AB Обри Бердслей
ALS оригинал документа с подписью
B. Misc. R.A. Walker (ed.) A Beardsley Miscellany (London, 1949)
cc машинописная копия
EW The Early Work of Aubrey Beardsley (London, 1899)
GRO General Registry Office, London
Iconography Aymer Vallance, “List of Drawings of Aubrey Beardsley” in Robert Ross, Aubrey Beardsley (London, 1901)
LW The Later Work of Aubrey Beardsley (London, 1901)
M микрофильм
MD Sir Thomas Malory, Morte Darthur, illustrated by AB (London, 1893–1894)
MDG Henry Maas, J. L. Duncan and W. G. Good, The Letters of Aubrey Beardsley (London, 1970)
MS рукопись
P фотокопия
P&P Past and Present – журнал Брайтонской средней школы
PRO Public Record Office
RAB R. Langenfeld (ed.), Reconsidering Aubrey Beardsley (Ann Arbor/ London, 1989)
TLS машинописное письмо с подписью
TS машинописный текст
UW The Uncollected Work of Aubrey Beardsley (London, 1925)
Глава I. Семейные тайны и предания
1. Birth announcements, The Times 24.8.1872; Brighton Gazette 29.8.1872; unattributed newspaper review of Under the Hill (London, 1904), H. A. Payne’s cuttings-file, BGS archive (Sussex County Record Office, Lewes); R. A. Walker, ‘Notes on the Family of A.B.’ in B. Misc., р. 102.
2. Census return, 1871, PRO, RG 10/1082 ff.83.
3. R. A. Walker, in B. Misc., р. 100.
4. D. G. Crawford, Roll of the Indian Medical Service 1615–1930; record of marriage, India Office microfilms N/1/61/f75 and N/1/51/f14. R. A. Walker, B. Misc., p. 99.
5. William Pitt’s service record [MS], India Office L/MIL/10/74; Florence Pitt’s birth certificate, issued by British Consulate, Boulogne-sur-Mer, 31 December 1850; GRO, London; R. A. Walker B. Misc., p. 99/1.
6. T. F. Wilson, The Defence of Lucknow (London, 1858), p. 219; W. Pitt’s service record; Bengal, Madras, Bombay retired ledger 1859–18 60, India Office L/AG/21/15/8/f185; census return 1861 (PRO); Jersey and Brighton handbooks.
7. R. A. Walker, B. Misc., p. 101–102. F. Hamilton Maugham, Some Brighton Churches (London, 1922), p. 22–32; Malcolm Easton, Aubrey and the Dying Lady (London, 1972), p. 159.
8. Record of baptism, India Office microfilm N/1/13/f453.
9. Last Will and Testament of George Lamb, proved at London, 11 March 1862, Somerset House, London; Death Duty Register; Bengal, Madras, Bombay Retired Ledger [MS], India Office L/AG/21/15/8/f185.
10. Marriage certificate of William Lait and Sarah Ann Beardsley, 1.6.1846, GRO, London. Walker (p. 95–96) incorrectly gives ‘Tait’ for ‘Lait’; R. A. Walker, B. Misc, p. 101.
11. ALS, John Gray to Andre Raffalovich, 10.10.1904 (National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh); R. A. Walker, B. Misc., p. 101.
12. R. A. Walker, BMisc, p. 101–102.
13. Birth announcement, The Times, 27.8.1871; Brighton Gazette, 8.2.1872, p. 4–5; M. Easton, op. cit., p. 92; R. A. Walker, B. Misc., p. 102.
14. ibid. p. 105; ‘Mrs Ellen A. Beardsley’, Colour 12, 1925, p. 20; George Deny, An Aubrey Beardsley Scrapbook (London, 1920); the scrapbook is at Princeton University; Ellen Agnus Beardsley, ‘Aubrey Beardsley’ in B. Misc., p. 75, 78–79; the MS is at Princeton.
15. R. A. Walker, B. Misc., p. 102; ALS, Ellen Beardsley to John Lane, 10.9. [1923?], (Princeton); Ellen Beardsley, MS notes for John Lane [1923?], (Princeton); R. A. Walker B. Misc, p. 103.
16. Census returns 1871, PRO; marriage certificate of Florence Pitt and Montz Schenkel, 6.3.1876, GRO; announcement. The Times 8.3.1876; R. A. Walker, B. Misc., p. 102.
17. Henry Russell, Cheer, Boys, Cheer (London, 1895); Landon Ronald, Variations on a Personal Theme (London, 1922); Myself and Others (London, 1931), (none makes mention of the Beardsley connection); E. A. Beardsley, B. Misc., p. 75, 79–80; A. W. King, ‘The Art of Aubrey Beardsley’ in R. A. Walker, A Beardsley Lecture (London, 1924), p. 23; E. A. Beardsley, B. Misc., p. 79; a marginal note on the MS indicates that AB was six at the time.
18. D.S. MacColl, ‘The Beardsleys’, [MS], Glasgow University Library; JohnTliain Davidson by His Daughter (London, 1906); E. A. Beardsley, B. Misc., p. 75; Walker, ‘Notes on the Family of AB’ in B. Misc., p. 102; mALS, E. A. Beardsley to J. Lane [1924?] (British Library, London).
19. E.A. Beardsley, B. Misc., p. 75; Walker, B. Misc., p. 103; MDG, p. 11, 14.
20. Walker, B. Misc., p. 102; MDG, p. 6–13; census return 1881, PRO; MDG, p. 6–13; ALS, E. A. Beardsley to Mabel Beardsley, 10.12. [1904] (Princeton). E. A. Beardsley, B. Misc., p. 75; Mabel Beardsley-Wright, ‘Aubrey Beardsley’ in Allgmeines Lexikon der bilenden Kiinskr von der Alike bis zur Gegenwart, U. Thieme and F. Becker (eds) (Leipzig, 1909), Vol. III, p. 111; Robert Ross, Aubrey Beardsley (London, 1909), p. 11.
21. E. A. Beardsley, B. Misc., p. 75, 80; Iconography, item 1; mALS, E. A. Beardsley to J. Lane [1924] (British Library, London); census return 1881, PRO.
22. Ben Weinraub and Christopher Hibbert, Ttte London Encyclopedia (London, 1983), p. 599.
23. E. A. Beardsley to J. Lane [1924]; ALS, E. A. Beardsley to J. Lane, io.9 [1923?] (Princeton); mALS, E. A. Beardsley to J. Lane [1924] (British Library, London); E. A. Beardslay, B. Misc., p. 83.
24. E. A. Beardsley, B. Misc., p. 83; MDG, p. 13–14; mALS E. A. Beardsley to J. Lane, 14.3.1923 (British Library, London); E. A. Beardsley, B. Misc., p. 75, 79.
25. mALS, E. A. Beardsley to J. Lane, [1924]; E. A. Beardsley, B. Misc., p. 75; A. W. King, in An Aubrey Beardsley Lecture, p. 24; ALS, R. Ross to William Rothenstein, 23.1.1899 (Harvard University).
26. ALS, E. A. Beardsley to J. Lane, io.9. [1923]; E. A. Beardsley, B. Misc., p. 79–80; Last Will and Testament of Sarah Pitt, proved 2.1.1892; Somerset House, London; Brighton Handbooks, 1883–1885.
Глава II. Счастливые школьные дни
1. E. A. Beardsley, B. Misc., p. 75, 79–80; The Last Will and Testament of Sarah Pitt, Somerset House, London; E. A. Beardsley, B. Misc., p. 79; MDG, p. 32.
2. E. A. Beardsley, B. Misc., p. 75; W. W. Hind-Smith, ‘Old Boy Jottings’, P&P, vol. XXIII [1898], p. 93–94; Iconography, item 2; E. A. Beardsley, B. Misc., p. 75.
3. Arthur Symons, Aubrey Beardsley (London, 1905), p. 21; W. B. Yeats, Autobiographies (London, 1955), p. 329; H. Hamilton Maugham, Some Brighton Churches (London, 1922), p. 44–45; Some Brief Recollections of the Late Rev. George Chapman M. A., by one of his own people (Oxford, 1892); R.S., George Chapman (preface by Alfred Gurney) (London, 1893); Malcolm Easton, op. cit. (London, 1972), p. 161; R.S., op. cit.
4. AB’s ‘Form of Application’, 22.11.1884: ‘Name of payor’ is Miss Sarah Pitt; BGS archive (Sussex County Record Office, Lewes); D. B. Friend, Brighton Handbook for 1886, p. 150; P&P, E. J. Marshall memorial number, 1900; conversation with John Smithies, former English teacher at BGS; John Smithies, ‘A. V. Beardsley and H. A. Payne’ in P&P, June 1964; ‘Rules and Regulations’ [BGS Prospectus, f.1886]; BGS Archive (Lewes).
5. ‘Aubrey Beardsley in Memoriam’, Westminster Budget, 25.3.1898, p. 10; R. Thurston Hopkins ‘Aubrey Beardsley’s Schooldays’, The Bookman, March, 1927, p. 305 (Weintraub, and others, mistook Hopkins for AB’s school-fellow, but Hopkins was quoting ‘one of [AB’s] contemporaries’); Hind-Smith, P&P, 1898, p. 93–94; M. Easton, op. cit., p. 3; A. W. King, An Aubrey Beardsley Lecture, p. 24.
6. P&P, XLVII, 1922, p. 215–217; Hind-Smith, ‘Aubrey Beardsley at School’, John O’London’s Weekly, 22.12.1928; R. T. Hopkins, The Bookman, 1927, p. 307; P&P, February 1887, p. 155–156.
7. Hopkins, The Bookman, 1927, p. 305; King, in An Aubrey Beardsley Lecture, p. 26; Hopkins, The Bookman, 1927, p. 305; G. F. Scotson-Clark, ‘Beardsley’s Schooldays or Early Days Prior to 1893’ [TS] (Princeton); C. B. Cochran, Secrets of a Showman (London, 1925), p. 4; H. A. Payne, P&P, XXIII, 1898, p. 53; Westminster Budget, 25.3.1898, p. 9.
8. Hopkins, The Bookman, 1927, p. 305 Westminster Budget, 25.3.1898, p. 9; Hopkins, The Bookman, 1898, p. 305; King, in An Aubrey Beardsley Lecture, p. 23, 26; P&P, May 1885, p. 8; ibid., June 1885, p. 45–6; King, in An Aubrey Beardsley Lecture, p. 23; mALS, E. A. Beardsley to J. Lane [1924]; G. F. Scotson-Clark, op. cit. C. B. Cochran, op. cit., p. 7; ‘Art and the Music Halls’, Unwin’s Chapbook1889–1900 (London, 1899), p. 40–42.
9. Scotson-Clark, op. cit.; ALS, A. W. King to H. A. Payne, 4.12.1920, BGS Archive (Lewes); Scotson-Clark, op. cit.; A. W. King, in An Aubrey Beardsley Lecture, p. 26; UW, p. 80.
10. Hopkins, The Bookman, 1927, p. 307; AB’s sketchbook (Princeton); AB to E. J. Marshall, September 1893, quoted in P&P, November 1893; E. A. Beardsley, B. Misc., p. 76; UW, p. 157; George Derry, Nineteen Early Drawings by Aubrey Beardsley (London, 1919).
