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Книги, помеченные *, обсуждаются в Приложении I

Alice, Kathryn. 2007. Love Will Find You: 9 Magnets to Bring You and Your Soulmate Together. Marlow & Company.

Almaas, A. H. 1987. Diamond Heart Series Book One: Elements of the Real in Man. Diamond Books.

Almaas, A. H. 1998. Facets of Unity: The Enneagram of Holy Ideas. Diamond Books.

Amodeo, John. 2001. The Authentic Heart: An Eightfold Path to Midlife Love. Wiley.

Anand, Margo. 1989. The Art of Sexual Ecstasy: The Path of Sacred Sexuality for Western Lovers. Tarcher Putnam.

Andreas Connirae and Steve. 1989. Heart of the Mind: Engaging Your Inner Power to Change with Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Real People Press.

Armstrong, Alison. 2003. Keys to the Kingdom. Pax Programs.

* Armstrong, Alison. 2007. Making Sense of Men: A Woman’s Guide to a Lifetime of Love, Care and Attention from All Men. Pax Programs.

Bader, Michael J. 2002. Arousal: The Secret Logic of Sexual Fantasy. Thomas Dunne Books.

* Baer, Greg. 2003. Real Love: The Truth About Finding Unconditional Love & Fulfilling Relationships. Gotham Books.

Baren, Renee and Wagele, Elizabeth. 1994. The Enneagram Made Easy: Discover the 9 Types of People. Harper.

Barnet, Rosalind and Rivers, Caryl. 2004. Same Difference: How Gender Myths Are Hurting Our Relationships, Our Children, and Our Jobs. Basic Books.

Brandenburger, Adam M. and Nalebuff, Barry J. 1996. Co-Opetition: A Revolutionary Mindset That Combines Competition and Cooperation. Doubleday.

Baucum, Don. 1996. Barron’s EZ 101 Study Keys: Psychology. Barron’s Educational Series.

Beck, Aaron. 1988. Love Is Never Enough: How Couples Can Overcome Misunderstandings, Resolve Conflicts, and Solve Relationship Problems through Cognitive Therapy. Harper and Row.

Behrendt, Greg and Tuccillo, Liz. 2004. He’s Just Not That Into You. The No-Excuses Truth to Understanding Guys. Simon Spotlight.

Beck, Don Edward and Cowan, Christopher. 2006. Spiral Dynamics: Mastering Values, Leadership and Change. Blackwell.

Block, Joel D. and Neuman, Kimberly Dawn. 2009. The Real Reason Men Commit: Why He Will – or Won’t – Love, Honor, and Marry You. Adams Media.

Bloom, Charlie and Linda. 2010. Secrets of Great Marriages: Real Truth from Real Couples about Lasting Love. New World Library.

Brings, Felicia and Winter, Susan. 2000. Older Women, Younger Men: New Options for Love and Romance. New Horizon Press.

Brizendine, Louann. 2006. The Female Brain. Morgan Road Books.

Brown, Byron. 1999. Soul without Shame: A Guide to Liberating Yourself from the Judge Within. Shambala.

Buss, David M. 2003. The Evolution of Desire: Strategies of Human Mating. Basic Books.

Campbell, Susan. 2004. Truth in Dating: Finding Love by Getting Real. New World Library.

Campbell, Susan. 2005. Saying What’s Real: 7 Keys to Authentic Communication and Relationship Success. New World Library.

Chadha, Yogesh. 1997. Gandhi. John Wiley & Sons.

Chafetz Saltzman, Janet. 2006. Handbook of the Sociology of Gender. Springer.

Chapman, Gary. 1992. The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate. Northfield Publishing.

Chapman, Gary. 2004. The Five Love Languages for Singles. Northfield Publishing.

Chödrön, Pema. 2002. Comfortable With Uncertainty: 108 Teachings on Cultivating Fearlessness and Compassion. Shambhala.

Chögyam, Trungpa. 1973. Cutting through Spiritual Materialism. Shambhala.

* Chopra, Deepak: 1997. The Path to Love: Spiritual Strategies for Healing. Three Rivers Press.

Claremont de Castillejo, Irene. 1973. Knowing Women: A Feminine Psychology. Harper.

Cloke, Bill. 2008. Love-Making from the Inside Out: A New Approach to Creating and Maintaining a Loving Relationship: How to Transform Conflict, Complaint, and Criticism. Self.

Cloud, Henry and Townsend, John. 1999. Boundaries in Marriage: Understanding the Choices That Make or Break Loving Relationships. Zondervan.

