Вниманию читателей предлагается книга Кэролайн Кин «Тайна загадочной лестницы».
Каждый абзац текста, на английском языке, снабжен ссылкой на литературный перевод.
Книга предназначена для учащихся старший классов школ, лицеев и гимназий, а также для широкого круга лиц, интересующихся английской литературой и совершенствующих свою языковую подготовку.
Нэнси — дочь известного адвоката Карсона Дру из американского городка Ривер-Хайтс. Она часто помогает отцу в расследовании сложных и захватывающих дел…
] Carolyn Keene
The Nancy Drew Mystery Stories 2:
The Hidden Staircase
Данная книга из серии «Нэнси Дру», сделана из двух: «The Hidden Staircase» и «Тайна загадочной лестницы», автор Кэролайн Кин.
Я старался соотнести по смыслу английский текст с его переводом, часто переводчик вводит в текст "отсебятину", но ведь это не "подстрочник", цель переводчика донести смысл... Но отсутствие «разжеванных» ответов, как мне кажется, будет лучше стимулировать мысль учащегося.
Полноценно работать с данным пособием можно на устройстве, поддерживающем гиперссылки: компьютер или различные «читалки» с сенсорным экраном, желательно со словарем.
] CHAPTER I. The Haunted House.
] NANCY DREW began peeling off her garden gloves as she ran up the porch steps and into the hall to answer the ringing telephone. She picked it up and said, "Hello!"
] "Hi, Nancy! This is Helen." Although Helen Corning was nearly three years older than Nancy, the two girls were close friends.
] "Are you tied up on a case?" Helen asked.
] "No. What's up? A mystery?"
] "Yes—a haunted house."
] CHAPTER II. The Mysterious Mishap.
] SIPPING their tea, Helen Corning and her aunt waited for Nancy's decision. The young sleuth was in a dilemma. She wanted to start at once solving the mystery of the "ghost" of Twin Elms. But Nathan Comber's warning still rang in her ears and she felt that her first duty was to stay with her father.
] At last she spoke. "'Mrs. Hayes—" she began.
] "Please call me Aunt Rosemary," the caller requested. "All Helen's friends do."
Nancy smiled. "I'd love to. Aunt Rosemary, may I please let you know tonight or tomorrow? I really must speak to my father about the case. And something else came up just this afternoon which may keep me at home for a while at least."
] "I understand," Mrs. Hayes answered, trying to conceal her disappointment.
] CHAPTER III. A Stolen Necklace.
] "WE'D better get home in a hurry and change our clothes," said Mr. Drew. "And I'll call the contracting company to tell them what happened."
] "And notify the police?" Nancy suggested.
] She dropped behind her father and gazed over the surrounding ground for telltale footprints. Presently she saw several at the edge of the spot where the truck had stood.
] "Dad!" the young sleuth called out. "I may have found a clue to explain how that truck started downhill."
] Her father came back and looked at the footprints. They definitely had not been made by a workman's boots.
] CHAPTER IV. Strange Music.
] THE ANXIOUS group stared inside the wardrobe. No one stood there. Dresses, suits, and coats hung in an orderly row.
] Nancy took a step forward and began separating them. Someone, she thought, might be hiding behind the clothes. The others in the room held their breaths as she made a thorough search.
] "No one here!" she finally announced, and a sigh of relief escaped the lips of Miss Flora and Aunt Rosemary.
] The young sleuth said she would like to make a thorough inspection of all possible hiding places on the second floor. With Helen helping her, they went from room to room, opening wardrobe doors and looking under beds. They did not find the thief.
] Nancy suggested that Miss Flora and Aunt Rosemary report the theft to the police, but the older woman shook her head. Mrs. Hayes, although she agreed this might be wise, added softly, "Mother just might be mistaken. She's a little forgetful at times about where she puts things."
English source.
Старинная литература
Carolyn Keene
Book title: The Hidden Staircase