11. AB’s copy of Prose Writings of Swift (ed. Walter Lewin) (London, 1886) (Princeton); Dulau & Co., Catalogue 165, Books from the Library of John Lane and Other Books of the Eighteen Nineties (I93°). p. 8–9; Gekoski Booksellers, Catalogue 18, Sale from the Collection of Giles Gordon (1994), p. 1; W. W. Hind-Smith, ‘Old Boy Jottings’, P&P, May 1898, p. 94; The drawing of Egham church is at Princeton; Westminster Budget, 25.3.1898, p. 10.
12. King, ‘The Dome’, P&P, 1900, p. 61–5; King, in An Aubrey Beardsley Lecture, p. 27; ‘Programme and Words to Brighton Grammar School Christmas Entertainment at the Dome, Monday 20 December [1886] ’, P&P, February 1887.
13. Scotson-Clark, op. cit.; Hopkins, op. cit., p. 307; C. B. Cochran, op. cit., p. 4; C. B. Cochran, ‘Aubrey Beardsley at School’, Poster and Art Collector, 8.9.1898, p. 103; O. H. Leeney, ‘Recollections of Aubrey Beardsley’, P&P, June 1925, p. 169–174; C. B. Cochran, Secrets of a Showman, p. 4, Cock-a-Doodle-Do (London, 1941), p. 74; Cochran, Poster and Art Collector, 8.9.1898, p. 103; James Harding, Cochran (London, 1988), p. 6.
14. G.F. Scotson-Clark, op. cit.; Programme for ‘Annual Entertainment at The Dome, 20 December, 1887’, BGS archive (Lewes); P&P, February 1888, p. 167–168; P&P, June 1887, p. 48; Cochran, Poster and Art Collector, 8.9.1898, p. 103; Brighton Society, 11.6.1887 and 9.7.1887, p. II.
15. Bernard Muddiman, Aubrey Beardsley: Some Reminiscences and an Appreciation’, Brighton and Hove Society, 7.9.1907, p. 1037; Payne, ‘Aubrey Beardsley’, P&P, April 1898, p. 53–55; G. C. Williamson, ‘Aubrey Beardsley: A Few Memories’, Carmina 9 (1931), p. 278; King, in An Aubrey Beardsley Lecture, p. 27, 44.
16. Westminster Budget, 25.3.1898, p. 10; Hind-Smith, John O’London’s Weekly, 22.12.1928; Unsigned MS reminiscence, BGS archive (Lewes); O. H. Leeney, P&P, June 1925, p. 169–174; C. B. Cochran, Poster and Art Collector, 8.9.1898, p. 103; Westminster Budget, 25.3.1898, p. 10; Scotson-Clark, op. at.
17. Westminster Budget, 25.3.1898, p. 10; B. Muddiman, Brighton and Hove Society, 7.9.1907, p. 1037; Scotson-Clark, op. cit.; MDG, p. 14–15; the letter is illustrated in MDG, facing p. 224; quoted in Miriam J. Benkovitz, Aubrey Beardsley (London, 1981), p. 32.
18. M. Easton, op. cit., p. 161; Westminster Budget, 25.3.1898, p. 10; Haldane MacFall, Aubrey Beardsley (London, 1928), p. 16; M. Easton, op. cit., p. 264; Scotson-Clark, op. cit.
19. Montague Summers, The Galanty Show (London, 1980), p. 56; mALS, E. A. Beardsley to J. Lane, 11.9.1924 (British Library, London); Quoted in M. Easton, op. cit., p. 154; M. Summers, op. cit., p. 56–57; UW, p. 106–127; AB collection at Brighton Museum and Art Gallery.
20. UW, p. 102–105; Scotson-Clark, op. cit.; UW, p. 50, 101; George Derry, An Aubrey Beardsley Scrap Book (London, 1920), p. 22; the original ‘Pied Piper’ pictures are at Harvard; Walter Puttick, ‘An Old Boy’s Appreciation of Aubrey Beardsley’, P&P, April 1898, p. 66; Scotson-Clark, op. cit.; ‘Programme and Words for… The Dome, on Wednesday, 19 December, 1888’, BGS Archive (Lewes); P&P, February 1889, p. 15–17; O. H. Leeney, P&P, June 1925; MDG, p. 23.
Глава III. Сомнения
1. UW, p. 110–113; R. A. Walker, ‘Notes on the Family of Aubrey Beardsley’, B. Misc., p. 102–103; ccTLS. R. A. Walker to Oliver Lodge, 22.7.1935 (Princeton); UW, p. 71; AB’s entries, Hazell’s Annual, 1895, Who’s Who, 1898; MDG, p. 15–16; John Davidson, ‘Thirty Bob A Week’ [poem]; MDG, p. 15–16.
2. AB’s copy of Shakespeare’s Poems (Princeton); MDG, p. 15; M. Benkovitz, Aubrey Beardsley (London, 1981), p. 32; C. B. Cochran, Poster and Art Collector, 8.9.1898, p. 104 (Cochran dates the drawing 1888, but early 1889 seems more likely); M. Easton, op. cit., p. 5; J. Harding, Cochran, p. 6; Scotson-Clark, op. cit.
3. M. Easton, ‘Aubrey Beardsley and Julian Sampson: An Unrecorded Friendship’, Apollo (1967), p. 66–68; M. Easton, Aubrey and the Dying Lady, p. 164ff.; Alan Godfrey, Pimlico, Shane Square and Nine Elms, 1894, Old Ordnance Survey Maps (Gateshead, n. d.); M. Easton, Aubrey and the Dying Lady, p. 164ff; Crockford’s Clerical Directory, 1889; M. Easton, Aubrey and the Dying Lady, p. 164ff.
4. King, A Beardsley Lecture, p. 31; MDG, p. 18; Memories of Edmund Symes-Tliompson MD, FRCP, A Follower of St Luke, by his wife (London, 1908); MDG, p. 18.
5. EW, p. 4–13; Max Beerbohm, ‘Aubrey Beardsley’, A Variety of Things (London, 1928), p. 223; MDG, p. 18; H. MacFall, Aubrey Beardsley (London, 1928), p. 10; AB’s album (Princeton); ‘The Story of a Confession Album’, Tit-Bits, 4.1.1890, p. 203.
6. MDG, p. 18; ibid., p. 23; AB’s album – flyleaf (Princeton); C. B. Cochran, Poster and Art Collector, 8.9.1898, p. 104.
7. C. B. Cochran, Showman Looks On (London, 1945), p. 164; Cochran quoted in Margery Ross (ed.), Robert Ross, Friend of Friends (London, 1952), p. 51; Court Minutes of the Guardian Fire & Life Assurance Office, 1888–1801 [MS], (Guildhall Library, London), p. 232; King, in An Aubrey Beardsley Lecture, p. 30; A. W. Tarn & C. E. Byles, A Record of the Guardian Assurance Company Ltd, 1821–1921 (Privately Printed, 1921), p. 69; G. C. Williamson, Aubrey Beardsley: A Few Memories’, Carmina (1931), p. 279.
8. R. A. Walker, Some Unknown Drawings of Aubrey Beardsley (London, 1923), p. i8n; A. W. Tarn & C. E. Byles, op. cit.; Scotson-Clark, op. cit.; MacFall, op. cit., p. 10; Anne Hammond (ed.), Frederick H. Evans-Selected Texts and a Bibliography (Oxford, 1992).
9. G. F. Scotson-Clark, ‘The Artist of the Yellow Book’, Bookman, vol. I, No. 3 (1895), p. 161; Scotson-Clark, ‘Aubrey Beardsley – Prior to 1893’; M. Easton, Aubrey and the Dying Lady, p. 164; Scotson-Clark, Aubrey Beardsley – Prior to 1893’; MDG, p. 23; R. A. Walker, Some Unknown Drawings of Aubrey Beardsley, p. 15; EW, p. 20.
10. EW, p. 16; Peter Ackroyd, Blake (London, 1996), p. 67; Iconography, item 20; P&P, December 1890, p. 203; the programme is reproduced in Brigid Brophy, Beardsley and His World (London, 1976), p. 38; Scotson-Clark, ‘Aubrey Beardsley – Prior to 1893’; Brighton and Sussex Telegraph, 8.II.1890, p. 5; P&P, December 1890, p. 203.
11. Alfred Gurney, ‘Preface’ to R. S. George Chapman, p. vi; Iconography, item 17; Court Minutes of the Guardian Fire and Life Assurance Office, 1888–1891, p. 268–272; census return, 1891, PRO.
12. R. Ross, Aubrey Beardsley (London, 1909), p. 17; ALS, A. H. Pargeter to R. A. Walker, 1.1.1936 (Princeton). D.S. MacColl, ‘Aubrey Beardsley’, B. Misc., p. 17–32; W. P. Frith, ‘Crazes in Art’, Magazine of Art, 1888, p. 190–191; D. S. MacColl, B. Misc., p. 17–32; Graham Hough, The Last Romantics (London, 1949), p. 1–32; E. Burne-Jones quoted in Christopher Wood, Olympian Dreamers (London, 1983); J. M. Whistler, ‘Ten O’clock Lecture’, reprinted in The Gentle Art of Making Enemies (London, 1890), p. 135–159; Walter Sickert. Preface to A Collection of Paintings by London Impressionists (London, 1889) [exhibition catalogue].
13. G. F. Scotson-Clark, ‘Aubrey Beardsley – Prior to 1893’; MDG, p. 19; Scotson-Clark, ‘Aubrey Beardsley – Prior to 1893’; MDG, p. 19–20; MacFall, op. cit., p. 11; M. Easton, Apollo, 1967, p. 66–68; Scotson-Clark, ‘Aubrey Beardsley – Prior to 1893’.
14. Lionel Lambourne, The Aesthetic Movement (London, 1996), p. 50–60; MDG, p. 19; ALS, AB to [G.F. Scotson-] Clark, 1891 (Library of Congress, Washington DC); R. Ross, op. cit., p. 45; ALS, AB to Scotson-Clark, 1891.
15. Katherine Lyon Mix, A Study in Yellow (Kansas/London, i960), p. 44; MDG, p. 1931), p. 73ff; Angela Thirkell, Three Houses (London, 1931), p. 15–28; MDG, p. 21–23; E. A. Beardsley, B. Misc.; MDG, p. 22–24.
16. G. F. Scotson-Clark, ‘Aubrey Beardsley – Prior to 1893’; MDG, p. 21–23. MDG, p. 23; AB to Scotson-Clark, July 1891 (printed in Linda Zatlin, ‘Beardsley and Biography’, biography, vol. 15, No. 2, p. 132–133; MDG, p. 24–25, 27.
17. MDG, p. 28–9 (the illustrated original is at Princeton); EW, p. 30–32; UW, p. 70; MDG, p. 25; AB to G. F. Scotson-Clark, in biography, vol. 15, no. 2; Scotson-Clark, ‘Aubrey Beardsley – Prior to 1893’; King, in An Aubrey Beardsley Lecture, p. 31; Alfred Gurney to AB, 23.8. [1891] (British Library, London); AB to G. F. Scotson-Clark, in biography, vol. 15, no. 2; MDG, p. 27.
18. G. F. Scotson-Clark, ‘Aubrey Beardsley – Prior to 1893’; Hopkins, The Bookman (1927), p. 307; H. MacFall, op. cit., p. 12.
