomographic study. Brain Research 1992; 570:134-143

35. Flynn J. R. The hidden history of IQ and special education: Can the problems be solved? Psychology, Public Policy and Law 2000; 6:191-198

36. Kearney P. Cognitive assessment of game-based learning. British Journal of Educational Technolog у 2007; 38:529-531

Глава 2. Мозговая пропасть: технологии, разделившие поколения

37. McClure S. М., Laibson D. I., Loewenstein G., Cohen J. D. Separate neural systems value immediate and delayed monetary rewards. Science 2004; 306:503-507

38. Roberts D.F., Foehr U.G., Rideout V. Generation M: Media in the lives of 8-18 year-olds. A Kaiser Family Foundation Study. 2005,

39. Bischof H. J. Behavioral and neuronal aspects of developmental sensitive periods. Neuroreport 2007; 18:461-465

40. National Endowment for the Arts. Reading at risk: A survey of literary reading in America: Research Division Report #46. National Endowment for the Arts. Washington, DC, June, 2004,

41. Zimmerman F. J., Christakis D. A., Meltzoff A. N. Television and DVD/video viewing in children younger than 2 years. Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine 2007; 161:473–479. Dan A. Videos as a baby brain drain. Los Angeles Times. August 7, 2007

42. Friedman T. L The World is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York, 2005

43. Cunningham F. G., McDonald P. C., Norman P. G. (eds): Williams Obstetrics. 21st ed. McGraw-Hill Medical Publishing, New York, 2001

44. Elkins D. Are we pushing our kids too hard? Psychology Today, 2006,

45. American Academy of Pediatrics. Children, adolescents, and television. Pediatrics 2001; 107:423-426

46. Ginsburg H. P., Opper S. Piaget’s Theory of Intellectual

Development. 3rd ed. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1988.

47. Microsoft Corporation. The Market for Accessible Technology — The Wide Range of Abilities and Its Impact on Computer Use,

48. Madden M. Internet penetration and impact. Pew Internet & American Life Project. April, 2006,

49. Shiu Lenhart A. How Americans use instant messaging. Pew Internet & American Life Project. September, 2004,

50. Roberts D.F., Foehr U.G., Rideout V. Generation M: Media in the lives of 8-18 year olds. A Kaiser Family Foundation Study. 2005,

51. Niemz K, Griffiths М., Banyard P. Prevalence of pathological Internet use among university students and correlations with selfesteem, the general health questionnaire (GHQ), and disinhibition. Cyberpsycholog у & Behavior 2005; 8:562-570

52. Koezuka N., Koo М., Allison K.R., et al. The relationship between sedentary activities and physical inactivity among adolescents: Results from the Canadian community health survey. Journal of Adolescent Health 2006;39:515-522

53. Grund A., Krause H., Siewers M., Rieckert H., Muller M.J. Is TV viewing an index of physical activity and fitness in overweight and normal weight children? Public Health and Nutrition 2001; 4:1245-1251

54. McGivern R.F., Andersen J., Byrd D., et al. Cognitive efficiency on a match to sample task decreases at the onset of puberty in children. Brain and Cognition 2002; 50:73-89

55. Blakemore S.-J., Choudhury S. Development of the adolescent brain: Implications for executive function and social cognition. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 2006; 47: 296-312

Den Ouden Frith U., Frith C., Blakemore S.-J. Thinking about intentions. Neuroimage 2005; 28:787-796

56. Abcarian R., Horn J. Underwhelmed by it all. Los Angeles Times. August 7, 2006. Piccalo G. Girls just want to be plugged into everything. Los Angeles Times. August ii, 2006

57. Tun P. A. Fast noisy speech: Age differences in processing rapid speech with background noise. Psycholog у and Aging 1998; 13:424-434

58. Foerde K., Knowlton B. J., Poldrack R. A. Modulation of competing mem— ory systems by distraction. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 2006:103:11778-11783

