J. Flexnеr, George Washington, v. 1–4. Boston, 1965–1972.

D. Freeman, George Washington, v. 1–7. New York, 1948–1957.

F. Bellamy, The Private Life of George Washington. New York, 1951.

S. Bernis, Jay's, Treaty. New York, 1923.

M. Сunliff, George Washington: Man and Monument. New York, 1958.

F. Gilbert. To fhe Farewell Address: Ideas of Early American Foreign Policy. New York, 1961.

«Affectionately Yours, George Washington: A Self-Portrait in Letters of Friendship». Ed. by T. Fleming, New York, 1967.

S. Little, George Washington 1732–1799. New York, 1962.

S. Padover, The Washington Papers. New York, 1955.

L. Sears, George Washington and the French Revolution. New York, 1960.

«George Washington. A. Profile». Ed. by J. Smith, New York, 1969.

W. Wilsоn, George Washington. New York, 1969.

E. Wright, Washington and the American Revolution. New York, 1957.