19. Oscar Wilde, Intentions (London, 1891); Matthew Sturgis, Passionate Attitudes (London, 1995), p. 19–55; Richard Ellman, Oscar Wilde (London, 1987), p. 20iff.; Oscar Wilde, ‘The Decay of Lying’, in Intentions; AB to Scotson-Clark, in biography, vol. 15, no. 2; Vincent O’Sullivan, ‘Literature in France’ [MS], p. 6 (Princeton); G. F. Scotson-Clark, ‘Aubrey Beardsley – Prior to 1893’.
20. The Times, 1.4.1891, p. 4; Athenaeum, 4.4.1891, p. 451–452; L’Enfant prodigue closed 29.10.1891; C. B. Cochran, Poster and Art Collector, 8.9.1898, p. 104; A. G. Lehmann, ‘Pierrot and Fin de Siecle’ in lan Fletcher (ed.), Romantic Mythologies (London, 1967); MDG, p. 27.
21. R. Ross, op. cit., p. 17–18; AB to G. F. Scotson-Clark, in biography, vol. 15, no. 2; A. W. King, in An Aubrey Beardsley Lecture, p. 31; G. F. Scotson-Clark, ‘Aubrey Beardsley – Prior to 1893’; MDG, p. 29–30; G. F. Scotson-Clark, ‘Aubrey Beardsley – Prior to 1893’; For Fred Brown see DNB (1941–1950); D.S. MacColl, ‘Professor Fred Brown’, Magazine of Art, 1894, p. 403–409; Charles W. Furse, Illustrated Memoir (London, 1908), p. 52; J. M. Hone, Tlie Life of Henry Tanks (London, 1939), p. 53–54.
22. D.S. MacColl, ‘The Beardsleys’ [MS] (University of Glasgow); D.S. MacColl, ‘Professor Fred Brown’, p. 403; DNB; Isobel Watson, Westminster and Pimlico Past (London, 1993); D.S. MacColl, ‘The Beardsleys’; DNB; C. W. Furse, op. cit.;). M. Hone, op. cit.; C. W. Furse, op. cit.; D.S. MacColl, ‘Professor Fred Brown,’ p. 404; C. W. Furse, op. cit.; G. F. Scotson-Clark, ‘The Artist of the Yellow Book’, Bookman, 1895, p. 160.
23. G. F. Scotson-Clark, ‘Aubrey Beardsley – Prior to 1893’; D.S. MacColl, ‘The Beardsleys’; MDG, p. 29–30; G. F. Scotson-Clark, Aubrey Beardsley – Prior to 1893’.
24. MDG, p. 29–30; EW, p. 26, 29. ‘Mr Aubrey Beardsley’, Leslie’s Weekly, 6.8.1894, p. 90; William Lawler, ‘Aubrey Beardsley’, London Year Book (London, 1898), p. 49; MDG, p. 29–30; C. B. Cochran, Secrets of a Showman, p. 7.
25. The Last Will and Testament of Sarah Pitt, Somerset House, London; MDG, p. 32; King, in An Aubrey Beardsley Lecture, p. 32; Alfred Gurney to E. A. Beardsley, 14.11. [1891] (British Library, London); EW, p. 36–37; Atalanta, vol. V, no. 51, December 1891, p. 143ff.; A. W. King, ‘Our Illustrator’, The Bee, 2 November 1891, p. 21–22; MDG, p. 31–32.
Глава IV. Собственный стиль
1. Court Minutes of the Guardian Fire & Life Assurance Office Co., i8gi – i8g} [MS] (Guildhall Library, London), p. 28; MDG, p. 31–32; the article is almost certainly Walter Crane’s ‘The Language of Line – Part I: Outline’, Magazine of Art, 1888, p. 145–149; MDG, p. 32.
2. W. Crane, ‘Language of Line – Part I’; Magazine of Art, 1888, p. 325 ff; p. 415ff; W. Crane, ‘The Language of Line – Part II: Design’; EW, p. 25, 26.
3. MDG, p. 37; Aymer Vallance, ‘The Furnishing and Decoration of the House’ (six parts), Art Journal, 1892; Crockford’s Clerical Directory, 1886–1888; Catholic Who’s Who (London, 1910); A. Vallance, ‘The Invention of Aubrey Beardsley’, Magazine of Art, 1898, p. 362–368; H. MacFall, Aubrey Beardsley, p. 16; A. Vallance, Magazine of Art, 1898 p. 362–363.
4. R. Ross, Aubrey Beardsley, p. 15–17; MDG, p. 20; R. Ross, op. tit., p. 16; Iconography, items 32, 34; R. Ross, op. tit., p. 17; John Adlard, Stenbock, Yeats and the Nineties (London, 1969); Derek Hudson, Norman O’Neill, A Life of Music (London, 1945), p. 18, 21.
5. A.J.L. Busst, ‘The Image of the Androgyne in the Nineteenth Century’ in I. Fletcher (ed.), Romantic Mythologies (London, 1967); MDG, p. 282; ALS, Julian Sampson to R. A. Walker, 30.10.1935 (Princeton); Charles Baudelaire, ‘The Painter of Modern Life’, My Heart Laid Bare, and other prose writings [trans. Norman Cameron] (London, 1950), p. 21–73; Helen Thorp [nee Syrett] to Elspeth Grahame, 1933, quoted in Alison Prince, Kenneth Grahame (London, 1994), p. 109; M. Easton, Aubrey and the Dying Lady, p. 218; A. Vallance, Magazine of Art, 1898, p. 363.
6. Fiona MacCarthy, William Morris (London, 1994); A. Vallance, Magazine of Art, 1898, p. 363; Iconography, item 40.
7. Elizabeth Aslin, The Aesthetic Movement (London, 1981); Westminster Budget, 25.3.1898, p. 10; ‘The Sound of Architecture’, in Anne Hammond (ed.), Frederick H. Evans – Selected Texts and a Bibliography, p. 11–13.
8. MDG, p. 33–35, 37–38, 43–45; ‘Mr Aubrey Beardsley’, Leslie’s Weekly, 8.1894, p. 90; MDG, p. 33–35; R. Ross, op. cit., p. 44.
9. MDG, p. 37; B. Brophy, Beardsley and His World (London, 1976), p. 55; A. Vallance, Magazine of Art, 1898, p. 367.
10. Court Minutes of the Guardian Fire and Life Assurance Office; MDG, p. 33; Art Journal, 1892, p. 243ff; 274ff; H. MacFall, op. cit., p. 20; D.S. MacColl, B. Misc., p. 22; MDG, p. 34, 37; Iconography, item 36; MDG, p. 34, 37.
11. MDG, p. 44; Catherine Slessor, The Art of Aubrey Beardsley (New Jersey, 1989), p. 23; UW, p. 10, 11 [misdated as 1894]; EW, p. 22, 24; MDG, p. 44.
12. James Thorpe, English Illustrators of the Nineties (London, 1935); MDG, p. 44; A. S. Hartrick, A Painter’s Pilgrimage (Cambridge, 1939), p. 96–97; Elizabeth Robins Pennell, Nights (London, 1916), p. 138–139; MDG, p. 34.
13. J. M. Dent, Memoirs (London, 1928), p. 68; this account is derived from: H. MacFall, op. cit., p. 25–26; J. M. Dent, op. cit., p. 68–69; and C. Lewis Hind, ‘Introduction’ to UW, p. XV–XVI; Brian Reade, Beardsley (London, 1967), p. 313; J. M. Dent, op. cit., p. 69; ALS, AB to J. M. Dent, 3.10.1892 (Private Collection).
14. R. Ross, op. cit., p. 23; MDG, p. 38; Court Minutes of the Guardian Fire & Life Assurance Office 1891–181) 5, p. 118; MDG, p. 38; H. MacFall, op. cit., p. 26, 28–29; AB’s copy of Anton Springer, Albrecht Duhrer (Berlin, 1892), inscribed ‘A. Beardsley, 1892’ (Princeton); cf. MD Book I, chapters vi, vii, xiv; A. Vallance, ‘Aubrey Beardsley’ in R. A. Walker (ed.), Morte Darthur Portfolio (London, 1927), p. 12; Walter Pater, ‘Pico della Mirandola’, in Studies in the History of the Renaissance (London, 1873).
15. H. MacFall, op. cit., p. 27; ALS, AB to J. M. Dent, [October, 1892] (Private Collection); A. Vallance, in Morte Dartliur Portfolio, p. 12; A. Vallance, Magazine of Art, 1898, p. 365; MDG, p. 34.
16. MDG, p. 38; MDG, p. 34; A. Vallance, Magazine of Art, 1898, p. 263; D. S. MacColl, ‘The Beardsleys’; MDG, p. 34–38.
17. MDG, p. 38; R. Ross, op. cit., p. 20; A. Vallance, Magazine of Art, 1898, p. 364–365; James G. Nelson, The Early Nineties, a View from the Bodlcy Head (Cambridge, Mass., 1971); A. Vallance, Magazine of Art, 1898, p. 364–365; MDG, p. 47.
18. C.L. Hind, op. cit., p. xvi – xviii; For Alice Meynell, see Richard Le Gallienne, The Romantic Nineties (London, 1926), p. 74–7; Gertrude Atherton, Adventures of a Novelist (London, 1932), p. 286; William Rothenstein, Men and Memories (London, 1931), p. 282; K. L. Mix, A Study in Yellow (Kansas/London, i960), p. 137; C. L. Hind, op. cit., p. xvi – xix; Clive Ash win, ‘The Founding of The Studio’, Studio International – Centenary Number, 1993, p. 4; C. L. Hind, op. cit., p. xix; Iconography, items 28–iv, v.
19. C.L. Hind, op. cit., p. xix; Joseph Pennell, Pen Drawing and Pen Draughtsmen (London/NY, 1889), p. 1; J. Pennell, Aubrey Beardsley and Other Men of the Nineties (Privately printed, Philadelphia, 1924), p. 19–20; J. Pennell, The Adventures of an Illustrator (Boston, 1925), p. 216 (these provide very similar accounts); ALS, E.R. Pennell to Mr Kennedy, 3.3.1929 (Library of Congress, Washington, DC).
20. D.S. MacColl, Confessions of a Keeper (London, 1931), p. 89; D.S. MacColl, B. Misc., p. 22, 25. J. Pennell, Adventures of an Illustrator, p. 168; E. R. Pennell, Nights, p. 179; MDG, p. 38; ibid, p. 44; ibid, p. 38.
21. W. B. Yeats, Autobiographies, p. 332; Mabel Beardsley-Wright, ‘Aubrey Beardsley’ in Allgemeines Lexikon vol. Ill, p. m; R. Ross, op. cit., p. 39; ibid, p. 22.
22. A. Vallance, Magazine of Art, 1898, p. 363–364; MDG, p. 35, 44.
Глава V. Свобода
1. C. Lewis Hind, ‘Introduction’ to UW, p. xix; Clive Ashwin, ‘Gleeson White – Aesthete and Editor’, Apollo, vol. CVIII (1978), p. 251–261; Gleeson White, ‘Aubrey Beardsley In Memoriam’, Studio, 1898, p. 260; A. W. King, ‘The Art of Aubrey Beardsley’, in R. A. Walker, An Aubrey Beardsley Lecture, p. 36; C. L. Hind, Naphtali (London, 1926), p. 74; Studio, 1, 1893, p. 36.
2. cf. Mark Samuels Lasner, A Selective Checklist of the Published Work of Aubrey Beardsley (Boston, 1995), p. 10–13; MDG, p. 43–45; W.L. [William Lawler], ‘Aubrey Beardsley’, The London Yearbook (London, 1898), p. 46; MDG, p. 44.