Coleman, Emily and Edwards, Betty. 1980. Brief Encounters: How to Make the Most of Relationships That May Not Last Forever. Anchor Press.

Collins, Bryn C. 1997. Emotional Unavailability: Recognizing It, Understanding It, and Avoiding Its Traps. Contemporary Books.

Combs, Allan. 2009. Consciousness Explained Better: Towards an Integral Understanding of the Multifaceted Nature of Consciousness. Paragon House.

Covey, Stephen R. 1990. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change. Fireside.

DeAngelis, Barbara. 1992. Are You the One for Me: Knowing Who’s Right & Avoiding Who’s Wrong. Dell.

de Quincey, Christian. 2005. Radical Knowing: Understanding Consciousness through Relationship. Park Street Press.

de Quincey, Christian. 2008. Consciousness from Zombies to Angels: The Shadow and the Light of Knowing Who You Are. Park Street Press.

Crenshaw, Theresa L. 1996. The Alchemy of Love and Lust: How our Sex Hormones Influence our Relationships. Pocket Books.

Deida, David. 1995. Intimate Communion: Awakening Your Sexual Essence. Health Communications, Inc.

* Deida, David. 1997. The Way of the Superior Man: A Spiritual Guide to Mastering the Challenges of Women, Work, and Sexual Desire. Sounds True.

Deida, David. 1997. It’s a Guy Thing: An Owner’s Manual for Women. Health Communications.

Deida, David. 2005. Blue Truth: A Spiritual Guide to Life & Death and Love & Sex. Sounds True.

Dyer, Wayne. 2004. The Power of Intention: Learning to Co-Create Your World Your Way. Hay House.

* Diamond, Carol. 2010. Relationship Roulette: Improve Your Odds at Lasting Love. Praeger.

Dowling, Colette. 1981. The Cinderella Complex: Women’s Hidden Fear of Independence. Pocket Books.

Ellis, Thomas. 2005. The Rantings of a Single Male: Losing Patience with Feminism, Political Correctness,… and Basically Everything. Rannenberg Publishing.

Esbjorn-Hargens, Sean and Zimmerman, Michael E. 2009. Integral Ecology: Uniting Multiple Perspectives On the Natural World. Integral Books.

Eschner Hogan, Eve with Hogan, Steve. 2000. Intellectual Foreplay: Questions for Lovers and Lovers-to-Be. Hunter House.

Etcoff, Nancy. 2000. Survival of the Prettiest: The Science of Beauty. Anchor Books.

Faludi, Susan. 1991. Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Woman. Anchor Books.

Faludi, Susan. 1999. Stiffed: The Betrayal of the American Man. Perennial.

Farrell, Bill and Pam. 2001. Man Are Like Waffles, Women Are Like Spaghetti: Understanding and Delighting in Your Differences. Harvest House Publishers.

Farrell, Warren. 1986. Why Men Are the Way They Are: The Male-Female Dynamic. Berkley Books.

Farrell, Warren. 1993. The Myth of Male Power: Why Men Are the Disposable Sex. Berkley Books.

Farrell, Warren. 2001. Women Can’t Hear What Men Don’t Say: Destroying Myths, Creating Love. Finch.

Farrell, Warren. 2001. Father and Child Reunion: How to Bring the Dads We Need to the Children We Love. Tarcher Putnam.

Farrell, Warren. 2005. Why Men Earn More: The Startling Truth Behind the Pay Gap – and What Women Can Do About It. Amacom.

Farrell, Warren and Sterba, James P. 2008. Does Feminism Discriminate Against Men: A Debate. Oxford University Press.

* Fein, Ellen and Schneider, Sherrie. 1995. The Rules: Time– tested Secrets for Capturing the Heart of Mr. Right. Warner Books.

* Feldhahn, Shaunti. 2004. For Women Only: What you need to know about the inner lives of men. Multnoma.

* Feldhahn, Shaunti and Jeff. 2006. For Men Only: A straightforward guide to the inner lives of women. Multnoma.

* Fenton, Bradley. 2008. Stumbling Naked In the Dark: Overcoming Mistakes that Men Make with Women. Simon & Brown.

Ferrini, Paul. 1998. Creating a Spiritual Relationship: A Guide to Growth and Happiness for Couples on the Path. Heartways Press.

Fisher, Helen. 2004. Why We Love: The Nature and Chemistry of Romantic Love. Henry Holt and Company.

Fisher, Helen. 2009. Why Him? Why Her? Finding Real Love by Understanding Your Personality Type. Henry Holt and Company.