59. Evers M. South Korea turns PC gaming into a spectator sport. Spiegel Online International,

60. Mori A. Terror of Game-Brain. NHK Books, Tokyo, Japan. 2002. Matsuda G. Hinaki K. Neuroimage 2006; 29:706-711

61. AMA Report of the Council on Science and Public Health. Emotional and Behavioral Effects, Including Addictive Potential, of Video Games,

62. Nicoll J., Kieffer K. M. Violence in video games: A review of the empirical research. American Psychological Association Annual Meeting. August 2005

63. Kawashima R. Train Your Brain: 60 Days to a Better Brain. Kumon Publishing North America, Teaneck, 2005

64. Haier R. J., Siegel B. V., MacLachlan A., et al. Regional glucose metabolic changes after learning a complex visuospatial/motor task: A positron emission tomographic study. Brain Research 1992; 570:134-143

65. Rosser J. C. Jr., Lynch P.J., Cuddihy L, Gentile D. A., Klonsky J., Merrell R. The impact of video games on training surgeons in the 21st century. Archives of Surgery 2007; 142:181-186

66. Green C. S., Bavelier D. Action video game modifies visual selective attention. Nature 2003; 423:534-537

67. Szajlarski J.P., Holland S.K., Schmithorst V. J., Byars A. W. fMRI study of language lateralization in children and adults. Human Brain Mapping 2006; 27:202-212

68. Small G., Vorgan G. The Longevity Bible. Hyperion, New York, 2006

69. Czaja S. J., Charness N., Fisk A. D., et al. Factors predicting the use of technolog у: Findings from the Center for Research and Education on Aging and Technology Enhancement (CREATE). Psychology and Aging 2006; 21:333–352,

70. Fox S. Digital divisions. Pew Internet & American Life Project. October 5, 2005,

71. Cohen G. D. The Mature Mind: The Positive Power of the Aging Brain. Basic Books, New York, 2006

72. Cabeza R., Daselaar S. M., Dolcos F., et al. Taskindependent and task-specific age effects on brain activity during working memory, visual attention and episodic retrieval. Cerebral Cortex 2004; 14:364-375

73. Liu Y., Yu C., Liang М., et al. Whole brain functional connectivity in the early blind. Brain 2007; 130: 2085-2096

74. Théoret Merabet L, Pascual-Leone A. Behavioral and neuroplastic changes in the blind: Evidence for functionally rel— evant cross-modal interactions. Journal de Physiologie (Paris) 2004; 98:221-233

75. Burton H., McLaren D.G. Vi— sual cortex activation in late-onset, Braille naive blind individuals: An fMRI study during semantic and phonological tasks with heard words. Neuroscience Letters 2006; 392:38-42

76. Willis S.L, Tennstedt S.L, Marsiske М., et al. Long-term effects of cognitive training on everyday functional outcomes in older adults. Journal of the American Medical Association 2006; 296:2805-2814

77. Velanova K., Lustig С., Jacoby L.L., Buckner R. L. Evidence for frontally mediated controlled processing differences in older adults. Cerebral Cortex 2006; 17:1033-1046

78. Bartzokis G., Lu P.H., Geschwind D. H., et al. Apolipoprotein E genotype and age-related myelin breakdown in healthy individuals: implications for cognitive decline and dementia. Archives of General Psychiatry 2006; 63:63-72

79. Cabeza R., Anderson N. D., Locantore J. K., McIntosh A. R. Aging gracefully: compensatory brain activity in high-performing older adults. Neuroimage 2002; 17: 1394-1402

80. Helson R., Soto C. J. Up and down in middle age: monotonic and nonmonotonic changes in roles, status, and personality. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 2005; 89:194-204

81. U.S. Census Bureau Resident Population Estimates of the United States by Age and Sex,

Глава 3. Зависимость от технологий

82. Ng B.D., Wiemer-Hastings P. Addiction to the Internet and online gaming. Cyberpsychology & Behavior 2005; 8:110-113

83. Di Chiara G., Bassareo V. Reward system and addiction: What dopamine does and doesn’t do. Current Opinion in Pharmacology 2007; 7:69-76

84. Rau P.-LP., Peng S.-Y., Yang C.-C. Time distortion for expert and novice online game players. Cyberpsychology & Behavior 2006; 9:396–403.