3. EW, p. 45; C. L. Hind, Naphtali, p. 74; Q.R. [C.L. Hind], ‘A Bookman’s Memories – Aubrey Beardsley’, Christian Science Monitor, 17.5.1921, p. 3; MDG, p. 44; Joseph Pennell, ‘A New Illustrator: Aubrey Beardsley’, Studio 1, 1893, p. 18; G. White, Studio, 1898, p. 256; Artist, April 1893, p. 115; Studio, 3, 1893.
4. James G. Nelson, The Early Nineties, A View from the Bodley Head (Cambridge, Mass., 1971); Pall Mall Budget, 2.3.1893, p. 239; J. Walter Smith, ‘A Chat with Beardsley’, Boston Evening Transcript, 16.2.1895, p. 16; C. L. Hind, ‘Introduction’ to UW, p. xx.
5. For best account of Degas debacle, cf. Alfred Thornton, The Diary of an Art Student of the Nineties (London, 1938), p. 22–32; quoted in ibid., p. 23, 33n; Walter Jerrold (ed.), Bon-Mots of Charles Lamb and Douglas Jerrold (London, 1893), p. 7.
6. Rupert Hart-Davis (ed.), The Letters of Oscar Wilde (London, 1962), p. 348; MDG, p. 46; A. Thornton, op. cit., p. 37; ‘Chronicles of Art’, Magazine of Art, May 1893, p. xxx; Artist, May 1893, p. 151; Spectator, 22.4.1893, p. 523–524.
7. M.S. Lasner, op. cit., p. 17; J. Pennell, Studio, 1, 1893, p. 14–19; Academy, 5.4.1893, p. 331; Artist, May 1893, p. 141 – the cover is described as ‘extremely handsome and decorative’; London Figaro, 20.4.1893, quoted in Stanley Weintraub, Aubrey Beardsley – Imp of the Perverse (Pennsylvania/ London, 1976), p. 81; Art Student [NY], 8–12.1893; Le Livre et L’Image, September 1893, p. 249; D.S. MacColl, ‘The Beardsleys’.
8. MDG, p. 47; Richard Ellman, Oscar Wilde; ‘Salome Contract’, in R. A. Walker, ‘Introduction’, Oscar Wilde, Salome (London, 1957), p. 14; Le Livre et Vintage, August 1893, p. 57; A. Vallance, in Morte Darthur Portfolio, p. 12; MDG, p. 48.
9. J. Pennell, Adventures of an Illustrator, p. 216; J. Pennell, Aubrey Beardsley and Some Other Men of the Nineties, p. 25–27; Elizabeth Robins Pennell, Nights (Philadelphia, 1916), p. 260; for Harland, cf. Katherine Lyon Mix, op. cit., p. 55–57; and G. Glastonbury [Aline Harland], ‘The Life and Writings of Henry Harland’, Redwood, vol. 10, no. 1 (1910), p. 2–10; E. A. Beardsley, B. Misc., p. 77; E. R. Pennell, op. cit., p. 260; Margaret Stetz and Mark Samuels Lasner, The Yellow Book – A Centenary Exhibition (Cambridge, Mass., 1994), p. 14–15.
10. E. R. Pennell, op. cit.; Pennell, Adventures of an Illustrator, Aubrey Beardsley and Some Other Men of the Nineties; Art Journal (1893), p. 216–220; Fortnightly Review, 1.6.1893, p. 774; MDG, p. 48–49; J. Pennell, Adventures of an Illustrator, p. 219; William Rothenstein, Men and Memories (London, 1931), p. 134–135, 187.
11. D.S. MacColl, B. Misc., p. 23; J. Pennell, Adventures of an Illustrator, p. 217, 220; J. Pennell, Aubrey Beardsley and Some Other Men, p. 28–30; E. R. Pennell, op. cit., p. 262–264; D.S. MacColl, ‘The Beardsleys’; E. R. Pennell, ‘The Two Salons’, Fortnightly Review, 1.6.1893, p. 782; D.S. MacColl, ‘The Beardsleys’.
12. ibid; E. R. Pennell, Nights, p. 262–264; J. Pennell, Aubrey Beardsley and Some Other Men, p. 32; J. Pennell, Adventures of an Illustrator, p. 217–220; E. R. and J. Pennell, Tlie Life of James McNeill Whistler (London, 1908), p. 311; J. Pennell, Adventures of an Illustrator, p. 220; Iconography, item 52; Leonard Smithers Catalogue No. 7 (1896), item 979: ‘These designs were executed at the commencement of [AB’s] career.’; J. Pennell, Adventures of an Illustrator, p. 220; A. Stodart-Walker, ‘Some Celebrities 1 Have Known’, Chambers Journal, 3.4.1909, p. 283.
13. Studio, 1894, p. 167; A. Vallance, Magazine of Art, p. 365; A. Vallance, Morte Darthur Portfolio, p. 12; MDG, p. 50; R. Ross, op. cit., p. 45; T. Wratislaw, ‘The Salome of Aubrey Beardsley’, Artist, 2.4.1894, p. 100–101; MDG, p. 51.
14. For AB’s decor cf. Herbert Small, ‘Aubrey Beardsley’, Book Buyer, February 1895, p. 26–29; J. W. Smith, Boston Evening Transcript, 16.2.1895, p. 16; Penrhyn Stanlaws, ‘Some Personal Recollections of Aubrey Beardsley’, Book Buyer, October 1898, p. 212–214; Netta Syrett, Sheltering Tree (London, 1939), p. 78–79; Leslie’s Weekly, 6.8.1894, p. 90; and information from Stephen Calloway; R. Ross, op. cit., p. 22, 44; J. – K. Huysmans (trans. Robert Baldick), Against Nature (London, 1959). P 30; N. Syrett, op. cit.
15. A. Thornton, op. cit., p. 38–40; D.S. MacColl, ‘The Beardsleys’; MDG, p. 49–51.
16. W. Rothenstein, op. cit., p. 135, 185; AB holograph (Harvard); Rothenstein, p. 185; David Cecil, Max (London, 1964); M. Beerbohm, A Variety of Tilings, p. 222; W. Jerrold (ed.), Bon-Mots of Samuel Foote and Tlicodore Hook (London, 1894), p. 15; Desmond Flower and Henry Maas (eds), The Letters of Ernest Dowson (London, 1967), p. 260; Rothenstein, op. cit. p. 134, 176; S. Calloway, Charles Ricketts (London, 1979).
17. Robert Emmons, The Life and Opinions of Richard Sicken (London, 1941), p. 96; Frank Harris, Oscar Wilde (London, 1997, edition), p. 75; Rothenstein, op. cit., p. 213; Julie Speedie, Wonderful Sphinx (London, 1993); R. Hart-Davis (ed.), Max Beerbohm letters to Reggie Turner (London, 1964), p. 67–8; Mary M. Lago and Karl Beckson, Max & Will (London, 1975), p. 17; Karl Beckson, Arthur Symons – A Life (Oxford, 1987), p. 92.
18. MDG, p. 51–52; Pastel [T. Wratislaw], ‘Some Drawings of Aubrey Beardsley’, Artist, 1.9.1893, p. 259–260.
19. Evelyn Sharp, Unfinished Adventure (London, 1933), p. 57–58; N. Syrett, op. cit., p. 79; M. Beerbohm, op. cit., p. 226; N. Syrett, op cit., p. 79; H. MacFall, op. cit., p. 1; M. Birnbaum, ‘Aubrey Beardsley’, Jacouleff and Other Artists (NY, 1946), p. 127; N. Syrett, op. cit., p. 71.
20. MDG, p. 53; ‘An illustration to the Gospel of To-Day’ by ‘Baudrey Weirdsley’, To-Day, 22.9.1894; ‘Frontispiece to Juvenile Poems’ by ‘Daubaway Weirdsley’ [Linley Sambourne], Punch, 2.2.1895, p. 58; Baby Beaumont in ‘Letters from a Debutante’, Punch, 20.10.1894, p. 180; B. Misc., p. 11; Westminster Gazette, quoted in P&P, April 1894, p. 66; Henry Harland, ‘Aubrey Beardsley’, Academy, 10.12.1898, p. 437.
21. Quoted in Margery Ross (ed.), op. cit., p. 27–28; A. Vallance, Magazine of Art, 1898, p. 365; H. Macfall, op. cit., p. 41; R. Ross, op. cit., p. 21; A. Vallance, Morte Darthur Portfolio, p. 14, 12; A. Vallance, Magazine of Art, 1898, p. 366; Mary Lago (ed.), Burne-Jones Talking (London, 1981), p. 174–175.
22. UW, p. 48; MDG, p. 65; Max Beerbohm letters to Reggie Turner, p. 53; Frances Winwar, Oscar Wilde and the Yellow Nineties (London, 1940), p. 214; F. Harris, op. cit., p. 75; Ada Leverson, ‘The Last First Night’ in Violet Wyndham, The Sphinx and her Circle (London, 1963), p. 107; G. B. Shaw, in Weintraub (ed.), Shaw: An Autobiography (NY, 1969), p. 252; quoted in Weintraub, Aubrey Beardsley – Imp of the Perverse, p. 62, 65; MDG, p. 52–54.
23. MDG, p. 38; Lord Alfred Douglas holograph notes for Autobiography (photocopy) (British Library, London); N. Syrett, op. cit., p. 95; MDG, p. 58; The Letters of Oscar Wilde, p. 384; Max Beerbohm letters to Reggie Turner, p. 84.
24. Rothenstein, op. cit., p. 134–135; Spectator, 23.12.1893, p. 913; Public Opinion, 1893, p. 659–660; MDG, p. 58; Spectator, 23.12.1893, p. 912.
25. MDG, p. 58; Public Opinion, 1893, p. 700; MDG, p. 51, 58; Catalogue of Loan Exhibition of Drawings by Aubrey Beardsley, National Gallery, Millbank 1923–1924, p. 5; MDG, p. 57 Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, November 1893, p. 858–867; W. B. Yeats, ‘The Autumn of the Flesh’ in R. Ellman, Yeats – Tlie Man and his Masks (London, 1979 edition) p. 214; J. – K. Huysmans, op. cit., p. 180; MDG, p. 60.
26. MDG, p. 230; D. S. MacColl, ‘The Beardsleys’, p. 3; M. Easton, Aubrey and the Dying Lady, p. 86–87.
Глава VI. Слава и богатство
1. Interview with Mabel Beardsley, Bon Accord, 2.2.1900, in M. Easton, Aubrey and the Dying Lady, p. 183–184; Henry Harland in Katherine Lyon Mix, A Study in Yellow (Kansas/London, i960) p. 68; G. Glastonbury [Aline Harland], Redwood (1910), p. 5; MDG, p. 61; John Lane, ‘The Yellow Book – Some Recollections’ [cTS], c.1922 (British Library, London); K. L. Mix, op. cit., p. 69; John Lane, ‘The Yellow Book’; MDG, p. 61.
2. J. Lewis May, John Lane and the Nineties (London, 1935), p. 72; R. Hart-Davis (ed.), Letters of Max Beerbohm (London, 1988), p. 76–77; M. Easton, Aubrey and the Dying Lady, p. 44; Margaret D. Stetz and Mark Samuels Lasner, The Yellow Book – A Centenary Exhibition (Cambridge, Mass., 1994), p. 24; Letters of Max Beerbohm, p. 176; Max Beerbohm letters to Reggie Turner, p. 88; D. S. MacColl, ‘The Beardsleys’, Laurence Housman, The Unexpected Years (London, 1936), p. 103, mALS Charles Shannon to John Lane, n. d. [March 1894] (British Library, London).
