Книги, которые отмечены звездочками, представляют собой основные материалы по теории РЭПТ.

1. Ackerman N. (1958). The psychodynamics of family life. New York Basic Books.

2. Adler A. (1927). Understanding human nature. New York Garden City.

3. Amslie G. (1974). Specious reward: A behavioral theory of impulsiveness and impulse control. Psychological Bulletin, 82,463–496.

4. *AIberti & £., & Emmons Ai L (1995). Your perfect right (6th ed). San Luis Obispo, CA: Impact.

5. Araoz D. L (1983). Hypnosis and sex therapy. New York Brunner/MazeL

6. Bach 0. A (1966). The marathon group: Intensive practice of intimate reaction. Psychological Reports, 18,995—1002.

7. Bandura A. (1986).‘Sbcial foundations of thought and action: A social cognitive theory. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-HalL

8. *BardJ. (1980). Rational-emotive therapy in practice. Champaign, Ш Research Press.

9. Barrisb H. H., & Barrish L J. (1985). Managing parental anger. The coping parent series. Leawood: Kansas: Overland Press.

10. Barrisb I.J., & Barrisb H. H. (1989). Surviving and enjoyihgyour adolescent Kansas City, MO: Westport Publishers.

11. ВагйеуУЯ. W., III. (1984)l The retreat to commitment (rev. ed.). Peru, IL Open Court

12. BaucomD. H.,& Epstein N. (1990). Cognitive-behavioral marital therapy. New York Brunner/MazeL

13. *Dryden W., & Trower P. (Eds.). (1986). Rational-emotive therapy: Recent developments in theory and practice: Bristol, England: Institute for RET (UK).

14. Duckro P., Beat D., & George C. (1979). Research on the effects of disconHrmed client role expectations in psychotherapy: A critical review. Psychological Bulletin, 86,260–275.

15. Dunlap K. (1932). Habits: Their making and unmaking New York Liveright.

16. Eisenberg]. M, & Тхпфе И. W. (1975). Journal of Marriage and Family Counseling (1), 81–91.

17. * Ellis A. (1957). How to live with a "neurotic”: At home and at work New York Crown; revised ed, Hollywood, CA: Wilshire Books, 1975.

18. *EUis A. (1958a). Rational psychotherapy. Journal of General Psychology, 59,35–49. Reprinted by the Institute for Rational-Emotive Therapy, New York

19. *ElHs A. (1958b). Sex without guilt. New York Lyle Stuart; rev. ed, New York, Lyle Stuart, 1965.

20. *Etlis A. (I960). The art and science of love. Secaucus, NJ: Lyle Stuart

21. *EUis A. (1962). Reason and emotion in psychotherapy. Secaucus, NJ: Lyle Stuart.

22. *EUisA. (1963). Toward a more precise definition of "emotional” and "intellectual" insight Psychological Reports, 13,125–126.

23. * Ellis A. (1965). Suppressed; Seven key essays publishers dared not print. Chicago; New Classics House.

24. * Ellis A. (1968). Is psychoanalysis harmful? Psychiatric Opinion, 5(1), 16–25. Reprinted by the Institute for Rational-Emotive Therapy, New York

25. * Ellis A. (1969). A weekend of rational encounter. Rational Living, 4(2), 1–8.

26. * Ellis A. (197 la). Growth through reason. North Hollywood, CA: Wilshire Books.

27. * Ellis A. (Speaker), (1971b). How to stubbornly refuse to be ashamed of anything (Cassette recording). New York; Institute for Rational Emotive Therapy.

28. *EUis A. (1972 a). Helping people get better Rather than merely feel better. Rational Living, 7(2), 2–9.

29. * Ellis A. (1972b). Psychotherapy and the value of a human being New York; Institute for Rational-Emotive Therapy.

30. * Ellis A. (1973). Humanistic psychotherapy; The rational-emotive approach. New York McGraw-Hill.

31. *Ellis A. (1974a). Technique of disputing irrational beliefs (DIBS). New York Institute for Rational Emotive Therapy.

32. * Ellis A. (1974b). The treatment of sex and love problems in women. In V. Franks & V. Burtle (Eds.), Women in therapy (pp. 284–306). New York Brunner/Mazel.

