The Witch of Blackbird Pond / Ведьма с пруда Черных Дроздов. 10-11 классы

Джордж Спир Элизабет

Шитова А. В.

Осиротевшая шестнадцатилетняя Кит Тайлет покидает родной Барбадос и отправляется в Новый Свет на поиски своих единственных родственников, которых она прежде никогда не видела. Но в колониальном Коннектикуте 1687 года своевольной и жизнерадостной девушке никак не найти себе место. Наконец, Кит посчастливилось обрести родственную душу, когда она знакомится с загадочной отшельницей Ханной, которую местные жители считают ведьмой. Однако её радость длится недолго.

Chapter One

On a morning in April, 1687, the brigantine Dolphin sailed into Saybrook harbor. Kit Tyler was standing on the deck, looking at the land for the first time in five weeks.

“There’s Connecticut Colony,” someone spoke in her ear. She looked up, surprised. The whole long voyage the captain’s son didn’t say a word to her. But she had often noticed him, his thin figure, tanned skin and sunburned hair. His name was Nathaniel Eaton or just Nat. “How do you like it?” he asked.

“Is that Wethersfield?” she asked Nat. America looked disappointing to Kit. The thin shoreline, gray harbor, ugly wooden houses – they were such a contrast to Barbados which was her home.

“No, this is the port of Saybrook, our home.”

She could see nothing interesting and was happy because this was not her destination.