3. Joseph Pennell, Adventures of an Illustrator, p. 213; Critic, 7.4.1894, p. 240; Ernest Rhys, Everyman Remembers (London, 1931), p. 512; Publisher’s Note, Under the Hill (London, 1904), p. 21; ALS Haldane MacFall to H. A. Payne, 31.3.1898 (British Library, London); Arthur Waugh, One Man’s Road (London, 1931), p. 252; Critic, 21, 1894, p. 42–43; quoted in M. D. Stetz and M. S. Lasner, op. cit., p. 21; MDG, p. 62; Letters of Max Beerbohm, p. 94.
4. ‘What the Yellow Book is to be’, Sketch, 11.4.1894, p. 558; M. D. Stetz and M. S. Lasner, op. cit., p. 7; H. Harland quoted in ibid., p. 21; ‘Contract for the Yellow Book’, in Sotheby’s Catalogue, 18.12.1985, item 214; A. S. Hartrick, op. cit., p. 115; M. D. Stetz and M. S. Lasner, op. cit., p. 18; MDG, p. 62; M. S. Lasner, A Selective Checklist of the Published Work of Aubrey Beardsley (Boston, 1995), p. 31; Studio 2, 1894, p. 183–185.
5. Saturday Review, 24.3.1894, p. 317–138; The Times, 8.3.1894, p. 12; Star, 8.3.1894; Art Journal, 1894, p. 139; Artist 2.4.1894, p. 100–101; Art Journal, 1894, P ‘39; Studio, 1894, p. 183–185; Artist, 2.4.1894, p. 100–101; Saturday Review, 24.3.1894, p. 317–318; Artist, 2.4.1894, p. 100–101; Studio, 1894, p. 183–185; Jane Block, ‘Les XX and La Libre Esthetique’ in M. A. Stevens and R. Hoozee, Impressionism to Symbolism (London, 1994), p. 50; Estelle Jussim, Slave to Beauty: the eccentric and controversial life of F. Holland Day (Boston, 1981), p. 84–85.
6. The Letters of Oscar Wilde, p. 353; Punch, 10.3.1894, p. 106; 17.3.1894, p. 129.
7. Ian Fletcher, ‘Bedford Park: Aesthetes’ Elysium’, in I. Fletcher (ed.), Romantic Mythologies (London, 1967), p. 169ft”.; MDG, p. 63; Studio, 1894, PP ‘83–5; Gleeson White, Studio, 1898, p. 259; Punch, 21.4.1894, p. 189; quoted in Weintraub, Aubrey Beardsley – Imp of the Perverse, p. 92; Pelican, 21.4.1894, p. 3; Artist, 2.4.1894, p. 176; Critic, 21.4.1894, p. 275.
8. Theatrical World, 4.4.1894, p. 92, in Bridget J. Elliot, ‘Beardsley’s Images of Actresses’, RAB, p. 88; Punch, 25.9.1894, p. 85.
9. Brian Reade, Beardsley (London, 1967), p. 344; Prospectus for Yellow Book; Max Beerbohm, A Peep into the Past and Other Prose Pieces (Vermont, 1972); Max Beerbohm letters to Reggie Turner, p. 87; MDG, p. 65–66; Chris Snodgrass, Aubrey Beardsley, Dandy of the Grotesque (NY/Oxford, 1995), p. 267–269; Max Beerbohm letters to Reggie Turner, p. 92; cf. Bridget J. Elliot, in RAB.
10. Leslie’s Weekly, 6.8.1894, p. 90; J. W. Smith, Boston Evening Transcript, 16.2.1895, p.16; Rodney Engen, Laurence Houseman (London, 1983), p. 54; M. D. Stetz and M. S. Lasner, op. cit., p. 25; AB to John Lane n. d., in Dulau Catalogue 165, item 946.
11. Sketch, 11.4.1894, p. 557–558; J. Lane, op. cit.; K. L. Mix, op. cit., p. 80; J. L. May, op. cit.; K. L. Mix, p. 81–83; Critic, 3.5.1894; A. Waugh to E. Gosse in John Harwood, Olivia Shakespeare & W. B. Yeats (London, 1989), p. 31–32; E. R. Pennell, Nights, p. 185–187; A. Thornton, op. cit., p. 43; A. Waugh, One Man’s Road, p. 255; J. Harwood, op. cit.; E. R. Pennell, op. cit., p. 187.
12. The Times, 20.4.1894, p. 3; National Observer, 21.4.1894, p. 588–589; Speaker, 28.4.1894, p. 468–469; Spectator, 19.5.1894, p. 695–696; Punch, 28.4.1894, p. 207; Granta, 28.4.1894, p. 285; Isis, 5.5.1894, p. 261; Star, 19.4.1894; Weekly Irish Times, 28.4.1894, p. 4; Barry Pain in Black and White, 28.4.1894, quoted in Max Beerbohm letters to Reggie Turner, p. 135H; Isis, 5.5.1894, p. 261; ‘The Philistine’ in Westminster Gazette, quoted in A. Thornton, op. cit.; MDG, p. 68–69; Westminster Gazette, 18.4.1894, p. 3; Wliitehall Review, 25.4.1894, p. 13–14; Sketch, 2.5.1894, p. 16; Westminster Gazette, 18.4.1894, p. 3; Academy, 1894, p. 349; Punch, 18.4.1894, p. 207; National Observer, 21.4.1894, p. 588–589; Artist, 1894, p. 171; Vanity Fair, 19.4.1894, p. 240; Athenaeum, 21.4.1894, p. 509; Granta, 28.4.1894, p. 278; Punch, 5.5.1894, p. 208; Daily Chronicle, 16.4.1894, p. 3; MDG, p. 67; Daily Chronicle, 17.4.1894; property of Thomas G. Boss, Boston; Vyvyan Holland, Oscar Wilde (London, 1988 edition), p. 55; MDG, p. 68.
13. Dial 16, p. 335; Chap Book, 1, p. 41–42; Book Buyer, 11, p. 256, 261–262; Critic, 21, p. 360; Modem Art, 2; E. Jussim, op. cit., p. 78; F. Winwar, op. cit., p. 240; The Letters of Oscar Wilde, p. 354; MDG, p. 68; P&P, 1894, p. 87; K. L. Mix, op. cit., p. 90; M. D. Stetz and M. S. Lasner, op. cit., p. 11; J. Lane, ‘The Yellow Book’; K. L. Mix, op. cit., p. 95; M. Benkovitz, op. cit., p. 98; K. L. Mix, op. cit., p. 86; J. Lane, ‘The Yellow Book’; MDG, p. 68–69; Percy Lubbock (ed.), The Letters of Henry James (London, 1920), vol. I, p. 222, vol. II, p. 355; MDG, p. 69; Walter Crane, An Artist’s Reminiscences (London, 1907), p. 415–416; Rothenstein, op. cit., p. 292; W. Crane, Decorative Illustration of Books (London, 1896), p. 2i8ff; MDG, p. 72; A. S. Hartrick, op. cit., p. 97.
14. mALS H. Harland to J. Lane, n. d. (British Library, London); MDG, p. 67; Prince’s Ladies Golf Club opened 16.6.1894, cf. Sketch, 20.6.1894. p. 406; ALS J. Lane to [Florence Farr] Mrs Emery, 19.6.1894 (University of London), To-Day, 12.5.1894, p. 28–29.
15. Alexander Michaelson [Andre Raffalovich], ‘Aubrey Beardsley’, Blackfriars (1928), p. 610; E. A. Beardsley, B. Misc., p. 77; Osbert Sitwell, Noble Essences (London, 1950), p. 137; Sketch, 10.4.1895, p. 561; O. Sitwell, op. cit., p. 132; N. Syrett, op. cit., p. 68, 73; W. B. Yeats quoted in M. Easton, op. cit., p. 233; Grant Richards, Memoirs of a Misspent Youth (London, 1932), p. 276; R. Ross, op. cit., p. 19; M. Beerbohm, A Variety of Things, p. 230; Jevan Brandon Thomas, Charley’s Aunt’s Father (London, 1955), p. 166.
16. MDG, p. 64–65, 70; Grant Richards, op. cit., p. 275; Douglas Sladen, Twenty Years of My Life (London, 1915), p. 352; J. Brandon Thomas, op. cit.; Ann Thwaite, Edmund Gosse (Oxford, 1984), p. 337; Gertrude Atherton, Adventures of a Novelist (London, 1932), p. 244; M. Beerbohm, op. cit., p. 222; Rothenstein, op. cit., p. 180, 259; E. R. Pennell, op. cit., p. 205; Weintraub, Aubrey Beardsley – Imp of the Perverse, p. 91; Rothenstein, p. 179; G. Richards, op. cit., p. 275–276; M. Beerbohm, p. 232; Osbert Burdett, The Beardsley Period (London, 1925), p. 98; To-Day, 12.5.1894, p. 28.
17. MDG, p. 72; James Milne, Memoirs of a Bookman (London, 1934), p. 90; mALS H. Harland to J. Lane, ‘Mon. night’ [re Yellow Book II] (British Library, London); M. Beerbohm, op. cit., p. 224; Maud Ffoulkes, My Own Past (London, 1915) quoted in B. Read, Beardsley Re-Mounted (London, 1989); R. Ross, op. cit., p. 18.
18. MDG, p. 71; E. A. Beardsley, B. Misc., p. 77; G. White, Studio, 1898, p. 256; J. Brandon Thomas, op. cit., p. 132; Ian Fletcher, ‘Beardsley in Verse and [p. 199–215] Prose’, in RAB, p. 230–232; Sketch, 10.4.1895, p. 561; MDG, p. 72; cALS F. Leighton to AB, 16.9.1894 (British Library, London); Leslie’s Weekly, 6.8.1894, p. 90; J-W. Smith, Boston Evening Transcript, 16.2.1895, p. 16; Sketch, 10.4.1895, p. 561; W.L. [Lawler], London Year Book, 1898, p. 49; ALS, AB to J. M. Dent [May 1894] (Private Collection).
19. K. L. Mix, op. cit., p. 106; Nation, 59, 1894, p. 143, The Times, 20.7.1894, p. 4, Yellow Book II, July 1894, p. 179–190; Critic, 18.9.1894, p. 109; K. L. Mix, p. 113; quoted in Critic, 22, 1894, p. 108; Thomas Beer, The Mauve Decade (NY, 1926), p. 247; A. Hammond, op. cit., p. 146; MDG, p. 65; Sketch, 10.4.1895, p. 561; Iconography, item 79; AB, ‘The Art of Hoarding’, B. Misc., p. 93–94; the MS is at Princeton; mALS H. Harland to J. Lane, ‘Saturday’ [1894] (British Library, London); AB, in B. Misc., p. 93–94; Penrhyn Stanlaws, ‘Some Personal Recollections of Aubrey Beardsley’, Book Buyer, October 1898, p. 212; R. A. Walker, Some Unknown Drawings of Aubrey Beardsley, p. 1; Iconography, item 72.
20. P. Stanlaws, ‘Some Personal Recollections’; E. Jussim, op. cit., p. 80; P. Stanlaws, ‘Some Personal Recollections’; H. MacFall, op. cit., p. xiii; A. Hammon, op. cit., p. 150; M. Beerbohm, op. cit., p. 223; ALS AB to Mrs Williams, [n.d.] (Princeton); MDG, p. 73; quoted in Margery Ross, op. cit., p. 27–28.