33. *EUis A. (1976a). The biological basis of human irrationality. Journal of Individual Psychology, 32» 145–168. Reprinted by the Institute for Rational-Emotive Therapy, New York

34. * Ellis A. (Speaker), (1976b). Conquering low frustration tolerance (Cassette recording). New York Institute for Rational-Emotive Therapy.

35. * Ellis A. (Speaker), (1976c). Rational-emotive psychotherapy applied to groups (Film). Washington, DO American Association of Counseling and Development

36. * Ellis A. (1976d). RET abolishes most of the human ego. Psychotherapy, 13,343–348. Reprinted by the Institute for Rational-Emotive Therapy, New York

37. *EUis A. (Speaker), (1976e). Rational-emotive therapy with individuals and groups (Videotape). Austin, TX; Audio-Visual Resource Center, University of Texas.

38. * Ellis A. (1976f). Sex and the liberated man. Secaucus, NJ: Lyle Stuart.

39. *EUis A. (1976$). Techniques of handling anger in marriage. Journal of Marriage and Family Counseling, 2,305–316.

40. * Ellis A. (1977a). Anger How to live with and without it. Secaucus, NJ; Citadel Press.

41. * Ellis A. (1977b). Fun as psychotherapy. Rational Living, 72(1), 2–6.

42. * Ellis A. (Speaker), (1977c). A garland of rational humorous songs (Cassette recording). New York Institute for Rational-Emotive Therapy.

43. * Ellis A. (1978a). Family therapy: A phenomenological and active-directive approach. Journal of Marriage and Family Counseling,4(2),43–50. Reprinted by the Institute for Rational-Emotive Therapy, New York

44. * Ellis A. (1978b). Personality characteristics of rational-emotive therapists and other kinds of therapists. Psychotherapy; Theory, Research and Practice, 15,329–332.

45. *EUis A. (1979a). Discomfort anxiety: A new cognitive behavioral construct. Part 1. Rational Living, 14(2), 3–8.

46. * Ellis A. (1979b). The intelligent woman’s guide to dating and mating. Secaucus, NJ: Lyle Stuart

47. * Ellis А. (1979с). The issue of force and energy in behavioral change Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, 10(2), 83–97.

48. * Ellis A. (1979d).The practice of rational-emotive therapy. In A. Ellis & J. M. Whiteley (Eds.), Theoretical and empirical foundations for rational-emotive therapy (pp. 61— 100). Monterey, CA: Brooks/Cole.

49. * Ellis A. (1979e). The theory of rational-emotive therapy. In A. Ellis & J. M. Whiteley (Eds.), Theoretical and empirical foundations of rational-emotive therapy (pp. 33–60). Monterey, CA: Brooks/Cole.

50. * Ellis A. (1980a). Discomfort anxiety: A new cognitive behavioral construct. Part 2. Rational Living, 15(1), 25–30.

51. *Ettis A. (1980b). Rational-emotive therapy and cognitive behavior therapy: Similarities and differences. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 4,325–340.

52. * Ellis A. (1980c). The treatment of erectile dysfunction. In S. R. Leiblum & L A. Pervin (Eds.), Principles and practice of sex therapy (pp. 240–258). New York: Guilford.

53. * Ellis A. (1980d). The value of efficiency in psychotherapy. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, and Practice, 77,414–418.

54. *EUisA. (1981). The use ofrational humorous songs in psychotherapy. Voices, 16(4), 29–36.

55. * Ellis A. (1982 a). Intimacy in rational-emotive therapy. In M. Fisher & G. Striker (Eds.), Intimacy (pp. 203–217). New York: Plenum.

56. * Ellis A. (1982b). Rational-emotive group therapy. In G. M. Gazda (Ed.), Basic approaches to group psychotherapy and group counseling (3rd ed.) (pp. 381–412). Springfield, IL Thomas.

57. *Ettis A. (1982c). The treatment of alcohol and drug abuse: A rational-emotive approach. Rational Living, 77(2), 15–24.