85. Nestler E. J., Carlezon W. A. The mesolimbic dopamine reward circuit in depression. Bio— logical Psychiatry 2006; 59:1151-1159

86. Kalivas P. W., Volkow N. D. The neural basis of addiction: A pathology of motivation and choice. American Journal of Psychiatry 2005; 162:1403-1413

87. Worker fired over visit to adult chat room sues IBM. Los Angeles Times (Associated Press). February 19, 2007

88. Craig S., Zuckerman G. BlackBerry addicts also can’t resist this little game. The Wall Street Journal. February 17, 2007

89. Associated Press. Stanford University study warns of Internet Addiction,

90. Kanwal N., Anand A.P. Internet addiction in students: A cause of concern. Cyberpsycholog у & Behavior 2003; 6:653-656

91. Goldman D., Orisci G., Ducci F. The genetics of addictions: uncovering the genes. Nature Review Genetics 2005; 6:521-532

92. Leung L. Net-generation attributes and seductive properties of the Internet as predictors of online activitiesand Internet addiction. Cyberpsychology & Behavior 2004; 7:333-347

93. Pham A. Gaming junkies get no diagnosis. Los Angeles Times. June 28, 2007

94. Beard K. W. Internet addiction. A review of current assessment techniques and potential assessment questions. Cyberpsychology & Behavior 2005; 8:7-15

95. Hakala P. T., Rimpela A. H., Saarni L. A., Salminen J. J. Frequent computer-related activities increase the risk

of neck-shoulder and low back pain in adolescents. European Journal of Public Health 2006; 16:536-541

96. Beard K. W. Cyberpsychology & Behavior 2005; 8:7-15

97. Reuters. Twelve-step program aims to cure e-mail addiction,

98. Rau P.P., Peng S., Yang C. Time distortion for expert and novice online game players. Cyberpsycholog у & Behavior 2006; 9:396—403

99. Lenhart A. Social networking websites and teens: An overview. Pew Internet & American Life Project. January 3, 2007,

100. Rau et al. Cyberpsychology & Behavior 2006; 9: 396-403

101. Griffiths M. D., Davies M. N. O., Chappell D. Demographic factors and playing variables in online computer gaming. Cyberpsychology & Behavior 2004; 4:479-487

102. Alter A. Is this man cheating on his wife? The Wall Street Journal. August 10, 2007

103. Spink A., Jansen B.J. Web Search: Public Searching of the Web. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2004

104. Maltz W., Maltz L The Porn Trap: The Essential Guide to Overcoming Problems Caused by Pornography. HarperCollins, New York, NY, 2008

105. Spink A., Ozmutlu H.C., Lorence D.P. Web searching for sexual information: an exploratory study. Information Processing and Management 2004; 40:113-123

106. Dun and Bradstreet Survey. D&B study shows seven out of 10 U.S. small businesses now have Internet access. May 25, 2000,

107. Cooper A., Safir M. P., Rosenmann A. Workplace worries: A preliminary look at online sexual activities at the office — emerging issues for clinicians and employers. Cyberpsychology & Behavior 2006: 9:22-29

108. Lorenz V. C., Politzer R. M. Yaffee R. A. Final report of the Task Force on Gambling Addiction in Maryland,

109. Ackman D. Why pick on Internet gambling? Los Angeles Times. October 29, 2006,

110. Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act of 2006,

111. George Ladd and Nancy Petry of the University of Connecticut: Ladd GT, Petry NM. Disordered gambling among university-based medical and dental patients: A focus on Internet gambling. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 2002:16:76-79

112. Dodd M. L, Klos K. J., Bower J. H., et al. Pathological gambling caused by drugs used to treat Parkinson disease. Archives of Neurolog у 2005; 62:1377-1381