21. Robert Hichens, The Green Carnation (London, 1894; reprinted 1949), p. 71; R. Ross, op. cit., p. 24; J. L. May, op. cit., p. 50; W. B. Yeats, Autobiographies, p. 331–332; Frank Harris, My Life and Loves [1925], vol. 1, p. 15; Brian Read and Frank Dickinson, Aubrey Beardsley Exhibition at the Victoria and Albert Museum tg66, Catalogue (London, 1966), item 587.
22. M. Benkovitz, op. cit., p. 106; W. B. Yeats, Memoirs, p. 92; MDG, p. 115; John Russell, ‘Why Beardsley is Back’, New York Times Magazine, 5.2.1967, p. 55; J. L. May, op. cit., p. 50; Critic, 22, 1894, p. 108; Sun, 28.3.1895, p. 1, in Linda Zatlin, Aubrey Beardsley and Victorian Sexual Politics (Oxford, 1990).
23. J.W. Smith, Boston Evening Transcript, 16.2.1895, p. 16; Book Buyer, February 1895; G. White, Studio, 1898, p. 252–263; W. B. Yeats, Autobiographies, p. 331; J-W. Smith, Boston Evening Transcript, 16.2.1895, p. 16; Leslie’s Weekly, 6.8.1894, p. 90; mALS E. A. Beardsley to J. Lane, ‘Sunday’ [1924] (British Library, London); Allen Wade (ed.), The Letters of W. B. Yeats (London, 1954), p. 575; mALS E. A. Beardsley to J. Lane, ‘Sunday’ [1924]; J. W. Smith, Boston Evening Transcript, 16.2.1895, p. 16; Sketch, 10.4.1895.
24. J. G. Nelson, op. cit., p. 267–279; Artist, December 1894, p. 440; Studio, November 1894, p. ix; MDG, p. 76; ALS AB to ‘Billy’ [Rothenstein], ‘3 o’clock a. m., Tuesday’ September, 1894] (Boston Public Library); Artist, December 1894, p. 439–440; Punch, 3.11.1894, p. 204–205.
25. M. Beerbohm, op. cit.; Saturday Review, 27.10.1894, p. 469; National Observer, 17.11.1894, p. 23; K. L. Mix, op. cit., p. 127; P. Stanlaws, ‘Some Personal Recollections’; Magazine of Art, January 1895, p. 38; Studio, 1894, p. 98; M. S. Lasner, op. cit., p. 47; Jules Roques, ‘Les Artistes Anglais; M. Beardsley’, Courtier Francois, 23.12.1894, p. 6–8; Rothenstein, op. cit.; ALS Oliver Lodge to R. A. Walker, 19.9.1935 (Princeton); Michael Holroyd, Augustus John (London, 1974), p. 42; Charles Hiatt, ‘Designs by Will H. Bradley’, Studio, 4, 1894, p. 168.
26. Punch, Sketch, 24.10.1894, p. 72; 28.7.1894; cf. Punch, 107, p. 89.
27. M. Easton, Aubrey and the Dying Lady, p. 93–94; AB to J. Lane, in Dulau Catalogue, 165, item 953; MDG, p. 78–79; ALS AB to J. M. Dent, 21.12. [1894] (Private Collection); ALS E. Gosse to A. E. Gallatin, 19.6.1902 (Princeton); ALS F. P. Barnard to J. Lane, 7.11.1920 (Princeton); F. P. Barnard, ‘Constantine Guys, Twelve Unknown Drawings’, Artwork (1930), p. 88; Yellow Book, vol. VIII; mALS M. Harland to J. Lane [December 1894] (British Library, London); MDG, p. 79; J. Lane, ‘The Yellow Book’ [Lane misspells the Canon’s name, ‘Crewsden’]; M. Benkovitz, op. cit., p. 118; Punch’s Almanach for 1895, issued December 1894.
Глава VII. Скандал
1. Rupert Hart-Davis (ed.), Letters of Max Beerbohm, p. 8; Sketcli, 10.4.1895, p. 561–562; Punch, 2.2.1895.
2. Alexander Michaelson [Andre Raffalovich], ‘Aubrey Beardsley’, Blackfriars, October 1928, p. 609; cf. Nicholas Salerno, An Annotated Secondary Bibliography’, RAB, p. 447; Emporiums, [1895] p. 193–204; M. A. Stevens and R. Hoozee, Impressionism to Symbolism (London, 1994), p. 281; Glasgow Institute of Fine Arts, 24th Exhibition of Works of Modem Art (4.2.1895–4.5.1895), exhibit 247, ‘Madame Rejane – £15.5s’; J-W. Smith, Boston Evening Transcript, 16.2.1895, p. 16; Walter Crane, An Artist’s Reminiscences, p. 416; G. F. Scotson-Clark, ‘The Artist of The Yellow Book’, Bookman, April 1895, p. 158–161; The Times [NY], 24.2.1895, p. 4; Herald [Boston], 21.4.1895, p. 30.
3. Record, 23.1.1895, p. 4; M. Easton, Aubrey and the Dying Lady, p. 195; Ada Leverson, in The Sphinx and Her Circle, p. 109–115.
4. J. L. May, op. cit., p. 208; J. Brandon Thomas, op. cit., p. 166; AB to Mrs Brandon Thomas [n.d. 1895], Sotheby’s [London] Catalogue, 21–22.7.1975, item 522; Limner, no. 3, 1895, p. 13; cALS AB to Brandon Thomas [May 1895] (British Library, London).
5. MDG, p. 22; AB to [?], Christopher Millard catalogue (from Linda Zatlin); John Stokes, In the Nineties (Hemel Hampstead, 1989), ch. 1.
6. John Lane, op. cit.; Telegram, F. Chapman to J. Lane, 6.4.1895 (Princeton); J. Lane to F. Chapman 9.4.1895, quoted in J. Lewis May, John Lane and the Nineties, p. 83; Telegram, F. Chapman to J. Lane, 8.4.1895 (Princeton); Jean Moorcroft Wilson, / Was an English Poet (London, 1981), p. 125; Vincent O’Sullivan, Aspects of Wilde (London, 1936), p. 118; A.M. [Alice Meynell], ‘Exhibitions’, Pall Mall Gazette, 2.11.1904, p. 10; F. Chapman to J. Lane, 8.4.1895; Ella D’Arcy to J. Lane, 20.4.1895, in Karl Beckson, ‘Ella D’Arcy, Aubrey Beardsley and the Crisis at “The Yellow Book”: A New Letter’, Notes & Queries, September 1979, p. 331–333; Telegram, William Watson to J. Lane [2.15 pm] 8.4.1895, (Princeton); J. Lane to F. Chapman, 9.4.1895; F. Chapman to J. Lane, 8.4.1895; E. D’Arcy to J. Lane, 20.4.1895; Telegram, F. Chapman to J. Lane, 17.4.1895 (Princeton); J. Lane to F. Chapman, 9.4.1895; Telegram, F. Chapman to J. Lane, 16.4.1895 (Princeton).
7. MDG, p. 82; NEAC Spring Exhibition, 1895 Catalogue, ‘14th Exhibition of Modern Pictures’ – hanging day was 1.4.1895; MDG, p. 81.
8. E. D’Arcy to J. Lane, 20.4.1895; Telegram, F. Chapman to J. Lane, 17.4.1895 (Princeton); E. D’Arcy to J. Lane, 20.4.1895; Telegram, F. Chapman to J. Lane, 19.4.1895 (Princeton); H. Harland to E. Gosse, 5.5.1895, in Paul F. Matthieson and Michael Millgate (eds), Transatlantic Dialogue (Texas, 1965), p. 23; AB to F. Chapman [May 1895] from Paris, in J. Stephen Lawrence Catalogue No. 44; MDG, p. 83, n. 4; W. B. Yeats, Autobiographies, p. 323.
9. A. Michaelson, Blackfriars, October 1928, p. 609–610; Brocard Sewell, Footnote to the Nineties (London, 1968), p. 18ff.
10. A. Michaelson, Blackfriars, October 1928; Philip Healey, ‘Mentor and Telemaque: A Beardsley Friendship’, Journal of Eighteen Nineties Society, 1992; Evelyn Sharp, Unfinished Adventure (London, 1933), p. 57; W. B. Yeats, op. cit., p. 323; A. Vallance to R. Ross, 23.5.1895 in Margery Ross, op. cit., p. 38; A. Michaelson, Blackfriars, October 1928, p. 609; H. Harland to E. Gosse, 5.5.1895; mALS H. Harland to F. Chapman [2.5.1895] (British Library, London); J. Brandon Thomas, op. cit., p. 166; Julie Speedie, op. cit., p. 91; Baptismal Register of Brompton Oratory; F. Burnand to A. Leverson, 16.5.1895, in J. Speedie, op. cit., p. 95.
11. MDG, p. 84ff; A. Michaelson, Blackfriars, October 1928, p. 609; MDG, p. 84–86; David Nutt in Studio International, Special Centenary Number (1993). P. 117; A. Vallance to R. Ross, 23.5.1895 in M. Ross, op. cit., p. 38.
12. B. Sewell, op. cit., p. 43; A. Michaelson, ‘Oscar Wilde’, Blackfriars, November 1927, p. 697–700; MDG, p. 88; Mary Lago (ed.), Bume-Jones Talking (London, 1981), p. 42; MDG, p. 90.
13. mALS Arthur Machen to J. Lane, 28.9.1895 (British Library, London); Punch, 25.5.1895; A. Vallance to R. Ross, in Margery Ross, op. cit., p. 38; J. Lane, ‘The Yellow Book’; A. Vallance to R. Ross, in Margery Ross, op. cit., p. 38; Weintraub, Aubrey Beardsley – Imp of the Perverse, p. I42n; MDG, p. 93; Rothenstein, op. cit., p. 186; ibid., p. 245–246; MDG, p. 118; MDG, p. 92; H. MacFall, Aubrey Beardsley, p. 67–68 [MacFall served with the West India Regiment, receiving his commission in 1885]; A. Michaelson, Blackfriars, October 1928, p. 610.
14. For Leonard Smithers, cf. George F. Sims, ‘Leonard Smithers’, London Magazine, September 1956, p. 33–34, 40; Malcolm Pinhorn, ‘The Career and Ancestry of Leonard Smithers’, Blackmansbury, August 1964, p. 5; and Leonard Smithers and the 1890s, the catalogue of the Booth Collection of Books published by Leonard Smithers, Phillips, 13.6.1996; Leonard Smithers Rare Book Catalogue No. 3, September 1895, item 391; R. Hart-Davis (ed.), The Letters of Oscar Wilde, p. 630–631; ‘A European Critic’, Literary Review [NY], 5.3.1921, p. 5, in Weintraub, Aubrey Beardsley – Imp of the Perverse, p. 141; K. Beckson, Arthur Symons – A Life, p. 112ff; V. O’Sullivan, op. cit., p. 110–112.
15. Arthur Symons, Aubrey Beardsley (London, 1905), p. 13; MDG, p. 97; A. Symons to Mabel [Beardsley] Wright, 21.7.1912, in K. Beckson (ed.), Selected Letters of Arthur Symons (London, 1989), p. 225; A. Symons, op. cit., p. 13; Edgar Jepson, Memoirs of a Victorian (London, 1933), p. 279–285.
