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Библиография и список источников [668]




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Публикации в журналах


В период описываемых в книге событий

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Публикации в газетах и сообщения новостных агентств


В период описываемых в книге событий

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Современные публикации

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Архивные документы

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Рассекреченные правительственные документы

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Отдельные веб-страницы


http://admiral-graf-spee.blogspot.com (Depositions to Commission of Enquiry into Nazi Activities in Argentina [CEANA] in Camarasa, Puerto Seguro)


http://www.arquitecturaandina.com.ar/anterior.php (biography of architect Alejandro Bustillo, © Revista Arquitectura Andina, Ediciуn No. 4)

http://www.arlindo-correia.com/140402.html (“O Holocausto, Peryn e la Argentina”)


http://www.balkanpeace.org/index.php?index=article&articleid= 13742 (Srđa Trifković, “The Real Genocide in Yugoslavia: Independent Croatia of 1941 Revisited,” Center for Peace in the Balkans, April 21, 2000)


http://berliner-unterwelten.de/fuehrer-bunker.328.1 .html

http://www.daviddarling.info/encyclopedia/P/Paperclip.html (Operation Paperclip from the History of Rocketry)

docs.fdrlibrary.marist.edu/PSF/BOX37/a335bb02.html (FDR letter to Churchill)


http://wwwx.emporis.corn/application/?nav=building&lng=3&icl= 1149853/









http://germanhistorydocs.ghi-dc.org/ sub_image.cfm?image_id= 1874



http://www.maritimequest.com/warship_directory/germany/pages/cruisers/ags_crew_pages/dick_heinrich_rudolf.htm (memoirs of Matrosenobergefreiter Heinrich Rudolf Dick, Division 1, Admiral Graf Spee)

http://mcfisher.Ocatch.com/scratch/vl/vl-0.htm (Mark Fisher, “American Buzz Bombs: An Incomplete History”)



http://www.nasenoviny.com/GPREN.html (S.Sgt. Jock Bramah in Normandy)



http://www.polishresistance-ak.org/2 Article.htm (courtesy of the Polish Institute and Sikorski Museum, London)


http://www.signaturehouse.net/ (Personal papers of Hans Ulrich Rudel, auctioned by Signature House Lot 236)






http://www.yadvashem.org (Shoah Resource Center, “Einsatzstab Rosenberg”; also Antonio Louзa and Ansgar Schдfer, “Portugal and the Nazi Gold: The ‘Lisbon Connection’ in the Sales of Looted Gold by the Third Reich”)


Оригинальные интервью

Jorge Luis Bernelli, director, Direcciуn de Communicaciуn Social, Ministerio de Defensa, Argentina, 2008.

Jorge Colotto, Juan Domingo Peryn’s police bodyguard, Buenos Aires, 2008.

Ida Eichhorn’s great-nephew, La Falda, Cуrdoba, 2007.

Jorge Elbaum, executive director, Delegaciуn de Associaciones Israelitas Argentinas (DAIA), Buenos Aires, 2008.

Ernesto Bernardo Feicher, presidente, DAIA, Cуrdoba, 2008.

AnНbal Domingo Fernбndez, Minister of Justice, Security and Human Rights, Buenos Ares, 2008.

David Fletcher, historian, Royal Armoured Corps Tank Museum, Bovington, Dorset, UK, August 2010.

Innes McCartney, U-boat history and diving consultant, 2008–2010.

Capt. Manuel G. Monasterio (“Jeff Kristenssen”), Buenos Aires, 2008.

Cuini Amelio Ortiz, Rome, 2008.

Juan Angel Serra, Prefecto Mayor, Jefe Servicio de Buques Guardacostas, Prefectura Naval, Argentina, 2008.

Dr. Floreal Vajlis, Buenos Aires, 2008.

Isabel Winter, 1993; http://www.philosophie.at/cofete/espanol.htm.


Интервью и исследования, выполненные по заказу авторов

Facial analysis research carried out by Professor Alf Linney, professor of medical physics, University College London, August 2010.

Original research carried out for aurhors by www.oocities.com/goldpartypin/index.html.

Researcher conversation with Omar Contreras, Buenos Aires, 2008.

Researcher conversations with Claudio Correa, Argentina, 2008.

Researcher conversations with Araceli Mйndez, Buenos Aires, 2008.

Researcher conversations with Mrs. M., Argentina, 2008.

Researcher Nahuel Coca’s conversations with Alicia Olivera, Buenos Aires, 2008.


Видео– и телевизионные фильмы и другие видеоисточники

Interviews with Hernбn Ancin, Jorge Batinic, and Catalina Gomero, video courtesy of editorial director Ricardo D’Aloia, Diario Ambito Financiero, Buenos Aires, 2008.

Interviews with Catalina Gomero and Rochus Misch, in Secret History: Hitler of the Andes by David Howard and Madoc Roberts, Barking Mad Productions, for Channel 4, UK, 2003.

Interview with Ingeborg Schaeffer, Eyeworks Quatre Cabezas, Berlin, 2007.

BBC Television documentary, “Children of the Master Race,” part of the series The Last Nazis, Minnow Films, London, broadcast 2010.

Channel 7 Argentina. La Cornisa. Reporter: Martin Jбuregui, 2005.

Granada Television, “Nazi Hunter,” a program in the British documentary series War Stories, 1999.

SyFy channel, “Hitler’s Ghost,” part of the U.S. television series Ghost Hunters International, January 2010, shot at Hotel Viena.

Cuini Amelio Ortiz, Hotel Eden, documentary film, Deutschland 1995 / 3sat / MDR, 1995.

Rodolfo Pereyra, Oro Nazi en Argentina (Nazi Gold in Argentina), Argentine documentary. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/nazi-gold-shipped-by-uboat-to-argentina-532304.html.

US. War Department Film, MID 2093, Buenos Aires, April 1938.


Исследовательские поездки авторов***(после двоеточия дано количество посещений указанного места)

Buenos Aires, Argentina: 14; Estancia San Ramуn: 3; San Carlos de Bariloche, RНo Negro Province: 5; Villa La Angostura: 3; Inalco Mansion: 3; Cуrdoba: 1; Hotel Viena, Miromar, Cуrdoba Province: 1; Hotel Eden and Eichhorn house, La Falda: 1; Eichhorn house, Pan Azucar, Cуrdoba Province: 1; Caleta de los Loros and Viedma, RНo Negro Province: 1; Berlin: 2; Reus Airport, Barcelona: 1


Прочие источники

Delegaciуn de Associaciones Israelitas Argentinas (DAIA). Report of investigation by the DAIA, Annual Report, 1997.


Источники фотографий

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The Associated Press

223, 300: Used with permission of The Associated Press Copyright© 2011. All rights reserved.

223 also Courtesy St. Petersburg Times.

Diario Ambito Financiero

В 5–16: Interviews with Hernan Ancin, Jorge Batinic, and Catalina Gomero, video courtesy of editorial director Ricardo D’Aloia, Buenos Aires.


203: © Hulton-Deutsch Collection/CORBIS; В 1–1 внизу: © Bettmann/CORBIS; В 1–9 наверху: © Hulton-Deutsch Collection/CORBIS; В 1–7 наверху; © Hoffmann/dpa/Corbis; В 1–6 внизу: © Bettmann/CORBIS; В 3–15 внизу; В 3–13; В 5–1: © Hulton-Deutsch Collection/CORBIS; В. 5–14, наверху: © Bettmann/CORBIS; В 5–14, внизу: © Bettmann/CORBIS

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281: © Shutterstock/jorisvo

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