58. Ellis A. (1982d). Rational-emotive family therapy. In A. M. Home & M. M. Ohisen (Eds.), Family counseling and therapy (pp. 302–328). Itasca, IL: Peacock.

59. * Ellis A. (1983 a). Failures in rational-emotive therapy. In E. B. Foa & P. M. G. Emmelkamp (Eds.), Failures in behavior therapy (pp. 159–171). New York: Wiley.

60. *Ettis A. (1983b). The philosophic implications and dangers of some popular behavior therapy techniques. In M. Rosenbaum, С M. Franks, & Y. Jaffe (Eds.), Perspectives in behavior therapy in the eighties (pp. 138–151).New York: Springer Publishing Co.

61. Ellis A. (1983c). Rational-emotive therapy (RET) approaches to overcoming resistance. British Journal of Cognitive Therapy, 7(1), 28–38.

62. * Ellis A. (1985a). Dilemmas in giving warmth or love to clients: An interview with Windy Dryden. In W. Dryden (Ed.), Therapist’s dilemmas (pp. 5—16). London: Harper & Row.

63. ” Ellis, A. (1985b). Expanding the ABCs of rational-emotive therapy. In M Mahoney & A. Freeman (Eds.), Cognition and psychotherapy (pp. 313–323). New York: Plenum.

64. * Ellis A. (1985c). Overcoming resistance: Rational-emotive therapy with difficult clients. New York: Springer Publishing Co.

65. * Ellis A. (1986). Anxiety about anxiety: The use of hypnosis with rational-emotive therapy. In E. T. Dowd &J. M. Healy (Eds.), Case studies in hypnotherapy (pp. 3— 11). New York Guilford.

66. * Ellis A. (1987a). A sadly neglected cognitive element in depression. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 77,121–146.

67. *EUis A. (1987b). The use of rational humorous songs in psychotherapy. In W. Б Fry, Jr. & W. A. Salameh (Eds.), Handbook of humor and psychotherapy (pp. 265–286). San Diego: Professional Resource Exchange.

68. * EUis A. (1988). How to stubbornly refuse to make yourself miserable about anything — yes, anything! Secaucus, NJ: Lyle Stuart.

69. *EOis A. (Speaker). (1989). Unconditionally accepting yourself and others (Cassette recording). New York: Institute for Rational-Emotive Therapy.

70. *EUis A. (Speaker). (1990). Albert Ellis live at the Learning Annex New York: Institute for Rational-Emotive Therapy.

71. * Ellis A. (1991a). Are all methods of counseling equally effective State Journal for Counseling and Development, 6(2), 9—13.

72. * Ellis A. (1991b). The case against religiosity (rev. ed) New York: Rational-Emotive Therapy.

73. * Ellis A. (1991c). Humanism and psychotherapy: A revolutionary approach, (rev. ed.) New York: Institute for Rational-Emotive Therapy. (Original work published 1972)

74. * EUis A. (1991d). Rational-emotive family therapy. In A. M. Home i more (Eds.), Family counseling and therapy (2nd ecL, pp. 403–434). Itasca, IL* Peacock.

75. *EUis A. (1991e) Using RET effectively: Reflections and interview Bernard (Ed.), Using rational-emotive therapy effectively (pp. 1—33) New York: Plenum.

76. *EUis A. (1992a) Brief therapy: The rational-emotive method: In man, M. E Hoyt,8c S. Fiedman (Eds.), The first session in brief36—58) New York: Guilford.

77. *Ellis A. (1992b) Foreword. In P. Hauck, Overcoming the rating game. Louisville^ KY: Westminster/John Knox.

78. *EHis A. (1992c) Group rational-emotive and cognitive-behavior. International Journal of Group Therapy,42,63–80.

79. *EUis A. (1993a) The advantages and disadvantages of self-help therapy materials. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 24,335–339.

80. *EUis A. (1993b) Fundamentals of rational-emotive therapy for the 1990s. In W. Dryden & L K. Hill (Eds.) Innovations in rational-emotive therapy (pp. 1—32) Newbury Park, CA: Sage.

81. *EUis A. (1993c) General semantics and rational emotive behavior therapy. Bulletin of General Semantics, 51,12–28. Also in P. D. Johnston, E land, Jr., &J. Klein (Eds.) More E-prime (pp. 213–240) Concord, CA: International Society for General Semantics.