16. J. Pollitt, cf. Steven Hobbs, ‘Mr Pollitt’s Bookplate’, Book Collector, Winter 1987, p. 518–531; the photo, by Hollyer, was reproduced in the Sketch, 7.11.1894, p. 83; cf. also Sketch, 20.6.1894, p. 399; ALS AB to ‘Dear Sir’, 1.8. [1895] (Princeton); MDG, p. 102; AB’s German trip is uncertain, but cf. M. Benkovitz, op. cit., p. 141; MDG, p. 102; ‘Ballad of the Barber’ [MS] (Princeton); A. Symons, op. cit., p. 14; MDG, p. 97–98; Selected Letters of Arthur Symons, p. 111.
17. For Dieppe cf. Evelyn Sharpe, op. cit., p. 65; A. Symons, ‘Dieppe 1895’, Savoy, I, January 1896; John Rothenstein, The Life and Death of Conder (London, 1983), p. 104ff; and Jacques-Emile Blanche, Portraits of a Lifetime (London, 1937), p. 91ff; Rothenstein, op. cit., p. 106–113; J. – E. Blanche, op. cit., p. 94; J. – E. Blanche, ‘Preface’ to Sous la Colline, reprinted in Propos de peintre (Paris, 1919), p. 114; ALS J. – E. Blanche to Mrs Wright [Mabel Beardsley], 17.8.1912 (Princeton); J. – E. Blanche, ‘Preface’, p. 117; Portraits of a Lifetime, p. 95.
18. E. A. Beardsley, B. Misc., p. 77; M. Easton, Aubrey and the Dying Lady, p. 196; but see A. Symons, Aubrey Beardsley, p. 13; ALS Charles Conder to W. Rothenstein, 14.8.1895 (Harvard); C. Conder to W. Rothenstein, 5.9.1895 (Harvard); Vincent O’Sullivan, ‘Literature in France’ [MS] (Princeton), p. 10; A. Symons, op. cit., p. 14; Savoy, 1, January 1896, p. 5.
19. J. – E. Blanche, ‘Preface’, p. 114; A. Symons, op. cit., p. 15; The Story of Venus and Tannhauser [MS] p. 60 verso (Rosenbach Museum and Library, Philadelphia); MDG, p. 97–98. Brigid Brophy, Beardsley and His World, p. 99.
20. ALS C. Conder to W. Rothenstein, 14.8.1895; A. Symons, op. cit., p. 15; MDG, p. 127; J. – E. Blanche, ‘Preface’, p. 124; Herbert Small, ‘Aubrey Beardsley’, Book Buyer, February 1895, p. 26–29; J. – E. Blanche, ‘Preface’, p. 117; R. A. Walker, Some Unknown Drawings of Aubrey Beardsley, p. 25; J. – E. Blanche, ‘Preface’, p. 115; A. Symons, op. cit., p. 21.
21. MDG, p. 98–99 [dated ‘late August’, late September seems more probable]; W. B. Yeats, Memoirs, p. 92; W. B. Yeats, Autobiographies, p. 329–330 Under The Hill (London, 1904) p. 46.
22. ALS AB to Mrs Gosse, [8.10.95] (Cambridge University Library); AB to J. Lane, in Dulau Catalogue 163, p. 100; Elkin Mathews note, quoted in Boston Evening Transcript, 17.11.1920, p. 4; MDG, p. 104; R. A. Walker, op. cit., p. 22.
23. G. B. Shaw, quoted in Grant Richards, Author Hunting (London, 1936), p. 19; E. Jepson, op. cit., p. 286–287; Desmond Flower and Henry Maas, The Letters of Ernest Dowson (NJ, 1967), p. 331 [The story was not used]; Brian Reade, Beardsley (London, 1967), p. 354; Owen Seaman, ‘The New Quarterly Blue Book’, National Observer, 9.11.1895.
24. MDG, p. 107ff, 109; ALS Mrs William O’Brien [nee Raffalovich] to R. A. Walker, 24.11.1935 (Princeton); ALS E. Gosse to A. E. Gallatin, 19.6.1902 (Princeton); Athanaeum, 16.3.1895, p. 354; AB to L. Smithers, 16.12. [1895] Warrack & Perkins Catalogue 60, item 68; MDG, p. 109–111; cf. MDG, p. 174n; M. Beerbohm, ‘Be It Cosiness’, Pageant, 1895, p. 230–235.
Глава VIII. Сколько еще осталось?
1. For Savoy dinner, cf. M. Beerbohm, ‘First Meetings with W. B. Yeats’, Listener, 6.6.1955, p. 15–16; W. B. Yeats, Autobiographies, p. 328–329; and Memoirs, p. 91; Richard Ellam, Yeats, the Man and the Masks, p. 89–101; AB to [A. Leverson] [February 1896], Goodspeed Catalogue, No. 223, item 16; M. Beerbohm, Listener, 6.6.1955, p. 15–16; W. B. Yeats, Autobiographies, p. 328–329.
2. ‘Editorial Note’, Savoy, 2; Sunday Times, 26.1.1896, p. 6; Academy, 18.1.1896, p. 56; Athenaeum, 25.1.1896, p. 117; The Times, 30.1.1896, p. 8; Star, 20.1.1896, p. 1; MDG, p. 112; Sunday Times, 26.1.1896, p. 6; Sketch, quoted in Weintraub, Savoy, a Nineties Experiment (London, 1966), p. xxiv; Courrier Francais, 2.2.1896, p. 8–9; Athenaeum, 25.1.1896, p. 117; Academy, 18.1.1896, p. 56; Star, 20.1.1896, p. 1; World, 16.2.1896, p. 18; Sunday Times-Herald, May 1896, p. 33.
3. Quoted in Julie Speedie, op. cit., p. 99; Punch, 1.2.1896, p. 49; AB to [Ada Leverson] [February, 1896]; A. Symons, op. cit., p. 16; A. Symons to Mabel, [Beardsley] Wright, 21.7.1912, in K. Beckson and J. M. Munro (eds), Arthur Symons, Selected Letters, p. 224–225; MDG, p. 118; the title-page reads, ‘An heroicomic poem in five cantos. Embroidered with nine drawings by Aubrey Beardsley’; E. R. and J. Pennell, The Life of James McNeill Whistler, p. 310–311.
4. D. Flower and H. Maas, The Letters of Ernest Dowson, p. 350–351; Courrier Francais, 2.2.1896, p. 8–9; Letters of Ernest Dowson, p. 344; Vincent O’Sullivan, Aspects of Wilde, p. 127; Letters of Ernest Dowson, p. 347; Ratif de la Bretonne [Jean Lorrain] quoted in Jacques Letheve, ‘Aubrey Beardsley et la France’, Gazette de Beaux Arts, December 1966; MDG, p. 115–116, 119.
5. Prelim, page, Savoy, 2; MDG, p. 115; cALS A. Symons to John Gray [n.d.] (Blackfriars, Edinburgh); Letters of Ernest Dowson, p. 355; MDG, p. 119–123 passim.
6. MDG, p. 123; E. A. Beardsley to R. Ross, quoted in M. Easton, Aubrey and tlie Dying Lady, p. 95; V. O’Sullivan, Aspects of Wilde, p. 123, 115; W. Crane, Magazine of An, 1888, p. 15.
7. MDG, p. 126–129; Tlie Times [NY], 7.5.1896, p. 5; Times Herald [Chicago], 16.5.1896; J. Gray, ‘Andre Raffalovich’, Blackfriars, 1934, p. 405; Brocard Sewell, Footnote to the Nineties, p. 38, 112; A. Michaelson [A. Raffalovich], ‘Oscar Wilde’, Blackfriars, 1927, p. 697–701; E. A. Beardsley to R. Ross, quoted in M. Easton, Aubrey and the Dying Lady, p. 97; MDG, p. 130–131; E. A. Beardsley, B. Misc., p. 177–178.
8. MDG, p. 131; ALS E. Gosse to AB, 16.5.1896 (Princeton); MDG, p. 146 Manchester Guardian, 23.7.1896, p. 3; Saturday Review, 83, p. 426; The Times, 19.6.1896, p. 18; Manchester Guardian, 23.7.1896; Studio, VIII, 1896, p. 250; Metropolitan Magazine 4, [1896] p. 49–53; M. S. Lasner, op. cit., p. 65; ibid., p. 66; although the title-page date of the edition is 1897, it was first issued on 4.8.1896.
9. E. A. Beardsley to R. Ross, in M. Easton, Aubrey and the Dying Lady, p. 113; MDG, p. 136–137, 145, 133; AB to L. Smithers, 9.6.1896, Warrack & Perkins Catalogue 60, item 133; MDG, p. 133.
10. E. A. Beardsley to R. Ross, in M. Easton, Aubrey and the Dying Lady, p. 113; MDG, p. 137–141; Linda Zatlin, Aubrey Beardsley and Victorian Sexual Politics (Oxford, 1990), p. 141ff; MDG, p. 141–144; AB’s ‘Last Will and Testament’ (Somerset House, London); the other witness was Henry C. Keeble of the Spread Eagle Hotel; MDG, p. 143; W. B. Yeats, Autobiographies, p. 323; J. G. Nelson, ‘Leonard Smithers and the Chiswick Press’, Journal of the Eighteen Nineties Society, 1994.
11. MDG, p. 147–153 passim; Captain Sir Richard Burton and Leonard Smithers, Tlie Carmina of Catullus (Privately Printed, 1894), p. xvi; MDG, p. 152; Jean Lorrain, ‘Bathylle’, Le Chat noir, 1.7.1882; W. H. Mallock quoted in Cobham-Brewer, Dictionary of Phrase and Fable (London, 1896 ed.).
12. cTLS R. A. Walker to O. W. Lodge, 13.8.1935 (Princeton); MDG, p. 151; A. H. Lawrence, ‘Mr Aubrey Beardsley and His Work’, Idler, 1897, p. 189–202; MDG, p. 151, 153; M. Easton, Aubrey and the Dying Lady, p. 100; MDG, p. 152, 153, 169; W.L. [William Lawler], London Year Book, p. 49; MDG, p. 169.
13. R. Ross, op. cit., p. 25; MDG, p. 154, 157, 159, 168; MDG, p. 186; MDG, p. 162–163, 166; J. M. Dent to E. A. Beardsley, 9.9.1896, Sothebys (London) Catalogue, 23/24.7.1987; J. M. Dent to AB, quoted MDG, p. 18IM.; MDG, p. 230; Iconography, items 138, 139; L. Smithers to F. Evans [n.d.] Christies (London) Catalogue, 13.5.1970; MDG, p. 183, 185, 187; MDG, p. 167.
14. J. G. Nelson, Journal of the Eighteen Nineties Society, 1994; V. O’Sullivan, Aspects of Wilde, p. 116; MDG, p. 176; quoted in G. Richards, Author Hunting (London, 1936), p. 18; W. B. Yeats, Autobiographies, p. 323–324; MDG. p. 167; R. Burton and L. Smithers, op. cit., p. 285; MDG, p. 179, 173, 203.
15. MDG, p. 171–172, MDG, p. 177; MDG, p. 173; P. Hanks and F. Hodges, Dictionary of First Names (Oxford, 1990), p. 30; E. A. Beardsley to R. Ross, quoted in M. Easton, Aubrey and the Dying Lady, p. 102; MDG, p. 204, 207.