Frankl, Victor. 1997. Man’s Search for Meaning. Pocket.

Fromm, Erich. 1956. The Art of Loving. Harper Perennial.

Gendreau, Geralyn (Editor). 2006. The Marriage of Sex & Spirit. Elite Books.

Gerson, Mark. 1992. Coming Into Our Own: Understanding the Adult Metamorphosis. Delacorte Press.

Gibson, Valerie. 2001. Cougar: A Guide for Older Women Dating Younger Men. Key Porter Books.

Gilbert, Elizabeth. 2006. Eat, Pray, Love: One Woman’s Search for Everything Across Italy, India and Indonesia. Penguin.

Gilbert, Elizabeth. 2010. Committed: A Skeptic Makes Peace with Marriage. Viking.

Gilligan, Carol. 1982. 1993. In a Different Voice. Harvard University Press.

Gilligan, Carol. 1992. Meeting At the Crossroads: The Landmark Book about the Turning Points in Girls’ and Women’s Lives. Ballantine.

Gilligan, Carol. 2002. The Birth of Pleasure. Knopf.

Gladwell, Malcom. 2007. Blink: The Power of Thinking without Thinking. Back Bay Books.

* Gold, Victor. 2008. The Potency Principles: Transforming Sexual Energy into Spiritual Power. iUniverse.

Goleman, Daniel. 1995. Emotional Intelligence. Bantam.

Goleman, Daniel. 2006. Social Intelligence: The Revolutionary New Science of Human Relationships. Bantam.

Gosse, Richard. 1997. You Can’t Hurry Love: An Action Guide for Singles Tired of Waiting. Marin Publications.

* Gottman, John and Silver, Nan. 1999. The Seven Principals for Making Marriage Work. Orion.

Gray, John. 1992. Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus: The Classic Guide to Understanding the Opposite Sex. Harper Collins.

Gray, John. 1993. Men, Women and Relationships: Making Peace with the Opposite Sex. Quil.

Gray, John. 1994. Mars and Venus Together Forever: Relationship Skills for Lasting Love. Harper Perennial.

Gray, John. 1997. Mars and Venus On a Date: A Guide for Navigating the 5 Stages of Dating to Create a Loving and Lasting Relationship. Harper Perennial.

* Gray, John. 2008. Why Mars and Venus Collide: Improving Relationships by Understanding How Men and Women Cope Differently with Stress. Harper.

Greenwald, Rachel. 2003. Find a Husband after 35: Using What I Learned at Harvard Business School. Ballantine Books.

Greenwald, Rachel. 2009. Why He Didn’t Call You Back: 1000 Guys Reveal What They Really Thought about You after Your Date. Crown.

Hanauer, Cathi. 2003. The Bitch In the House. 26 Women Tell the Truth about Sex, Solitude, Work, Motherhood, and Marriage. Perennial.

Harding, Esther M. 1970. The Way of All Women. Shambala.

Hawkins, David R. 1995. Power Versus Force: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior. Hay House.

Hellinger, Bernd; Weber, Gunthard; and Beamount, Hunter. 1998. Love’s Hidden Symmetry: What Makes Love Work in Relationships. Zeig, Tucker & Co.

Hendrick, Clyde and Susan S. 2000. Close Relationships: A Sourcebook. Sage.

Hendricks, Gay and Kathlyn. 1990. Conscious Loving: The Journey to Co-Commitment: A Way to Be Fully Together without Giving Up Yourself. Bantam.

Hendricks, Gay and Kathlyn. 2004. Lasting Love: The Five Secrets of Growing a Vital, Conscious Relationship. Rodale.

Hendricks, Gay and Kathlyn. 2004. Attracting Genuine Love: A step-by-step program to bring a loving and desirable partner into your life. Sounds True.

* Hendrix, Harville. 1988. Getting the Love You Want: A Guide for Couples. Owl Books.

Hendrix, Harville and LaKelly-Hunt, Helen. 2003. Getting the Love You Want Workbook. Atria Books.

Hoffman, Edward. 1988. The Right to Be Human: A Biography of Abraham Maslow. McGraw Hill.

Hoffman, Glynda-Lee. 2003. The Secret Dowry of Eve: Woman’s Role in the Development of Consciousness. Parker Street Press.

Holstein, Lana L. 2001. How to Have Magnificent Sex: The Seven Dimensions of a Vital Sexual Connection. Harmony Books.

Hooks, Bell. 2001. All About Love: New Visions. Harper Perennial.

Hooks, Bell. 2002. Communion: The Female Search for Love. Harper Perennial.