82. *ESis A. (1993d) Rational emotive imagery: RET version. In M J. 8c J. L. Wolfe (Eds.) The RET source bookfor practitioners (pp. New York: Institute for Rational-Emotive Therapy.

83. *EUis A. (1993e) The rational-emotive dherapy (RET) approach to marriage and family therapy. Family Journal: Counseling.and Therapy for Couples and Families, 1,292–307.

84. *EUis A. (1993f) Rational-emotive therapy and hypnosis. In J*. W. Rhue, S. J. Lynn, 8c Г. Kirsch (Eds.) Handbook of clinical hypnosis (pp. 173–186) Washington, DO American Psychological Association.

85. *Eflis A. (1993g) Vigorous RET disputing. In M. E. Bernard 8zJ. (Eds.)The RET resource book for practitioners (pp. 11—7)New York: Institute for Rational-Emotive Therapy.

86. *Ettis A. (1994a) My response to "Don’t throw the therapeutic baby out with the holy water": Helpful and hurtful elements of religion! Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 13,323–326.

87. *EUis A. (1994b). Rational ©motive behavior therapy approaches to obsessive- compulsive disorder (OCD). Journal of Rational-Emotive and Cognitive-Behavior Therapy, 12,121–141.

88. *EttisA. (1994c). Reason and emotion in psychotherapy (revised and updated). New York; Birch Lane Press.

,89. * Ellis A. (1994d). Secular humanism. In E Wertz (Ed.), The humanistic movement (pp. 233–242). Lakeworth, FL: Gardner Press.

90. * Ellis A. (1994e). The treatment of borderline personalities with rational emotive behavior therapy. Journal of Rational-Emotive and Cognitive-Behavior Therapy, 72,101–119.

91. * Ellis A. (1995a). Rational, emotive behavior therapy. In R. Corsini & D. Wedding (Eds.), Current Psychotherapies (5th ed, pp. 162–196).'Itasca, lL; Peacock.

92. * Ellis A. (Speaker), (1995b). Using rational-emotive behavior therapy techniques to cope with disability (Cassette recording). Englewood, CO. Sound Images Inc

93. * Ellis A. (1996a). Better, deeper and more enduring brief therapy. New York; Brunner/Mazel.

94. * Ellis A. (1996b). A social constructionist position for mental health counseling: A response to Jeffrey T. Guterman. Journal of Mental Health Counseling.

95. * Ellis A., & Abrahms E. (1978). Brief psychotherapy in medical and health practice. New York Springer Publishing Co.

96. * Ellis A., & Abrams M. (1994). How to cope with a fatal disease. New York Barricade Books.

97. * Ellis A., 6r Becker I. (1982). A guide to personal happiness. North Hollywood, CA: Wilshire.

98. *EUis A, & BemardM. E. (Eds.).’(1983). Rational-emotive approaches to the problems of childhood. New York Plenum.

99. * Ellis A., & Bernard AL E. (Eds.). (1985). Clinical applications ofrational-emotive therapy. New York Plenum»

100. *EUis A., 6r Grieger R (Eds.). (1977). Handbook of rational-emotive therapy (VoL

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101. * Ellis A., & Grieger R (Eds.). (1986). Handbook of rational-emotive therapy (VoL

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102. * Ellis A., €r Harper R A. (1961a). A guide to rational living. Englewood Cliffs, NJ; Prentice Hall.

103. * Ellis A., & Harper R A. (1961b). A guide to successful marriage. North Hollywood, CA: Wilshire Books.

104. * Ellis A., & Harper R A. (1997). A guide to rational living, (3rd ed.) Revised and updated. North Hollywood, CA: Wilshire

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106. * Ellis A., & Lange A. (1994). How to keep people frwn pushing your buttons. New York Carol Publications.

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108. * Ellis A, & Robb H. (1994). Acceptance in rational-emotive therapy. In S. G Hayes, N. S. Jacobson, V. M Follette, & M.J. Dougher (Eds.), Acceptance and change (pp. 91— 102). Reno, NV? Context Press.

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