16. E. A. Beardsley to R. Ross, in Easton, Aubrey and the Dying Lady; MDG, p. 178ff; MDG, p. 186–200 passim; V. O’Sullivan, Aspects of Wilde, p. 127; Victor Plarr, Ernest Dowson 1888–1898: Reminiscences (London, 1914), p. 66.
17. MDG, p. 201–216 passim.
18. MDG, p. 212; E. A. Beardsley to R. Ross, in Easton, Aubrey and the Dying Lady, p. 103; MDG, p. 219, 222–226; E. A. Beardsley to R. Ross, in Easton, Aubrey and the Dying Lady, p. 103; ibid; to Smithers AB refers to his conveyance as a ‘donkey chair’; MDG, p. 225–229; E. R. Pennell, Nights; MDG, p. 229; Magazine of Art, November 1896, p. 9–12; Academy, 26.12.1896, p. 590; M. Beerbohm, ‘Ex Cathedra: Mr Beardsley’s Fifty Drawings’, Tomorrow, 1897, p. 28–35.
19. MDG, p. 208; V. O’Sullivan, ‘Literature in France’ [MS] (Princeton); A. Lawrence, Idler, 1897, p. 189–202; MDG, p. 203–214; E. A. Beardsley, ‘Aubrey Beardsley’ [MS] (Princeton), Marginal addition indicates this incident took place at Pier View; MDG, p. 323; ALS E. Gosse to AB (Princeton); MDG, p. 233, 235, 236.
Глава IX. Смирение
1. MDG, p. 238; Murray’s Hampshire (London, 1898), p. 176; MDG, p. 244n, 246; MDG, p. 265M, 262.
2. E. A. Beardsley to R. Ross 1.2.1897, in M. Easton, Aubrey and the Dying Lady, p. 113; MDG, p. 252ff, 249ft; E. A. Beardsley to R. Ross, 1.2.1897; cf M. Sturgis, op. cit., p. I9ff, 44; Tlie Letters of Oscar Wilde, p. 122; MDG, p. 246, 249–250; M. S. Lasner, op. cit., p. 70; M. Beerbohm, ‘Ex Cathedra: Mr Beardsley’s Fifty Drawings’, Tomorrow, January 1897, p. 28–35; Hal Dane [MacFall], St Pauls, 17.4.1897, p. 97–99; Athenaeum, 11.9.1897, p. 360; Daily Telegraph, 7.2.1897, p. 9.
3. MDG, p. 256, 260–261; Baedeker – Great Britain (1890), p. 46; MDG, p. 255, 264; Catholic Wlio’s Who – 1910; MDG, p. 257, 259; E. F. Benson, The Babe, B.A. (London, 1897), p. 33, 107; MDG, p. 252; Steven Hobbs, ‘Mr Pollitt’s Bookplate’, Book Collector, vol. 36, No. 4 (1987), p. 518–532.
4. MDG, p. 263, 267; Margery Ross (ed.), op. cit., p. 46–47; MDG, p. 263; MDG, p. 273, 269; MDG, p. 278; M. Easton, Aubrey and the Dying Lady, p. 107; MDG, p. 269; MDG, p. 274–285 passim; A. Beardsley, ‘The Celestial Lover’ [MS] notes (Princeton); E. A. Beardsley to R. Ross, 1.2.1897; MDG, p. 285–290.
5. MDG, p. 285–288; MDG, p. 293, 290; E. A. Beardsley to R. Ross, 1.2.1897; H. Harland, Academy, 10.12.1898, p. 437–438; R. Ross, op. cit., p. 26; L. Johnson to Imogen Guiney, 30.10.1898 (Private Collection); Hugh F. Blunt, ‘Aubrey Beardsley – A Study in Conversion’, Catholic World, March 1932, p. 641–650; MDG, p. 289.
6. MDG, p. 297, 294; A. Vallance, Magazine of Art, 1898, p. 368.
7. MDG, p. 297–298; E. A. Beardsley to R. Ross, 22.3. [1897], in Margery Ross, op. cit., p. 47; MDG, p. 298; E. A. Beardsley to R. Ross, 22.3. [1897]; MDG, p. 299–311 passim.
8. MDG, p. 308; H. Davray, ‘L’Art d’Aubrey Beardsley’, L’Ermitage, March 1897, p. 253–61; Alexander Michaelson, Blackfriars, October 1928, p. 613; Saturday Review, 19.12.1896, p. 645–646, reprinted in A. Symons, Studies in Two Literatures (London, 1897); John Stokes, ‘Beardsley/Jarry: The Art of Deformation’, RAB, p. 55–70; A. Jarry, ‘Exploits and Opinions of Dr Faustroll’, in Roger Shattuck and Simon Watson-Taylor (eds/trans.), Selected Works of Alfred Jarry (London, 1965), p. 186, 201–202.
9. MDG, p. 305–309; MDG, p. 279, MDG, p. 315; Weintraub, Aubrey Beardsley – Imp of the Perverse, p. 23 5; MDG, p. 314; Claude Dauphine, Rachilde (Paris, 1991); Weintraub, Aubrey Beardsley – Imp of the Perverse, p. 235; MDG, p. 313–320 passim; Weintraub, p. 237; Rothenstein, Men and Memories, p. 317–318; MDG, p. 320.
10. MDG, p. 315–326 passim; ALS E. A. Beardsley to Mabel Beardsley, 10.12. (1904] (Princeton); MDG, p. 325.
11. Letters of Ernest Dowson, p. 388; AB to L. Smithers, in Boston Evening Transcript, 17.11.1920, p. 4; MDG, p. 326–337 passim.
12. MDG, p. 323; MDG, p. 335–351 passim; J. – E. Blanche, Portraits of a Lifetime, p. 91–92.
13. R. Ellman, Oscar Wilde, p. 502fF.; Tlie Letters of Oscar Wilde, p. 635; Norman Page, The Oscar Wilde Chronology (Boston, 1991), p. 77; Tlie Letters of Oscar Wilde, p. 627; MDG, p. 351; R. Hart-Davis (ed.), More Letters of Oscar Wilde (Oxford, 1985), p. 151; V. O’Sullivan, Aspects of Wilde, p. 86–87; Tlie Letters of Oscar Wilde, p. 635; L. Smithers to O. Wilde, 2.9.1897 in ibid, p. 635 n. 2.
14. Weintraub, Aubrey Beardsley – Imp of the Perverse, p. 245; Rothenstein, Tlie Life and Death of Conder, p. 136; MDG, p. 355, 357–358; L. Smithers to O. Wilde, 2.9.1897; M. Beardsley to J. – E. Blanche in J. – E. Blanche, Portraits of a Lifetime, p. 95–96; MDG, p. 361–362.
15. MDG, p. 365, 367; S. Diaghilev to D.S. MacColl, 21.9.1898, in A. Haskell and W. Nouvel, Diaghileff (NY, 1935), p. 72–73; MDG, p. 364; Douglas Ainslie, Adventures Social and Literary (London, 1922), p. 258; ALS E. A. Beardsley to D. Ainslie, 11.941897] (Princeton).
16. MDG, p. 368–370; for Olive Custance, cf. Brocard Sewell, Olive Custance: Her Life and Work (London, 1975); M. Benkovitz, Aubrey Beardsley, p. 170–171; Yellow Book, VII; MDG, p. 250, 267; ALS O. Custance to J. Lane [n.d.] (Private Collection); MDG, p. 378–386 passim; Letters of Ernest Dowson, p. 397; MDG, p. 373, 376; V. O’Sullivan, ‘Literature in France’ [MS] (Princeton), p. 10; MDG, p. 382–392 passim.
Глава X. Смерть Пьеро
1. MDG, p. 396; Eustace Reynolds-Ball, Mediterranean Winter Resorts (London, 1899, ed.), p. 91, 93; MDG, p. 395; last photograph of AB, reproduced in Academy, 10.12.1898, p. 437; MDG, p. 397, MDG, p. 426; MDG, p. 397–407 passim.
2. AB, ‘Volpone, by Ben Johnson, 7 January, 1898’ [MS] (Princeton); MDG, p. 404–418 passim; Thomas Beer, The Mauve Decade (NY, 1926), p. 249; H. Harland, ‘Aubrey Beardsley’, Academy, 10.12.1898, p. 437; MDG, p. 412–427 passim; Rocket, 20.2.1898, in M. Easton, Aubrey and the Dying Lady, p. 202; MDG, p. 428, 440, 436; R. Ross, op. cit., p. 27; MDG, p. 430–436; Weintraub, op. cit., p. 252; MDG, p. 439; E. A. Beardsley to M. Beardsley, 10.12. [1904]; B. Misc., p. 107, 116; the MS is at Princeton; M. Easton, p. 115; MDG, p. 437; AB to Tristan Klingsor, 28.2. [1898] in Revue Illustre, 15.6.1898, p. 435.
3. MDG, p. 440–441; John Gray, ‘Introduction’, Last Letters of Aubrey Beardsley (London, 1904); MDG, p. 413; Alexander Michaelson, Blackfriars, October 1928, p. 613; MDG, p. 439; J. Gray, op. cit; MDG, p. 441; A. Michaelson, Blackfriars, October 1928, p. 615n; ALS A. Raffalovich to J. Gray, 9.10.1904 (National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh); MDG, p. 404, 441; A. Michaelson, Blackfriars, October 1928, p. 615n; R. Ross, op. cit., p. 27; Ross states that AB received the last rites two days before he died; MDG, p. 440; Mabel Beardsley to A. Raffalovich in A. Michaelson, Blackfriars, October 1928, p. 614; J. – E. Blanche, Portraits of a Lifetime, p. 94; M. Beardsley to A. Raffalovich, Blackfriars, October 1928, p. 614; unlabelled newspaper cutting [March, 1898], BGS Archive (Lewes); MDG, p. 441.
1. The Times, 18.3.1898, St James’s Budget, 25.3.1898; Sketch, 23.3.1898, Black and Wliite, 26.3.1898, St Paul’s, 2.4.1898.
2. Daily Chronicle, 17.3.1898; Studio, 13, 1898; Magazine of Art, 22, 1898; Academy, 55, 1898; Revue Blanche, 16, 1898; Poster and Art Collector, 1, 1898.
3. Ross to Smithers, in Tlie Letters of Oscar Wilde, p. 729–730. Emporium, 7, 1898, p. 352–355; Dekorative Kunst, 2, 1898, p. 18–21.
4. cALS Mabel Beardsley to Raffalovich, 20.5.1898; Blackfriars, Edinburgh.
5. Times (New York), 28.5.1898, p. 358; ALS Gray to Raffalovich, 20.2.1899; National Library of Scotland.
6. TLS R. A. Walker to J. Harlin O’Connell, 5.7.1949, Princeton.
7. cf. Easton, Aubrey and the Dying Lady; Jack Smithers, The Early Life and Vicissitudes of Jack Smithers (London, 1939).
8. Gleeson White, ‘The Art Movement. «Jugend»: some decorations and a moral’, Magazine of Art, 21, 1898, p. 40–44.
9. Sidney Horler, Strictly Personal (London, 1950), p. 227–228.
10. G. Richards, Author Hunting, p. 200; Weintraub, Aubrey Beardsley – Imp of the Perverse, p. 265.
11. Patricia Morrisroe, Mapplethorpe (London, 1995), p. 181, 297.
12. Philip Hensher, ‘Waiting for a Hundred Years’, Spectator, 3.8.1996, p. 8–10.