113. Ransom I. Chinese boot camps tackle Internet addiction. International Herald Tribune. March 12, 2007, .

Глава 4. Технологии и поведение: СДВГ, дети индиго и другие аномалии

114. Tup Р. А., O’Kane G., Wingfield A. Distraction by competing speech in young and older adult listeners. Psychology and Aging 2002; 17:453-467

115. American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders DSM-IV-TR, Fourth Edition (text revision). Washington, DC, American Psychiatric Association. 2000

116. Polanczyk G., Rohde LA. Epidemiology of attentiondeficit/hyperactivity disorder across the lifespan. Current Opinion in Psychiatry 2007; 20:386-392

117. Chan P. A., Rabinowitz T. A cross-sectional analysis of video games and attention deficit hyperactivity disorders symptoms in adolescents. Annals of General Psychiatry 2006; 5:16

118. Yen J. Y., Ко C. H., Yen C. F., Wu H. Y., Yang M. J. The comorbid psychiatric symptoms of Internet addiction: Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), depression, social phobia, and hostility. Journal of Adolescent Health 2007; 41:93-98

119. Ha J. H., Yoo H. J., Cho I. H., Chin R, Shin D., Kim J. H Psychiatric comorbidity assessed in Korean children and adolescents who screen positive for Internet addiction. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 2006; 67:821-826

120. Christakis D. A., Zimmerman F. J., DiGuiseppe D. L, McCarty C. A. Early television exposure and subsequent attentional problems in children. Pediatrics 2004; 113:707-713

121. American Academy of Pediatrics. Children, adolescents, and television. Pediatrics 2001; 107:423-426

122. Vandewater E. A., Rideout V. J., Wartella E. A., Huang X., Lee J. H., Shim M. S. Digital childhood: Electronic media and technology use among infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. Pediatrics 2007; 119(5):e1006-1015,

123. Spencer T. J., Biederman J., Mick E. Attentiondeficit/hyperactivity disorder: diagnosis, lifespan, comorbidities, and neurobiolog y. Journal of Pediatric Psychology 2007; 32:631-642

124. Eppinger B., Kray J., Mecklinger A., John O. Age differences in task switching and response monitoring: evidence from ERPs. Biological Psychiatry 2007; 75:52-67

125. Rubinstein J. S., Meyer D. E., Evans J. E. Executive control of cognitive processes in task switching. Journal of Experimental Psychology and Human Perceptual Performance 2001; 27:763-797

126. Thompson C. Meet the life hackers. The New York Times. October 16, 2005

127. Allen K, Blascovich J. Effects of music on cardiovascular reactivity among surgeons. Journal of the American Medical Association 1994; 272:882-884

128. Carroll L Indigo Children. Hay House, London, 1999

129. McPartland J., Klin A. Asperger’s syndrome. Adolescent Medicine Clinics 2006; 17:771-788

130. Baum S. M., Olenchak F. R., Owen S. V. Gifted students with attention deficits: Fact and/or fiction? Or, can we see the forest for the trees? Gifted Child Quarterly 1998; 42:96-104

131. Healey D., Rucklidge J. J. An exploration into the creative abilities of children with ADHD. Journal of Attention Disorders 2005; 8:88-95

132. Shaw P., Greenstein D., Lerch J., et al. Intellectual ability and cortical development in children and adolescents. Nature 2006; 440:676

133. Whitehouse M. Mind and matter. Is an economist qualified to solve puzzle of autism? The Wall Street Journal. February 27, 2007. Waldman M. Does television cause autism?

