1. Hoover Institution of War, Revolution and Peace, Stanford University, California, U.S.A. American Relief Administration (ARA) Archives, Russian Section. (The institution is abbreviated to «Н» in the Notes).
2. Norsk Folkemuseum Archives (Norwegian Folk Museum), Oslo, Norway.
3 Riksarkivet (The National Archives), Oslo, Norway Arkivet fra Nedre Slottsgate 3 Privatarkiv Frederik Prytz Privatarkiv Vidkun Quisling (The institution is abbreviated to «RA» in the Notes).
4 Public Record Office, Kiev, United Kingdom (now renamed National Archives) Records Relating to Special Operations Executive (SOE) Activity in Scandinavia, 1940–1945. Made available to the public 2 June, 1994.
5. Nasjonalbiblioteket, Oslo (National Library of Norway, Oslo, formerly Oslo University Library) Nansenarkivet (Nansen Archives).
6. Quislingarkivet (Quisling Archive) Fotografisamlingen (Photography Collection) (The instituion is abbreviated to «NB» in the Notes).
1. Barth, Else Margarete. Gud, det er meg: Vidkun Quisling som politisk filosof. Oslo, 1996.
2. Coates, William Peyton and Zelda. A History of Anglo-Soviet Relations. London, 1943, vol. 2.
3. Dagens Nyheter (Stockholm, Sweden).
4. Dahl, Hans Fredrik. Vidkun Quisling: En forer blir til, Oslo, 1991.
5. Hartmann, Sverre. Forer uten folk. Oslo, 1959.
6. Hayes, Paul M. Quisling: The Career and Political Ideas of Vidkun Quisling. Indiana University Press, 1971.
7. Hoidal, Oddvar K. Quisling: A Study in Treason. Oslo, 1989.
8. Juritzen, Arve, Privatmennesket Quisling og hans to kvinner. Oslo, 1988.
9. Kettle, Michael. Sidney Reilly: The True Story of the World’s Greatest Spy. New York, 1983.
10. Knightley, Phillip. How the Russians Broke the Ace of Spies. Observer Review (London), April 12, 1992.
11. Lannung, Hermod. Min russiske Ungdom. Copenhagen, 1978.
12. Lockhart, Robin Bruce. British Agent. New York and London, 1933.
13. Lockhart, Robin Bruce, Jr. Reilly, Ace of Spies. Penguin Books, 1967.
14. Loveid, Cecilie. Maria Q. Oslo, 1994. Morgenbladet (Oslo, Norway).
15. Parmann, Oistein, ed. Maria Quislings Dagbok og andre etterlatte papirer. Oslo, 1980.
16. Rositzke, Harry. The KGB, The Eyes of Russia. New York, 1981.
17. Vidkun Quislings forsvarstale i lagmannsretten September 1945. Published by Institutt for Norsk Okkupasjonshistorie. Oslo, 1987.
18. Vogt, Benjamin. Mennesket Vidkun og forraederen Quisling. Oslo, 1965.
19. Woyciechowski, S. L. The Trust. Zaria Press (Canada), 1974.