Hill, Gareth S. 1992. Masculine and Feminine: The Natural Flow of Opposites and the Psyche. Shambala.

Howard, Lew. 2005. Introducing Ken Wilber: Concepts for an Evolving World. Author House.

* Johnson, Sue. 2008. Hold Me Tight: Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love. Little, Brown.

Joudry, Patricia and Pressman, Maurie. 1993. Twin Souls: A Guide to Finding Your True

Spiritual Partner. Carol Souther Books. Jung, Emma. 1957. Animus and Anima: Two Essays. Spring Publications.

* Kasl, Charlotte. 1999. If the Buddha Dated: A Handbook for Finding Love On a Spiritual Path. Arkana.

Katie, Byron. 2002. Loving What Is: The Four Questions That Can Change Your Life. Three Rivers Press.

Katie, Byron. 2005. I Need Your Love – Is That True: How to Stop Seeking Love, Approval, and Appreciation and Start Finding Them Instead. Harmony Books.

Keagan, Robert. 1994. In Over Our Heads: The Mental Demands of Modern Life. Harvard University Press.

Keen, Sam.1991. Fire In the Belly: On Being A Man. Bantam.

Kempton, Jared. 2008. Men are Scum, Women are Stupid. Partigen Publishing.

Kennedy, Barbara. 2009. Baby Boomer Men: Looking for Love. Madison Avenue Publishers.

Kingma, Daphne Rose. 1998. The Future of Love: The Power of the Soul in Intimate Relationships. Broadway.

Kingma, Daphne Rose. 2000. Coming Apart: Why Relationships End & How to Live Through the Ending of Yours. Conari Press.

Knight, Sue. 1995. NLP At Work: Neuro-Linguistic Programming: The Difference that Makes Difference in Business. Nicholas Brealey Publishing.

Koppel, Dale. 2008. The Intelligent Woman’s Guide to Online Dating. Peterman Samuelson.

* Kirshenbaum, Mira. 2006. Is He Mr. Right?: Everything You Need to Know Before You Commit. Harmony Books.

Leeds, Lilo and Gerard with Real, Terrence. 2008. Wonderful Marriage: A Guide to Building a Great Relationship That Will Last a Lifetime. Benbella.

Lewis, Thomas; Amini, Fari; and Lannon, Richard. 2000. A General Theory of Love. Vintage.

Louis, Ron and Copeland, David. 1998. How to Succeed with Women. Reward Books.

* Love, Patricia and Stosny, Steven. 2007. How to Improve Your Marriage without Talking about It. Broadway.

Luskin, Frederic. 2009. Forgive for Love: The Missing Ingredient for a Healthy and Lasting Relationship. Harper One.

Malach Pines, Ayala. 2005. Falling in Love: Why We Choose the Lovers We Choose. Routledge.

Maslow, Abraham H. 1971. The Farther Reaches of Human Nature. Penguin.

Masters, Robert Augustus. 2007. Transformation through Intimacy: The Journey toward Mature Monogamy. Tehmenos Press.

McGraw, Phillip C. 2000. Relationship Rescue: A Seven-Step Strategy for Reconnecting with Your Partner. Hyperion.

McGraw, Phil. 2005. Love Smart: Find the One You Want – Fix the One You Got. Free Press.

McIntosh, Steve. 2007. Integral Consciousness and the Future of Evolution: How the Integral Model is Transforming Politics, Culture and Spirituality. Paragon House.

Merzel, Dennis Genpo. 2007. Big Mind, Big Heart: Finding Your Way. Big Mind Publishing.

Miller, Geoffrey. 2001. The Mating Mind: How Sexual Choice Shaped the Evolution of Human Nature. Anchor.

Mitchell, Stephen. 1988. Tao Te Ching. Harper Perennial.

Moore, Thomas. 1994. Soul Mates: Honoring the Mysteries of Love and Relationship. Harper.

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Nelson, Noelle. 1997. Dangerous Relationships: How to Identify and Respond to the Seven Warning Signs of a Troubled Relationship. DaCapo.

Norwood, Robin. 1985. Women Who Love Too Much: When You Keep Wishing and Hoping He’ll Change. Pocket Books.

Page, Susan. 1998. If I’m So Wonderful, Why Am I Still Single? Three Rivers Press.

Paget, Lou. 2000. How to Give Her Absolute Pleasure: Totally Explicit Techniques Every Woman Wants Her Man to Know. Broadway.

Paul, Pamela. 2002. The Starter Marriage and the Future of Matrimony. Random House.