134. Williams D. L, Goldstein G., Minshew N. J. Neuropsychologic functioning in children with autism: Further evidence for disordered complex informationprocessing. Child Neuropsycholog y 2006:12:279-298

Koshino H., Капа R. K., Keller T. A., Cherkassky V. L, Minshew N. J., Just M. A. fMRI investigation of working memory for faces in autism: Visual coding and underconnectivity with frontal areas. Cerebral Cortex 2008; 18:289-300

135. Nacewicz B. M., Dalton K. M., Johnstone Т., et al. Amygdala volume and nonverbal social impairment in adolescent and adult males with autism. Archives of General Psychiatry 2006; 63:1417-1428

136. Dalton K. M., Nacewicz B. M., Alexander A. L, Davidson R.J. Gaze-fixation, brain activation, and amygdala volume in unaffected siblings of individuals with autism. Biological Psychiatry 2007; 61:512-520

137. Mathiak K., Weber R. Toward brain correlates of natural behavior: fMRI during violent video games. Human Brain Mapping 2006; 27:948-956

138. Mason M. Is it disease or delusion? U.S. takes on a dilemma. The New York Times. October 24, 2006

139. Small G. W., Borus J. F. Outbreak of illness in a school chorus: Toxic poisoning or mass hysteria? New England Journal of Medicine 1983; 308:632-635

140. Vuilleumier P. Hysterical conversion and brain function. Progress in Brain Research 2005; 150:309-329

141. Small G.W., Borus J.F. The influence of newspaper reports on outbreaks of mass hysteria. Psychiatric Quarterly 1987; 58:269-278

142. Alao A. O., Soderberg М., Pohl E. L, Alao A. L Cybersuicide: Review of the role of the internet on suicide. Cyberpsychology and Behavior 2006; 9:489-493

143. Rajagopal S. Suicide pacts and the Internet. British Medical Journal 2004; 4:329:1298-1299

144. Angst J. Major depression in 1998: Are we providing optimal therapy? Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 1999:60 Suppl 6:5-9

145. Cacioppo J. T., Hughes M. E., Waite L. J., Hawkley L. C., Thisted R. A. Loneliness as a specific risk factor for depressive symptoms: Cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses. Psychology and Aging 2006; 21:140-151

146. Czaja S. J., Chamess N., Fisk A. D., et al. Factors predicting the use of technology: Findings from the Center for Research and Education on Aging and Technology Enhancement (CREATE). Psycholog у and Aging 2006; 21:333-352

147. Lubman D. I., Yücel М., Pantelis C. Addiction, a condition of compulsive behaviour? Neuroimaging and neuropsychological evidence of inhibitory dysregulation. Addiction 2004; 99:1491-1502

148. Allison S. E., von Wahlde L., Shockley Т., Gabbard G. O. The development of the self in the era of the Internet and roleplaying fantasy games. American Journal of Psychiatry 2006; 163:381-385

Глава 5. Хай-тек культура в обществе, политике и экономике

149. Samuelson R. J. The vanishing greenback. Newsweek. June 25, 2007

150. Horrigan J., Rainie L. The Internet’s growing role in life’s major moments. Pew Internet & American Life Project. April 19, 2006,

151. Anderson C. The Long Tail: Why the Future of Business Is Selling Less of More. Hyperion, New York, 2006

152. Born С., Meindl Т., Poeppel E., et al. Brand perception: Evaluation of cortical activation using fMRI. Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America November 28, 2006,

153. Andrew Keen describes the negative cultural impact:

Keen A. The Cult of the Amateur: How Today’s Internet is Killing our Culture. Doubleday, New York, 2007


155. Netcraft.com,

156. Gomes L What are Web surfers seeking? Well, it’s just what you’d think. The Wall Street Journal. August 16, 2006

157. Arrington M. Yahoo top searches 2007: Please, people, stop typing Britney Spears into search boxes. TechCrunch. December 3, 2007.

Arrington M. Google announces fastest growing search terms. TechCrunch. December 3, 2007.

Mills E. Ask.com’s top 10 has Google, but no Britney. CNet News.com. December 14, 2007. Avalable online:

158. 2005 Online Holiday Shopping Update. November 27, 2005,

159. Lenhart L Selling items online. Pew Internet & American Life Project. November, 2005,

160. Know N. Home shoppers do their hunting online. USA Today. February 9, 2007

161. Knutson R, Rick S., Wimmer G. E., Prelec D., Loewenstein G. Neural predictors of purchases. Neuron 2007; 53:147-156

162. Lohr S. Study says computers give big boosts to productivity. The New York Times. March 13, 2007.

163. Samuelson R. J. The vanishing greenback. Newsweek. June 25, 2007.

164. Naik G. Faltering family MDs get technology lifeline. The Wall Street Journal. February 26, 2007.

165. Duhigg C. Hospital clients nurture firm's scheduling software. Los Angeles Times. June 21, 2006.

166. Interactive Marketing & Media Fact Pack 2006. Crain Communications Inc. April 17, 2006,

167. Darlin D. Using the Web to get the boss to pay more. The New York Times. March 3, 2007

168. Atkinson R. D., McKay A. Digital prosperity: Understanding the economic benefits of the information technolog у revolution. The Information Technology & Innovation Foundation. March 2007,

169. Kuhnen C. M., Knutson B. The neural basis of financial risk taking. Neuron 2005; 47:763-770

170. Hsu М., Bhatt М., Adolphs R., Tranel D., Camerer C. F. Neural systems responding to degrees of uncertainty in human decision-making. Science 2005; 310: 1680-1683

171. NAA releases ABC FAX-FAX analysis,

172. Carr D. Threatened by the Internet, Time Magazine slims down. The New York Times. January 8, 2007

173. Ciepły M. New show to begin on MySpace. The New York Times. September 13, 2007

174. Online ad revenue sets record for a third year. The Wall Street Journal. March 8, 2007

175. Kehaulani Goo S. Google gambles on Web video. The Washington Post. October 10, 2006,

176. Fallows D. How men and women use the Internet. Pew Internet & American Life Project. Washington, DC, 2005.

177. Baron-Cohen S., Knickmeyer R. C., Belmonte M. K. Sex differences in the brain: Implications for explaining autism. Science 2005; 4:310:819-823

178. Haier R. J., Jung R. E., Yeo R. A., Head K., Alkire M. T. The neuroanatomy of general intelligence: sex matters. Neuroimage 2005; 25:320–327.

179. Fallows D. How men and women use the Internet. Pew Internet & American Life Project. Washington, DC, 2005

180. The mismeasure of woman. The Economist. August 3, 2006,

181. Fulkerson J.A., Story М., Mellin A., Leffert N.. Neumark-Sztainer D., French S. A. Family dinner meal frequency and adolescent development: Relationships with developmental assets and high-risk behaviors. Journal of Adolescent Health 2006; 39:337-345

182. Madden М., Lenhart A. Online dating. Pew Internet & American Life Project. March 5, 2006,

183. Zaslow J. Digital love letters are easy to send but hard to cherish. The Wall Street Journal. February 9, 2007

184. Fisher H. E., Aron A., Brown L. L. Romantic love: A mammalian brain system for mate choice. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B. Biological Sciences 2006: 361: 2173-2186

185. Hafner K. Laptop slides into bed in love triangle. The New York Times. August 24, 2006.

186. Zeller T. Your life as an open book. The New York Times. August 12, 2006.

187. National Center for Health Statistics. Electronic medical record use by office-based physicians: United States, 2005,

188. Stone J. H. Communication between physicians and patients in the era of e-medicine. The New England Journal of Medicine, 2007; 356:2451-2454

189. Dell К., Cullen LT. Snooping bosses. Time. September 11, 2006,

190. Geller A. Bosses keep sharp eye on mobile workers via GPS. Associated Press. January 3, 2005,

191. Finder A. For some, online persona undermines a resume. The New York Times. June 11, 206

192. Cohen R. Online extracurriculars. The New York Times Sunday Magazine. March 11, 2007

193. Sullivan M.S. Law May Curb Cellphone Camera Use. PCWorld.com. July 23, 2004,

194. Bryan-Low C. To catch crooks in cyberspace, FBI goes global. The Wall Street Journal. November 21, 2006

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Глава 9. Перекинуть мост через «мозговую пропасть»

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