Peck, Scott M. 1997. The Road Less Traveled and Beyond: Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety. Simon & Schuster.

Pickens, W. James. 1989. The Art of Closing Any Deal: How to Be a Master Closer in Everything You Do. Warner Business Books.

* Popcak, Gregory K. 2000. The Exceptional Seven Percent: The Nine Secrets of the World’s Happiest Couples. Citadel Press.

* Psaris, Jett and Lyons, S. Marlena. 2000. Undefended Love: The way you felt about yourself when you first fell in love is the way you can feel all the time. New Harbinger Publications.

Real, Terrence. 1997. I Don’t Want to Talk About It: Overcoming the Secret of Male Depression. Scribner.

Real, Terrence. 2002. How Can I Get Through to You: Closing the Intimacy Gap between Men and Women. Fireside.

* Real, Terrence. 2007. The New Rules of Marriage: What You Need to Know to Make Love Work. Ballantine.

René, Lucia. 2009. Unplugging the Patriarchy – A Mystical Journey into the Heart of a New Age. Crown Chakra.

Rengel, Peter. 1995. Living Life in Love: Integrating Western Psychology with Eastern Spirituality. Imagine Publications.

Reynolds, Brad. 2006. Where’s Wilber AT?: Ken Wilbers Integral Vision in the New Millenium. Paragon House.

* Richo, David. 2002. How to Be an Adult in Relationship: The Five Keys to Mindful Loving. Shambhala.

Riso, Don Richard, and Hudaon, Russ. 1999. The Wisdom of the Enneagram: The Complete Guide to Psychological and Spiritual Growth for the Nine Personality Types. Bantam.

Rosenberg, Marshall. 2003. Nonviolent Communication: Create Your Life, Your Relationships, and Your World in Harmony with Your Values. Puddle Dancer.

Rudman, Laurie A. and Glick, Peter. 2008. The Social Psychology of Gender: How Power and Intimacy Shape Gender Relations. Guilford Press.

Ruiz, Don Miguel. 1997. The Four Agreements. Amber-Allen.

Ruiz, Don Miguel. 1999. The Mastery of Love. Amber-Allen.

Salmon, Caterine and Symons, Donald. 2001. Warrior Lovers: Erotic Fiction, Evolution and Female Sexuality. Yale University Press.

Scantling, Sandra R. 1998. Extraordinary Sex Now: A Couples Guide to Intimacy. Doubleday.

* Schnarch, David. 1997. Passionate Marriage: Keeping Love and Intimacy Alive in Committed Relationships. Owl Books.

Schucman, Helen and Thetford, William. 1975. A Course in Miracles. Viking.

Sheehan, Donna and Reffell, Paul. 2009. Redefining Seduction: Women Initiating Courtship, Partnership and Peace. Redefining Seduction.

Sheehy, Gail. 1998. Understanding Men’s Passages: Discovering the New Map of Men’s Lives. Ballantine Books.

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Sherven, Judith and Sniechowski, James. 2001. Be Loved for Who You Really Are: How the Differences between Men and Women Can Be Turned into a Source of the Very Best Romance You’ll Ever Know. St. Martin’s Griffin.

Silverstein, Judith and Lasky, Michael. 2004. Online Dating for Dummies: The Fun and Easy Way to Find That Special Someone On the Web. Wiley Publishing.

Singer, Irving. 2009. Philosophy of Love: A Partial Summing-Up. MIT Press.

Smith, Huston. 1991. The World’s Religions: Our Great Wisdom Traditions. Harper San Francisco.

Smith, Huston. 2001. Why Religion Matters: The Fate of the Human Spirit in an Age of Disbelief. Harper.

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Stills, Judith. 1993. Excess Baggage: Getting Out of Your Way. Penguin Books.

Stills, Judith. 1996. Loving Men More, Needing Men Less. Penguin Books.

Sternberg, Robert J. and Weis, Karin. 2006. The New Psychology of Love. Yale University Press.

Stoeker, Fred and Stoeker, Jason. 2009. Hero: Becoming the Man She Desires. Water Brook.

Stosny, Steven. 2006. Love without Hurt: Turn Your Resentful, Angry or Emotionally Abusive Relationship into a Compassionate, Loving One. Da Capo Press.

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Tannen, Deborah. 1990. You Just Don’t Understand: Women and Men in Conversation. Ballantine Books.

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Tavris, Carol. 1992. The Mismeasure of Women: Why Women Are Not the Better Sex, the Inferior Sex, or the Opposite Sex. Simon & Schuster.

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